Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1427: Let's talk about results

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ye Han said, "There are still combat problems, what should I do if I collide with the enemy?"

Having said this, he deliberately paused, but did not give anyone a chance to speak: "The ice caves are sealed, there must be nowhere to escape, so there is only a fight, but how?"

Originally someone wanted to talk, but what did they say when they heard this? Everyone is a serious professional, and no one cares about fleet tactics, but when it comes to the Marine Corps, who dares to say that they are more familiar than Ye Han?

Ye Han continued: "Assuming there is space under the ice, or the armor can withstand the water pressure under the ice, this is the premise of everything, and then what? The armored rifles equipped by the Marine Corps are designed for space. The charge is small, and it is only suitable for space and low-gravity environments. Even if you return to the earth, you have to change your clothes. This thing is useless when it is underwater. Even if the gun does not explode when the gun is fired, the range is pitifully low, and it can reach 15 meters. Not bad, if it collided with aliens, it would be hard to beat!"

All the people who didn't expect this, the scene described by Ye Han appeared in their minds. Although Ye Han's statement was somewhat exaggerated, ordinary firearms are really useless in water. Even if they don't explode, it is not a famous gun of a generation. Almost anywhere.

Zhuang Bo frowned and said, "Isn't there a supercavitating bullet? I seem to have seen it somewhere, the airborne division has this equipment."

More than half of the captains present were at a loss, not knowing what Zhuang Bo was talking about.

Zhuang Bo keenly noticed that everyone's expressions were wrong, and took the initiative to explain: "Supercavitating bullets are special bullets made using the principle of supercavitation. The underwater range of this bullet can reach 60 meters, far exceeding that of ordinary bullets. It can be used not only in the water, but also on shore, which I have encountered in the Navy."

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized, although there are still few people who know the principle of supercavitation.

Ye Han nodded: "There is such a bullet, but it is used for underwater missions. Expedition missions do not involve underwater, so there is no equipment at all."

"What about other weapons?" Wu Han asked, "Laser... The laser is definitely not good. It decays too much underwater. Deputy Commander, you are from the navy and are more familiar with underwater weapons than we are. Is there anything our fleet can use?"

"Torpedo!" Zhuang Bo said without thinking. "The torpedo is the best. The speed of the supercavitating torpedo can reach 300 meters per second, but the range is a little shorter, less than 20 kilometers."

Everyone sighed together, and Huo Qiang couldn't help but said, "We don't lack cannonballs or missiles, but we don't have torpedoes!"

"Who said it wasn't!" Wu Han also scratched his head very much. "It's a lot of calculations, but it's just that people who are outsiders can hide under the water. If I had known, I would have brought some torpedoes here."

Zhuang Bo had an idea: "Will the international fleet be prepared for this?"

Huo Qiang shook his head: "It's very difficult, who knew that such a situation would still be encountered in Jupiter?"

Wu Han said: "Nuclear bombs should be able to detonate underwater, right?"

"Yes, any kind of nuclear warhead can be detonated underwater..." Zhuang Bo said halfway through, suddenly hesitant, "Is the nuclear bomb we equip different from the naval equipment?"

"Probably not." Wu Han said.

"What about pressure resistance?"

"I don't know."

Zhuang Bo sighed: "It's best to put it in a pressure-resistant container and then throw it into the water... Hey, what's the use of talking about this now? There are so many insurmountable difficulties, you can't go down at all!"

Huo Qiang sighed: "That's okay, don't study it, let the drone first to understand the situation, and then talk about the results."

I wanted to discuss a charter first and then act. I didn't want to discuss more and more problems. Instead, it was better to act directly. Huo Qiang deeply regretted his decision.

The meeting ended in a dull atmosphere. Ye Han had just returned to Leishan when Luo Qi received an order from Jizhou: "Boss, the flagship gave us a coordinate and ordered us to make an ice cave."

The order included not only the location of Leishan, but also the locations of other battleships. After He Lu got the coordinates, he glanced at it casually, and was about to drive the battleship over, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, and then he looked at it carefully, and suddenly he was stunned: " Captain, why are we in the middle?"

This middle has two meanings, one is the middle of the back of Europa, and the other is the middle of the entire fleet, including the three spaceships, all the battleships are like stars holding the moon, surrounding the Leishan. .

Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "Because we have the most airborne troops here."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what the position of the airborne troops had to do with Leishan.

Ye Han explained the situation again, and the bridge officer from the airborne division was in an uproar.

Regardless of the fact that the official order has not been given yet, but such an important task of Europa is absolutely impossible to give up casually. As long as there is a slight possibility of going under the ice, the flagship will not give up this idea.

Although many people have complaints in their, they are only complaining a few words, and no one dares to disobey the above orders.

It is impossible not to make complaints. No matter what the situation is, airborne is much more dangerous than staying on a battleship. Moreover, this time it is not a simple airborne, but deep into the ice to find aliens, which is more dangerous than ordinary airborne. It is much higher. If you don’t write novels, you will never come back. There is no place to find even the bones.

Luo Qi asked dejectedly: "Boss, do you need to inform everyone so that you can prepare yourself a little bit?"

"Let me know." Ye Han said, "Not only do you have to prepare mentally, but you also have to prepare your equipment. For weapons or something, try to pick a belt that can be used underwater."

"Don't you need to bring a gun?" Luo Qi asked in surprise.

"Prepare first." Ye Han said, "Prepare more for the nuclear bomb, maybe it will be used."

Luo Qi's heart sank: "Understood!"

Individual nuclear bombs are not conventional weapons. Usually, each combat group can carry at most two. However, listening to Ye Han's meaning, this time, he has a very bad premonition.

The order was issued, and all the soldiers who were idle all took action. If they really couldn't walk away, they also got help from others. They were afraid that they would not be ready when they received the order.

Thunder Mountain flew to the specified coordinates as ordered, hovered and aimed at the center of the back of Europa.

The other warships took Leishan as the center, concentrated on the back of Europa, separated by four to five hundred meters, and fired at the ice surface together.

At the beginning, Thunder Mountain had only one turret firing, and four lasers landed on the same spot.

The power of the four laser beams is superimposed, and the ice surface under the beam immediately melts, the melted water immediately boils, the steam disperses, and soon re-condenses.

As the ice cave went deeper, the gushes of air became stronger and stronger, the steam re-condensed after leaving the beam, and the ice particles scattered around like snow. After a while, a thin layer was deposited near the ice cave.

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