Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1414: we have reached 1

With an order, the speeding Swift suddenly pulled up, turning from the nose of the aircraft to the belly of the aircraft, and then a bright light suddenly bloomed. At the beginning, there was only one point. After the explosion, it expanded rapidly, and it became a diameter of seven An eight-kilometer giant photosphere far brighter than the sun.

It is different from any previous nuclear explosion. The luminosity of the hemisphere facing the swarm is low, like a light bulb with insufficient voltage; in contrast, the hemisphere facing away from the swarm is brighter and more rounded, with a kind of larger circle. a feeling of.

Before the ball of light dispersed, the violent neutrons swept across the swarm in an instant. Ninety-nine percent of the worms within the death radius were dead, and they were not even given a chance to struggle.

Less than one percent of the worm machines survived. They have several common characteristics. One is that they are located at the edge of the death radius, and the other is that they are just blocked by human warships.

The insect machines outside the death radius are not much better, and there are very few who should be severely injured, and those who should be slightly injured.

Not only was the swarm destroyed by this "semi-neutron bomb", but the international fleet was also affected by the explosion. As soon as the light ball dissipated, Jizhou received a laser communication from the international fleet. Although the nuclear explosion was over, the electromagnetic environment was also nuclear-exploded. Destruction, wireless communication is completely paralyzed, relying on lasers to keep communication smooth.

The communication was connected, and Halsey's distorted face appeared on the screen: "General Huo, what should I say?"

Huo Qiang smiled slightly: "I don't need to say thank you, without you dragging the swarm, we couldn't have succeeded."

Halsey's expression was even more distorted: "Do I need to thank you? My people have died so many, the battleship has been damaged so much, you have such a powerful nuclear weapon, why didn't you take it out earlier!" At the end, His words had turned into rants.

"Halsey, calm down!" Huo Qiang said.

"I can't calm down!" Halsey's face was hideous, and he looked like he was going to eat people... No one would be able to calm down when this happened.

Huo Qiang's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "It's not a new weapon, it's just a super nuclear bomb, and you have it too." There is no need to keep this matter a secret. , you can push the situation to eight. Nine is not far from ten.

I don't know if Halsey thought of something, but after listening to Fei's words, he was suddenly silent, and even looked away from the camera.

Huo Qiang secretly guessed that Halsey was probably asking, where did the super nuclear bomb with its shell come from so powerful.

The silence lasted for more than ten seconds, and Halsey finally recovered. The fierceness on his face gradually dissipated, turning into indescribable exhaustion: "Okay, I see, how many super nuclear bombs do you have?"

Huo Qiang said, "Do you want to ask if it's good or not?"

Halsey was taken aback: "Pick?"

"Yes, it's just pickling." Huo Qiang made a peeling gesture, "It's purely handmade."

Halsey was stunned, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Thank you for thinking about it." He finally understood the cause and effect.

Huo Qiang shrugged and returned a particularly innocent smile: "No way, let the aliens force it."

"Okay, let's stop the gossip. Callisto is solved, and Ganymede and Europa are behind. Shall we make a few more super neutron bombs?"

Huo Qiang said: "I don't have much stock here, let's squeeze out three or five more."

Halsey sighed: "I have quite a few here, I'll give you a few if needed."

In order to deal with aliens, Beidu and the base group have gradually transformed from potential military confrontation to deep-level military cooperation, ranging from wires and cables to screws to spaceships and warships. The cooperation between the two sides is everywhere.

Take the battleship as an example, no matter the structure of the battleship, the materials inside and outside the ship, or various weapons, they are all of the same technology and the same standard, and can be used interchangeably without any technical obstacles.

Huo Qiang narrowed his eyes, secretly guessing Halsey's intentions.

When night owls come into the house, they will come everywhere. Super nuclear bombs are not Chinese cabbage. Even if there is a common enemy of aliens, Halsey does not need to hand over super nuclear bombs to the Chinese fleet.

This is unreasonable, and Huo Qiang decided that Halsey's purpose is not simply to send a few nuclear bombs.

So what is Halsey's purpose?

The International Fleet and the Insect Swarm fought desperately, and the losses were not small; the Jizhou Fleet Group took Callisto, but the losses were minimal.

If Halsey handed over the nuclear bomb to the Jizhou fleet, and then used the heavy losses of the fleet as an excuse to ask the Jizhou fleet to take the lead... He has a short mouth and a soft hand when he takes people. Even if he refuses at that time, he will not be so confident.

No matter what Halsey thinks, he should take it as if he wants to plan the Jizhou fleet!

Thinking of this, Huo Qiang made a decision and said calmly: "No need, the rest is enough...General Halsey, thanks to your army holding the swarm, we have a chance to bomb Callisto, I suggest Leave Ganymede to you, just to use these super nuclear bombs."

The sedan chairs are carried by everyone, and a few beautiful words can't kill anyone, but when they attack Ganymede and Europa, they can't tell what will happen.

Halsey's eyes twitched, and he said quickly, "General Huo, I really want to agree with your opinion, but you have seen our situation. With such a big loss, it is not bad that half of the battleships can still fight, although I I really want to attack Ganymede with your army, but the objective conditions simply do not allow it."

"This is the common mission of our two fleets!" Huo Qiang emphasized, "I have already sent two battle groups to intercept the alien fleet, and the remaining battleships will have to follow in a while, I will block the enemy, Ganymede, you come Blow up, isn't it good? Or let's change it, you stop the aliens, and I will take the fleet to blow up Ganymede, how about it?"

Halsey still refused to shook his head and said, "This is impossible, you know what's going on with my fleet..."

"Then you want to stay here and leave the mission to us? Halsey, let me remind you again, this is the mission of our two fleets, I know very well that your losses are serious, but this is not a reason to shirk the mission. !"

"I'm not blaming the mission, but my ships need repairs and my lads need a break before they can go into battle at their best, OK?"

Huo Qiang confronted him **** for tat: "It takes more than seventy hours to fly from Callisto to Ganymede. I suggest you leave the immobile warships behind, other warships can be repaired on the road, and the boys can rest on the road, what do you think? ?"

"I don't think so!" Halsey was furious.

Huo Qiang had lost his patience and didn't want to argue with Halsey any more, so he tore his face: "I can interpret your words as refusing to implement the expedition plan, right?"

Halsey flatly denied: "Of course not!"

Huo Qiang smiled slightly: "Then we have reached an agreement."

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