Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1393: emegency notice

Thunder Mountain.

Ye Han sat in his position as usual. The huge Jupiter occupied most of his line of sight, and there was an inconspicuous small moon behind Jupiter.

Right now, the fleet is still wandering around Jupiter. Because there is no task of repairing the base, the Leishan has been following the Jizhou ass. Ye Han is very busy every day.

Not only Ye Han was very busy, but all the battleships that had not been assigned tasks were equally busy. Huo Qiang also felt that it was not a problem to be so idle all the time, so he just found something for everyone to do, so that everyone could observe Jupiter more.

I don't know if I don't see it. It's amazing to see. After observing for a few days, Ye Han really found something unusual.

The first is the alien fleet that has withdrawn into the inner layer. Because it is unknown how many warships the aliens have hidden on those large satellites, so far, the human side still does not know the specific number of enemy ships, only the number of enemy ships that have been withdrawn into the inner layer is unknown. The number of enemy ships on the first floor was between two and three hundred.

The Beiyuezhou Fleet has five battle groups, each with 11 battleships; the International Fleet has nine battle groups, each with nine battleships, together there are more than 130 large and small battleships, dealing with more than 200 ships Alien battleships are definitely not a problem, it is strange that aliens dare to take the initiative.

Perhaps because they knew that these battleships could not be hidden from humans, the aliens simply did not hide them, and directly showed these battleships and blatantly placed them in front of humans.

To be more precise, whichever direction the human fleet flies, the fleet will fly in whichever direction, basically blocking between the human fleet and Jupiter, which is full of provocation.

Because the two fleets on the human side are not in the same direction, the alien fleet is also divided into two waves, one with more than 100 ships.

Regardless of whether the aliens are provocative or not, it is impossible for Huo Qiang and Halsey to be provoked by such a low-level means, and it is even less likely that they will command the inner layer because of this, so the fleet is still building space bases step by step, little by little. Proceed to the inner layer.

To be honest, Ye Han has always felt that the method of surrounding Jupiter with a space base is too earthy, and Jupiter's satellites are either concentrated in the inner layer or scattered in the outer layer, and the entire middle layer has only one Io eight kilometers in diameter.

The distance between this satellite and Callisto is more than 5.5 million kilometers, which is fourteen times the distance between the earth and the moon, and there are also corners. Except for ultra-long-range missiles, no active weapon has such a long effective range—— The electromagnetic gun can definitely hit this far, but the accuracy is really not good, so it is meaningless to discuss how far it can hit. You must first consider whether it can hit or not. At this point, missiles are naturally stronger than artillery shells.

The only satellite in the middle layer is still like this, not to mention the satellites in the outer layer. It is precisely because of this that most space bases are equipped with missiles and rarely lasers.

If it weren't for the limited power and the insufficient number of missiles brought to Jupiter, Huo Qiang would definitely not need a single laser. The range is too close.

Speaking of this, it is a tear. Jupiter has a lot of satellites, but the range is too large. Even if all the space bases are repaired, this big net is still a broken sieve with holes everywhere. It's hard to say how much it works, and it would be a mistake to take this thing as a life-saving straw.

However, the above insisted on doing this, and there might be some reasons why he didn't know. Even if Ye Han had an idea, he couldn't bring it up at this time.

The movement of the alien fleet is only a trivial matter. When the two human fleets rush past, it will be strange if they dare to move forward with the present.

The thing that really interested Ye Han happened on Callisto. A few days ago, someone accidentally discovered that a group of light insects gathered on Callisto. It was observed that these insects were very numerous, and they were crawling in and out over and over again. Don't know what to do.

After the news reached Ye Han's ears, it immediately caught his attention. So Ye Han didn't do anything for the past few days. He just kept watching Callisto every day to see what the bugs were doing.

He instinctively felt that it was not a good thing for so many light worms to gather together, and he also had some guesses in his heart.

After a few days of observation, I found a clue.

The burrows that accommodate the light worms are concentrated in a small area on Callisto, and the caves are very dense. After a short while, he quickly retreated into the cave. The whole process was like flowing water, fast and efficient. Not counting the time spent outside the cave, the whole process only took about ten seconds.

The first time Ye Han saw the giant insects gathered together, he immediately thought of the super cannon. If the lasers were replaced by light insects, wouldn't the formation of these insects on Callisto be a super cannon?

This is really training light worms and posing as an alien version of a super cannon!

However, the scan found that there were only more than 10,000 light worms gathered. Although the number was quite large, for a super cannon with a base of hundreds of thousands, more than 10,000 was simply not enough.

But this is not a particularly difficult thing to 80% of the aliens train light worms in batches, which can paralyze humans and hide their strength. The worm was released in one breath and became the mainstay of the defense against the human fleet.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but get angry, can the aliens still be a little bit disciplined, and human beings can die if they don't copy it?

Well, having said that, if the aliens don't do this, the possibility that the human fleet will be killed is not small.

There is no shortage of smart people in this world. What Ye Han can guess, others can guess too. When everyone got together, they discussed countermeasures.

Some people think that there must be hundreds of thousands of light worms on the top of Callisto, and there is no real artillery formation. These more than 10,000 light worms are actually a trick to make humans think that they have enough light worms.

This view was immediately refuted by others. No one knows how many light worms there are in the aliens. What if there are hundreds of thousands? Even if you didn't have it before, wouldn't you know how to cultivate it after being exposed to the super cannon?

Some people also mentioned Ganymede, because Ganymede is not the main base of aliens, Ganymede is the most important base of aliens, even though Ganymede was hit hard during the fourth expedition, but woody The main body of Wei San is still intact. In the blink of an eye, more than two years later, the wound that should be licked has already been licked. Therefore, it is difficult to say how many light worms there are on Callisto, but there must be no less than several hundred thousand on Ganymede.

Thinking of this, Ye Han subconsciously looked at Ganymede, hoping to find some clues, but Ganymede was so lifeless that he couldn't find a single living thing.

While observing, Luo Qi suddenly appeared out of thin air: "Boss, the flagship urgently announces a meeting!"

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