Armor Frenzy

Chapter 250: fire fire

Ye Han and Hu Bin quietly touched the edge of the mall, and just took a few steps, the individual radio station in the ears of the two received a new order at the same time: "Sniper team attention, reinforcements are about to attack, everyone stay away from the patio, repeat, everyone Stay away from the patio!"

Ye Han couldn't help but froze for a moment, then turned around and looked at the patio in astonishment.

Outside the shopping mall, several tanks that had just been transferred from nearby drove into the shopping mall with a rumble. They split up and stopped at the edge of the patio. Then several armored vehicles with their roofs still burning suddenly drove towards the tanks, their tracks stuck on the rear of the tank. , increase the horsepower and climb to the top of the tank, the angle of the body and the ground is almost forty degrees.

Then the turrets on several armored vehicles rotated to the side at the same time, and the parallel machine guns on the turrets were aimed at each floor. The turrets of the armored vehicles were not sufficiently elevated to shoot at the targets in the direction of the patio, so they could only use a platform to raise the chassis. Increased turret elevation.

The command car gave an order, and four 7.62mm parallel machine guns fired at the same time. The bullets swept across the second floor of the patio, killing all the bandits close to the patio one by one.

The night vision equipment on the armored vehicle is not vegetarian. Even if it hides behind the counter, it can't stop the thermal imager's search, but with one round of strafing, dozens of gangsters have been killed.

The gangsters hiding in the shadows were in an uproar. After a short period of chaos, the gangsters reorganized a new round of offensive. Dozens of gangsters held ignited incendiary bottles and threw them down from various floors. The incendiary bottles fell to those few Near the tanks and armored vehicles, some fell directly on those vehicles, and the raging fire burned immediately, and billowing smoke rose with the flames.

This flame can only help modern armored vehicles to warm up, but the gangsters obviously don't know this, and they can still throw incendiary bombs into the patio.

The machine guns that had just been silent were fired again. Wherever there were bandits, bullets swept across them. The four armored vehicles poured out their firepower at a speed of dozens of bullets per second, and the dense bullets killed all directions in the patio. The gangsters cried out to their parents and called their mothers in a mess, and dozens of people fell down in a blink of an eye.

Bandit gangs, who can't stand on the grass, bully and bully the unarmed people. If they are really against the **** machines, they can only eat turtles and send them to death.

The strong appearance of the armored force made all the gangsters tremble with fear. Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Go, go back!"

"Where?" Hu Bin was stunned.

"Patio!" Ye Han said without looking back.

He just shouted happily, but in fact he didn't dare to approach the patio at all, otherwise he wouldn't be able to find a place to justify being killed by an armored vehicle.

Hu Bin followed Ye Han uneasily, the two slowly approached the patio, stopped when they were still about 20 meters away from the patio, changed directions, and groped for cover along the direction equal to the edge of the patio.

As soon as they crossed the two rows of counters, the two found a few enemies behind a counter.

Ye Han was not polite at all, and shot the enemy directly.

The little sound of the whisper pistol was covered up by the sound of the machine gun. Except for the gangsters who were killed, no one else found out what the two were doing.

They fought all the way, but within half a minute, the two had already killed more than a dozen enemies.

Ye Han, who was moving forward carefully, suddenly heard a voice in the earphone: "A group of reports, the fire on the first floor is spreading!"

Ye Han immediately covered his mouth and shrank into the counter next to him: "What's the situation?" Turning to look at the patio, the beating flames made the patio flicker.

"Burning. The bottle lit the counter. Now the first floor is full of fire, and the flames are spreading to the second floor!"

Ye Han took a deep breath, his nostrils filled with gunpowder smoke smelled an obvious burnt smell, and an alarm bell rang out in his heart.

Right now is not the normal period of social order in the past. There will never be fire trucks coming to put out the fire, and the military has no time to put out the fire. In other words, the fire in the shopping mall will continue to spread, and sooner or later it will burn to the sixth floor!

Although it takes a while for the fire to reach the sixth floor, the most deadly thing in a fire is often not the flame, but the various toxic gases produced by the combustion!

This is a shopping mall that focuses on technology products. From the first floor to the sixth floor, there are electronic devices of different models and specifications everywhere, ranging from MP3s to desktop computers.

Although he did not know the main materials of electronic equipment, he knew that when these things were ignited, a large amount of poisonous gas would definitely be produced. It is estimated that he would let the poisonous gas smoke to death before the fire reached the sixth floor. Choking to death... In short, it's not good to die.

Ye Han didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said on the radio: "Every group pays attention, the patio can't go, immediately go up to the side, and go to the side to find the stairs, hurry up!" After saying that, he jumped up immediately and greeted Hu Bin. Run to the edge of the sixth floor.

Hu Bin hurriedly followed, and the two quickly ran between the counters in the maze-like complex. The sound of footsteps caught the bandits' attention, so that before they even got close to the edge of the sixth floor, five or six bandits with guns suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Get out of the way!" Ye Han shouted, quickly jumped aside, took off the grenade around his waist without hesitation, and threw it over. After an explosion, all the bandits in the way fell down.

Although Ye Han was so, he didn't rush up rashly, but raised his hand to make up for the gun. Each fallen gangster shot at least twice, and only after he was sure that all the gangsters were dead, did he Speed ​​up and rush over.

Finally, I saw the outer wall of the sixth floor, but the outer wall was actually blocked by a layer of plywood in the shopping mall. All the places I could see were squares separated by one after another, and I couldn't find any clues to the stairs!

Ye Han was so angry that he almost clenched his back molars, and immediately walked along the aisle, making up his mind, even if he ran around the outer wall, he would find the stairs!

The two of them were highly concentrated, and while running fast, they had to pay attention to the ubiquitous enemies.

The fire spread much faster than expected. The rising fire actually illuminated the edge of the sixth floor. The luminosity in the night vision device was getting higher and higher, and it had reached a dazzling level. Ye Han simply pushed the night vision device away. , and suddenly saw a green arrow pointing forward at the foot.

Direction indication, this is the direction indication!

Ye Han was overjoyed: "Let's go this way!"

Hu Bin was already in chaos at this time, and he had no idea at all. He would follow Ye Han to run wherever he went.

Guided by the arrow, the two of them followed faster and faster. After a few turns, they arrived at the corner of the sixth floor. Ye Han was delighted to see that there was an inconspicuous glass door in the corner.

Ye Han rushed over desperately, pulled open the glass door, and a thick plume of smoke jumped out of the door immediately, covering Ye Han's head.

The thick smoke choked Ye Han's breath, and one stumbled to the ground, coughing uncontrollably, causing his nose and tears to flow out together, and his eyes were red with smoke, like a rabbit with pink eye disease~www.readwn .com~Welcome all book lovers to come and read. The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all users, please go to read.

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