Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1440: brief confrontation

Upon receiving the alien's order, the chaotic spidermen immediately found the backbone. A large group of spidermen hung upside down on the top of the ice, facing the lasers fired by the defenders, charging from all directions at extremely fast speed.

The spider man who rushed in the front raised his arms while running, firing silk light into the ice cave.

The 360-degree mercerized light from all directions has no dead ends, and all of them fall near the exit under the ice cave. One soldier just sticks his arm out of the hole to shoot, and the other cannot escape, and his arm is directly cut by the mercerized light.

No matter how sturdy the arm armor is, it can't stand the omni-directional cuts of dozens or hundreds of mercerized lights. Almost in an instant, the soldier's arm is cut off by the mercerized light.

The moment the broken wall separated, the soldier didn't feel pain at all, until the broken arm fell, and he felt an unbearable pain.

The soldier with the broken arm withdrew his arm like lightning, and the blood at the broken arm was like a spring... The air pressure outside the armor was too low, the pressure in the soldier's body was pressing his blood out of his body, and the broken blood vessel was like the nozzle of a water gun. A large amount of blood spurted out of the body in seconds.

Another soldier was startled, and quickly took out the hemostatic spray, and sprayed it indiscriminately, not only on the broken arm, but also on the arm was covered with hemostatic agent.

While disposing of his broken arm for his comrades, he shouted on the radio, "Team Leader, Yang Biao's arm is broken!"

The team leader who received the news immediately ordered: "Get down, you two get down immediately!"

"Yes!" The soldier immediately agreed, and before leaving, he instinctively glanced outside the cave. As far as his eyes could see, there was dense silk light everywhere.

If he hadn't helped deal with the broken arm, but had probing his hand to shoot like Yang Biao, at this moment, his arm might not have been preserved.

Thinking of this, the soldiers couldn't help but be afraid for a while. After supporting Yang Biao, the two started the aircraft together and flew to the top of the ice cave.

A similar situation also occurred in several other ice caves attacked by spidermen. A warrior had his wrist cut off by Silk Light; a warrior had four broken fingers, half of his thumb was chopped off, and another The soldier's luck was overwhelming. As soon as he put the gun out, he was met with a volley of silk light. The laser gun was broken into two pieces.

Several team leaders immediately reported the situation to Ye Han. Ye Han made a decisive decision and ordered each team to abandon the entrance of the cave, and everyone immediately retreated into the ice cave.

After receiving the order, those who had already evacuated breathed a sigh of relief, and those who had not evacuated immediately evacuated, and everyone flew upwards at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the unstoppable Spider-Man charged at full speed, rushing towards the ice cave.

But the spider man can move on the top of the ice, relying on the worm's legs to fasten the vines, and all the kudzu vines near the entrance of the cave are dead. As a result, the closer the spider man is to the entrance of the cave, the slower the running speed.

The front was slow, and the back was still rushing forward with the strength of feeding. As a result, many unlucky people in front were squeezed by the friendly forces behind and had nowhere to settle. Finally, they slipped off the ice and plunged into the water.

Spider-men are not servants, they don't have wings, so they can't fly at all. Having said that, the air pressure in this place is too low, even if the servants come, they will not be able to fly.

The sound of falling water was incessant, and the aliens in the dark were in a hurry.

However, the time has already been delayed. When the spider man carefully arrived at the entrance of the cave, the evacuated human warriors had already climbed 500 meters in one breath and joined the large army that had withdrawn in advance.

As soon as the soldiers came up, everyone pulled the trigger immediately, and the lasers fell on the ice wall, and pieces of ice of different shapes and sizes fell off the ice wall and fell all the way along the ice cave.

Each reconnaissance team had already made preparations at a distance of 500 meters, and used lasers to cut a series of incisions on the ice wall. As long as another knife was made at a key position, the ice cubes could be cut off, and a simple side hole.

When the ice cube fell, the soldiers immediately drilled into the side hole, some continued to dig deep, some held their laser guns tightly, probed their brains to observe the situation below, and escorted their comrades.

But Europa's gravity is too low, the ice cubes are falling too slowly, and all the sentinels see is falling ice.

Another ice cube cut by the reconnaissance team was so large that it got stuck in half, and the subsequent large and small ice cubes actually blocked the ice hole.

When the spider man rushed to the entrance of the cave, the ice cube just fell down and hit the fastest spider man directly.

After the other spidermen were stunned for a short time, they immediately shot into the ice cave, and streaks of silk light went up from the bottom, cutting the falling ice cubes into pieces.

However, the opening of the cave was too small, and there were not many spidermen in a circle in all directions, and the density of silk light was really not very good.

If there is no ice block, the spider man can directly rush into the ice cave, and the situation of the reconnaissance team will be But the spider man is blocked by the ice block, which just happens to be left for the reconnaissance team. It took time to dig the side hole, and when the spider man cleared the falling ice above his head, the reconnaissance team also dug the side hole and was waiting in the hole.

Finding that no ice cubes fell from the top of his head, the spider man immediately rushed into the ice cave and flexibly climbed up on the ice wall.

The ice cave went straight up and down, and the spider-men's actions all fell into the eyes of the soldiers. After hearing Ye Han's order, everyone fired down at the same time, and the laser beams traversed the ice cave. The spider-men who worked hard to climb suddenly encountered extinction.

The ice cave is narrow, which limits the number of Spider-Man entering the ice cave. It is good to squeeze two Spider-men at the same height. Three can't stretch their hands and feet side by side. If four are crowded together, they can even directly block the ice cave. !

Moreover, the spider man had to climb up. In this case, the soldiers guarding the cave had the advantage, and kept shooting and killing the spider man below, and the corpses fell. If they were lucky, they could also drop a few unlucky ones. .

The aliens were so popular that they immediately arranged a group of spidermen to shoot upwards to suppress the firepower of humans. However, unless the spidermen did not climb up, they would face firepower in both directions after entering the cave, and the situation not only did not improve. , but more difficult.

A good attack turned into a fuel war. The attacking Spidermen suffered heavy casualties. The aliens, who had always ignored the life and death of the bottom, could no longer sit still and were forced to order the Spidermen to suspend their attack.

The two sides temporarily ceased fire, and the soldiers guarding the cave breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Han immediately ordered each reconnaissance team to use the precious ceasefire time to dig deep side holes to prepare for the next round of firefights.

Regardless of the geographical advantage of the human side, the enemy's attack is not a joke. In just a few minutes of firefight, there are casualties in each group. If the aliens continue to hold on for a while, it is hard to say who will die.

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