Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1408: The Fallen Soldier

Thunder Mountain.

Luo Qi suddenly shouted: "Boss, Jizhou ordered us to set off immediately and **** the transport ship to Callisto!"

Ye Han looked surprised: "What? What about us?"

The fight in front was quite lively, but Leishan and several other warships could only stay behind with the transport ship. Ye Han had long held back his opinion, thinking that this time he must have nothing to do with him, but he did not expect to pick up at this time. to the command.

He Lu was astonished: "There are so many battleships ahead, is it necessary to let us pass?"

"There must be considerations from above, don't say so much useless, let's implement it." Ye Han said.

Leishan started immediately, and several other battleships accelerated at the same time, and several battleships went head-to-head and flew towards Callisto.

Not long after, Leishan arrived at the designated location. Above the battleship was the Jizhou fleet, which was eyeing with tigers, and below it was Callisto, which had just been washed by nuclear bombs. A dozen transport ships were located not far in front of Leishan and were slowly approaching Io. Four.

Luo Qi couldn't help but widen his eyes: "No, is this to log in?"

Ye Han was also surprised: "Looks like it." The scene in front of him reminded him of the landing operation during the fourth expedition. At that time, the transport ship approached Callisto, and then released the cable to slide to the ground.

Thinking of this, a question suddenly popped into Ye Han's mind: "No, isn't there a total of 40,000 servants? 20,000 on Ceres and 20,000 on Mars, why do we still have them here?"

"No wonder!" Luo Qi suddenly realized, "Let's protect the transport ship, is it actually protecting the servants? Hey, this is interesting."

Several people were whispering together, and Luo Qi received an order from Jizhou again: "Boss, we are ordered to stay here and guard the transport ship!"

Ye Han was stunned: "Let's stay here? What about the main force?"

"It didn't say in the order!"

Ye Han raised his head to look at the main force of the fleet, and saw that the fleet headed by Jizhou was divided into two, and the two battle groups circled to the side of Callisto, which was the direction of the alien fleet; the remaining three battle groups turned to the international fleet The direction seems to be trying to intercept the retreating swarm.

Ye Han frowned: "Is this necessary?"

The main force is obviously to buy time for the landing, but what does Callisto have to do with the nuclear bomb? According to Ye Han's meaning, there is no need to land at all, let alone fight with the alien fleet and the swarm.

Fortunately, the main force of the swarm is still on the side of the international fleet, and the worms withdrawn by the aliens are only in the early 10,000s. As long as the tactics are appropriate, it should not be a problem to hold the swarm.

A few battleships were specially arranged to protect the transport ship, probably because the enemies on Callisto were not dead yet... They were all blown up like this, is this really necessary?

But it's okay, there's no danger anyway, just stay here.

The main force was flying away, and the transport ship was getting closer and closer to the ground. Suddenly a transport ship accelerated towards Callisto. Ye Han couldn't help but think that the transport ship was out of control, but he immediately realized that it was not out of control. Rather, it is intentional.

"Why isn't it roped?" Luo Qi shouted in surprise.

Ye Han said: "I should have learned the lessons of the last expedition..." Halfway through his words, he couldn't speak anymore.

During the fourth expedition, the airborne was under the anti-aircraft firepower of the aliens, and the loss of the cable landing was too great. In the end, there was no way to drop the spacecraft directly to the ground.

Now that there are no enemies on the ground, is it too extravagant for the spacecraft to land directly?

Luo Qi snorted and didn't notice the inappropriateness of the words at all, but He Lu frowned, obviously finding the problem.

At this time, another transport ship landed, but the orientation was different.

Next, a transport ship landed every few seconds. After a while, more than a dozen transport ships fell to Callisto. A few minutes later, the first transport ship landed successfully.

The impact of landing is a bit large, and the bottom of the transport ship is somewhat deformed, which does not seem to affect the overall structure.

Shortly after the transport ship landed, several figures climbed out of the cockpit, and immediately started the flight bag and soared into the sky.

A similar scene happened on all the transport ships. Seeing this, Ye Han immediately dispatched the only two Swifts on the ship to respond. The other battleships were not idle, and they all sent Swifts out. Everyone picked it up.

He Lu couldn't help but said: "The man is back, and the spaceship is still down, what's this called?"

"It may be that the ground is damaged too much. Leaving the transport ship is a safe place for the servants." Ye Han couldn't figure it out, but as the captain of a ship, he must do a good job of everyone's ideological work.

He Lu was about to speak when Luo Qi suddenly shouted, "Look, look, what is that?"

His fingers swiped several times in the air, and a transport ship that landed on Callisto zoomed in continuously, dragging the transport ship to everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye.

Everyone looked in the direction Luo Qi pointed, and suddenly there was an uproar.

He was referring to the port side of the transport ship, where there was a hatch that was opened at an unknown time, and a giant ant covered in pitch black was crawling out of the hatch.

"Isn't it a servant?" He Lu was so shocked that his voice was lost, like a little rooster strangling his neck.

"Yeah, why is it a giant ant?" Luo Qi echoed.

Ye Han was also stunned and wanted to contact Jizhou, but he didn't dare to disturb Huo Qiang at this juncture, but he immediately had an idea: "He Lu, where is the person Swift picked up? Call a steward over immediately! "

"Understood!" He Lu agreed, took off his helmet, unfastened his seat belt, and quickly floated out of the bridge.

A few minutes later, He Lu returned to the bridge with a middle-aged officer and reported to Ye Han: "Captain, this is Liu Yu, the captain of the Nanhu, Captain Liu, this is our Captain Ye."

Liu Yu showed a bright smile and saluted, "Captain Ye, I have long admired your name."

Ye Han hurriedly pretended to be polite: "You're Captain Liu, please take a seat."

He Lu consciously gave up his position.

There is a radish and a pit in the bridge, and each person has a seat. There is no extra, he can only aggrieved himself.

Liu Yu continued to laugh: "No no, it's against the rules, I'll just float like this, it's not uncomfortable anyway."

Ye Han also smiled: "That's fine, I won't be polite to you, He Lu, sit down."

He Lu hesitated for a moment, but agreed and sat down.

Ye Han said: "Captain Liu, I won't go around with you anymore. I brought you here just to ask, what exactly is on your ship!"

Liu Yu's smile restrained a little, but it soon became brighter, his eyes were crooked with laughter: "Captain Ye, have you seen it all?"

"Yes!" Ye Han nodded, "I saw a giant ant."

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