Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1374: strategic risk

On the bridge of the Thunder Mountain, everyone sat in their seats, and everyone had a panoramic helmet on their head. X23US. COM updates fastest


Ye Han's voice appeared in everyone's ears: "Luo Qi, are you **** okay?"


"It's alright, alright, it'll be alright soon!" Luo Qi repeatedly agreed, scrambling to click, the virtual screen kept flashing with his distant clicks, full of technology.


Ye Han wanted to urge again, but the scene in front of him suddenly changed, the fleet that was sailing in the void disappeared, and a familiar dwarf planet appeared under his feet.


Luo Qi let out a long breath, took off the panoramic helmet and wiped off the sweat: "Okay!"


Ye Han shouted in dissatisfaction: "Hurry up next time!" He swiped his finger, called up the control program with a specific gesture, clicked on a specific position and rotated a small half circle, the Ceres that was originally under his feet immediately moved to the left .


Luo Qi quickly agreed, but he couldn't help but muttered in his heart, the fleet is so far away from Ceres, how can the satellite signal be so well connected? Of course, no matter how good the reason is, he will not say it. Everyone in the army has a virtue, and they always only ask about the results and not the process.


"Has it started?" He Lu blinked and looked around, "Where's our fleet?"


His eyes swept around, only to see the alien fleet in front of him, and he didn't find the Nanzhou fleet at all.


Luo Qi turned for half a circle out of thin air, facing He Lu and pointed at Ceres: "This is the guidance satellite of the artillery array, and the viewing angle is fixed on the artillery array."


He Lu glanced at Luo Qi in surprise: "Why don't you directly connect with the Yuzhou number?"


Luo Qi's face darkened, and he was extremely aggrieved: "I think so, but I can't connect. If it hadn't been transferred to the satellite, there would be no signal yet!" After speaking, he glanced at Ye Han.


Ye Han glared at him angrily: "Okay, okay, you are smart, okay?"


Luo Qi laughed: "That's a must!"


Ye Han continued to stare: "You're still panting when you say you're fat! Don't talk about useless, hurry up and find me a signal!"


There are more than one guiding satellites. Even if Yuzhou cannot be contacted, at least the signals of other satellites can be found out. In this way, the panoramic view around Ceres is obtained.


Luo Qi put his hand on his forehead: "Right now!"


Ye Han pointed a finger, and the alien fleet in the distance suddenly enlarged.


He Lu was so startled that he almost jumped up: "Why are there so many stones? The dog wants to smash Ceres!"


Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Han.


Ye Han's face was solemn: "It should be... the reflex arc of aliens is long enough. How many times have we hit them with asteroids?"


He Lu's shocked expression froze, thinking about my captain, is this the time to say this?


He glanced at the statistics. There were more than 70 enemy ships near Ceres, and more than 20 asteroids of different sizes. His heart sank slightly: "Captain, can the main force of the Nanzhou Group come back? Can the Yuzhou ships withstand so many enemy ships?"


As soon as the battle meeting was over, Gao Kai decided to use active defense tactics, but it was only delayed because the battleship needed maintenance.


After the maintenance was completed not long ago, Gao Kai immediately scattered the fleet, and the main force of the fleet spread out on the spot. Don't head towards the enemy ships attacking from all directions, using various means to delay the assembly time of the enemy forces. So far, the Nanzhou fleet has Four enemy ships have been destroyed and nearly twenty were damaged.


In exchange, seven warships in the Nanzhou Fleet Group were damaged in different procedures, and another one underestimated the enemy and rushed forward and was beaten by several enemy ships.


This battleship exchanged its life for life, and managed to escape two enemy ships, but the battleship was already on the verge of shattering, and if the action was a little violent, there was a danger of disintegration. It was much more tragic than when Leishan returned to Beiyuezhou.


The aliens seem to be accustomed to the active defense tactics of human beings. The enemy ships that have assembled towards Ceres do not hesitate. If they encounter an interception, they will fight. Run, and complete the assembly at the cost of only four battleships.


No, just as soon as the enemy had changed, the Yuzhou number sent out a notification. Ye Han saw the notification and asked Luo Qi to contact Ceres, intending to check the situation behind.


At present, the main force of the Nanzhou fleet has not returned. Ceres has only six warships led by Yuzhou. The situation is almost a replica of the original.


However, at the beginning, Yuzhou brought five battleships in the best condition. This time it was just the opposite. The few battleships that remained at Ceres were all in the worst condition.


If the main force of the Nanzhou fleet cannot return to defense in time, the Yuzhou and other ships left behind on Ceres will inevitably be in a dire situation.


After listening to He Lu's words, Ye Han didn't answer and asked, "Where is Nanzhou?"


Luo Qi quickly called up the communication record: "The last location report was yesterday, a five-day voyage from Ceres, but the Nanzhou stumbled on two enemy ships. The exact return time is not easy to say, if it goes well, it will take five days...and seven days. possible."


"what about others?"


"Six or seven days at most, three or four days at least." Luo Qi simply called out the location map of the Nanzhou fleet.


He Lu looked at the light spots on the star map, puzzled: "That's not right, you see, the positions of these battleships in the Nanzhou Group seem to be covering the enemy's bottom!"


"It's a coincidence." Ye Han said, "The distance is too far. Before they can get close, the enemy will run away first."


He Lu reluctantly sighed: "What do you call this, the enemy is about to enter the range of the artillery formation, and the fleet is still hanging around outside..."


Ye Han said, "There's no way to do this. Who makes us face the aliens!"


Everyone is silent. It is an indisputable fact that the enemy is strong and I am weak. If nothing else, let’s talk about the expeditionary army. From the first to the fourth time, it has been formed again and The strength is more than once. Strong, and now even have to pull out all the fleets of the two major groups of China and the West, but the result?


It is now the fifth expedition. This time, both the size of the fleet and the overall strength are far greater than before. To exaggerate, the previous four expeditions together cannot compare to the scale of this expedition.


Humans are getting stronger and stronger, but the aliens are growing faster. In order to solve the Jupiter problem, the high-level human beings have used all means, and even Mars has become a bait to lure the enemy. If the Jupiter problem cannot be solved this time, the consequences are really unpredictable. .


Ye Han briefly speculated that if the fleet suffered a small loss, there would still be a chance to withdraw to Earth to guard against it, but the strategic balance finally established in the asteroid belt would definitely be broken, and it would be broken by humans.


If the loss of the expeditionary force is too great, the essence of the human fleet will be exhausted in this battle, and the situation of fighting aliens will enter an unprecedented winter, which may even lead to a complete collapse of the war.


From this point of view, the fifth expedition is simply a strategic adventure for the entire high-level human beings, but the development speed of aliens is faster than that of human beings. This risk has to take the expedition to Jupiter. It is just a risk, but let the aliens sit It is big, but it pushes all mankind into the abyss.

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