Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1432: under the ice

The group leader responded quickly, raised his hand and shot through the ice block blocking the ice hole, the airflow suddenly rose, and the falling drone seemed to be supported by something, and the speed slowed down in a straight line.

Ye Han immediately switched the signal to the first drone, and sure enough, he saw a rippling water light below. He immediately said: "Quick, quick, one drone per person, no matter what you see, record it first!"

After the drone leaves the ice cave, it may not be able to find a place to stay. If it falls directly into the water, it can't see anything.

A few seconds later, the picture sent back by the drone suddenly became extremely wide, unable to reach the sky or the ground.

Ye Han subconsciously held his breath—there is actually room under the ice!

However, the drone camera was aimed at a dark water surface, and Ye Han couldn't see anything until the drone fell into the water and tumbled and sank.

The water cut off the signal, and the picture was immediately frozen. Ye Han unexpectedly found that there were a few small light spots on the edge of the picture, but the picture was too blurry, and it was impossible to see what it was.

He immediately realized that the situation under the ice was not so simple, and quickly switched to the signal of another drone.

This time, the angle is not very good. It was not until the third drone that the picture of the top of the cave was captured-the top of the space under the ice was shimmering with a little light. At first glance, it looked like a low starry sky, and every The brightness of each light point is about the same.

Ye Han was extremely surprised: "What the **** is this?"

"Is it made by aliens?" Luo Qi guessed, "Or is it a protist of Europa!"

Although Europa is far away from the sun, the environment of this place is very similar to the deep ocean of the earth, and Jupiter is constantly stirring the ocean under the ice. In billions of years, a group of protists has evolved and it is not worth making a fuss.

Ye Han said disapprovingly: "Aliens have been here for so many years, even if there are protists, they would have been eaten by aliens long ago."

Luo Qi agreed and said curiously, "What are these light spots for? Alien lighthouses?"

"Whatever he is, let's look at it first." Ye Han continued to switch the signal, but until the last drone fell into the water, no more useful pictures were captured.

Ye Han immediately contacted the battleship: "The bridge, I am Ye Han!"

"Captain, where am I!"

"Contact the flagship immediately, we have obtained the picture under the ice, and the environment of the space under the ice is still unclear, but we have found some unusual things. You can send it to the flagship together, and I will wait here for further orders from the flagship!"

"Understood!" He Lu immediately received the document and sent it to the flagship as soon as possible.

In addition to the pictures captured by the drone, Ye Han also sent the method of releasing the drone back to the bridge and handed it over to the flagship together.

A few minutes later, Ye Han heard He Lu's voice: "Captain, the bridge is calling!"

"I'm Ye Han!"

"Captain, the flagship asked if it was safe under the ice."

"I don't know, but the drones all fell into the water without any interception."

He Lu replied truthfully, and replied again after a few seconds: "Captain, the flagship order, send someone down immediately to find out the situation in the space under the ice, and then decide on further actions."

Ye Han sighed: "Understood!" He knew that this must be the result!

At the end of the communication, Ye Han said firmly: "The flagship's order has come, get ready to go, I will be the first!"

Luo Qi quickly stopped: "Boss, let me do it!"

"Let's go..." Ye Han was about to drive Luo Qi away, but the group leader had already stepped into the ice cave, only to hear his voice on the radio: "I'll go first!"

"And me!" A soldier jumped down after him.

Another soldier followed silently.

Ye Han quickly stopped: "Slow down, don't get too close, open the gap!"

The few soldiers who squeezed to the edge immediately stopped. Although they didn't jump down immediately, they blocked Ye Han intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Why are you all so troublesome, you have to get off in the morning and evening, come on."

The soldiers stubbornly blocked Ye Han, and one soldier said with a smile: "Chief, don't make it difficult for us, let you take the lead, where do we put our faces?

Ye Han was both moved and funny, and finally chose to compromise: "Then, then you jump first, and I will follow!"

"Don't, you'd better stay up there, we'll just go down!"

"Damn it!" Ye Han feigned anger, "Either don't get down at all, if you want to get down, get down together. Now, I order you to get out of the way!"

The soldiers are all blinded, and they don't know what to do on the spot!

"I order you to get out of the way!" Ye Han's voice became more and more severe, and the soldiers had no choice but to dodge aside.

Ye Han strode to the edge of the platform and jumped gently into the ice cave.

Luo Qi quickly followed, soldiers, look at me, I look at you, just follow.

So everyone jumped down one by one. After a while, all the people on the platform jumped, leaving only two groups of people guarding the side If Ye Han had not ordered these two groups of people in advance Stick to the spot, I'm afraid they will also jump down.

Eight minutes later, the group was the first to cross the ice.

He saw the water in advance before leaving the ice cave and gave the platform an order to cut through the icicles.

After just a few seconds, the icicles opened up, and the airflow immediately supported the group.

A group of people descended slowly, and the speed suddenly accelerated after passing through the ice cave.

However, at this time, the group leader had already activated the individual aircraft, and after flying away from directly under the ice cave, he looked up and down the space under the ice.

There are two or three hundred meters between the ice layer and the water surface. The water surface is completely dark, and the underwater situation cannot be seen. On the contrary, it is the same as the picture returned by the drone, and there are shimmers everywhere.

Out of curiosity, a group of Chang turned on the tactical lights on the helmets, and a bright light fell on the top of the cave. He immediately saw a scene that he would never forget—many blood vessel-like vines grew at the bottom of the uneven ice layer. The sparse and slender tentacles hang down from the vine, one or two meters short and seven or eight meters long.

A group has heard that in order to hunt, many fish in the deep sea have evolved the ability to emit light. Are these strange vines similar to deep sea fish?

The light from the tactical light seemed to make these tentacles very uncomfortable, and they quickly curled up and quickly shrank on the vines in groups.

This is really a rare Western landscape, but I don't know whether these vines are native to Europa or the creation of aliens.

He also noticed a little detail. There were also some vines near the ice cave, but with the entrance of the hole as the center, all the vines within a radius of 50 meters were dead. Between the meters, the head and the brain were dizzy, and it was only after 200 meters away that it returned to normal.


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