Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1445: OK, just do it

Halsey also saw the power of the nuclear bomb exploding under the ice. After receiving the communication from Huo Qiang, the two hit it off and reached an agreement in just a few words. Wei Er was surrounded.

At the command of the headquarters, the laser cannons on all the warships fired together, intending to penetrate the ice layer as quickly as possible.

At the same time, nuclear bombs are also under intense preparation, and all super nuclear bombs are wrapped in pressure-resistant shells.

Because the power of the nuclear bomb far exceeded expectations, the headquarters adjusted the detonation time, hoping that the nuclear bomb would be detonated 40 kilometers underwater. This is the best depth obtained after careful planning and comprehensive optimization of the previous nuclear explosion.

Until this time, no one was aware of the lack of depth of nuclear explosions.

However, although the military does not know where the aliens are, they do know the strength of the hull of the alien warship. Through strict calculations, it is found that 57 kilometers is the deep diving limit of the alien warship, and it is possible to continue to dive under the pressure. Crush the hull!

This data is not the fleet's own plan, but the data provided by Beiyuezhou. It is said to be the most scientific conclusion drawn by several major laboratories separately calculated and then comprehensively compared.

However, Huo Qiang had reservations about this conclusion. To be cautious, he set the detonation depth at 40 kilometers, otherwise it could be detonated at 30 kilometers underwater.

The entire fleet was busy but orderly, and everything was going smoothly.

But the nuclear bomb of the Thunder Mountain not only provided the human fleet with a basis for combat, but also sounded the alarm for the aliens!

When the aliens discovered that the human fleet surrounded Europa and was making holes everywhere, they immediately realized what humans wanted to do, and the aliens hiding in the depths of Europa panicked. If the aliens understood China If so, there will definitely be a national scolding: Isn't this what it means to force people to death?

If human beings hear this sentence, any normal person will reply with resentment: Early death and early profit!

However, the aliens did not intend to die on Europa so silently. After discovering the actions of human beings, the alien warships that dived into the deep sea surfaced one after another.

Due to the uncertainty of the human attack time, the aliens did not dare to neglect, all the battleships floated at the fastest speed, and it was too late to concentrate the fleet, and they did not dare to concentrate the fleet.

After the alien warship approached the water surface, it fired at the ice layer at the same time, and the thin light streaks alternately across the ice layer. After a while, a huge ice hole was cut in the ice for the warship to pass through.

Of course, in order to guard against human beings, the aliens did not open the ice cave, but dug up layer by layer.

The human side has no idea what the aliens are doing at all. The two sides are digging the ice layer at the same time, regardless of Europa's feelings.

The cutting efficiency of thin light is higher, but the bottom-up excavation is more difficult; humans are not difficult to excavate, but the speed of laser melting ice is relatively slow.

Under normal circumstances, the digging speed of the two sides should be similar, but the human side is not critical, but the aliens are fighting for their lives. In order to dig through the ice, they have to fight for their lives. The digging speed is literally one faster than humans. cut.

Nearly an hour later, a thin light suddenly appeared in the direction of Europa's north pole. Several nearby warships noticed this situation, and each ship immediately entered a state of combat readiness and reported the situation as soon as possible.

In the virtual headquarters, Huo Qiang was sitting with Halsey. After receiving the news, he immediately issued a combat readiness order to the fleet, strictly ordering the ships to pay attention to the situation under the ice.

But combat readiness returns to combat readiness, and drilling can't stop.

"Grasp with both hands, both hands must be hard!" Huo Qiang quoted a famous saying by a great man to express his feelings at this time.

The fleet was just getting ready, and a thin light emerged from under the ice of Europa in all directions at the same time, the thin light shattered the ice, and the alien warships rushed out of the ice cave. of human warships opened fire.

Human battleships are also unambiguous. Reversing the battleship is a blast, beams staggered missiles, and the battle has just started, and it has entered a fever.

Not only the warships joined the battle, but the carrier-based aircraft that took off ahead of time also rushed towards the enemy ship. Before the enemy ship released the worm aircraft, they seized the opportunity to launch an attack, and countless missiles flew towards the enemy ship.

The distance is too close, and the missile enters the range of silk light just after flying away from the fighter. The enemy ship instantly burst into countless silk light, preventing any missile from flying close.

The first round of firefights was short and intense. No battleship was sunk on either side, but each battleship was hit by the enemy's firepower and was somewhat damaged.

The second round of confrontation has not yet begun, and the human warships have already adjusted their posture. In addition to the laser cannons, the electromagnetic guns have also joined the shooting ranks, and the shells fly towards the enemy ships at extremely high speeds.

More than ten seconds later, the missiles and shells from the human warship hit the alien warship, and bright lights flashed, and the alien warships turned into powder in the strong light, and some were hit by nuclear bombs before they flew out of the ice cave. Boomed into scum.

The shortcomings of the aliens' lack of heavy weapons were once again exposed, and it also drew a heavy end to the alien fleet.

But in just half a minute, most of the alien fleet that broke through the siege was destroyed by the human fleet, and the rest was not much better. In the next half minute, it was destroyed by nuclear bombs one after another, and the price paid by the human side was simply indescribable. mouth.

The duration of this battle was so short that the battle was over, and there were still many fighters who did not recover. It was not until their companions reminded them that they suddenly realized: "Oh, this is the win?"

In my impression, there has never been such an easy battle, how can I win it in a daze?

To put it bluntly, it is not complicated at Not to mention that humans have nuclear weapons, what is more important is that alien warships must fly out of the ice cave, that is, there is no speed or altitude, it is simply a living target.

On the contrary, the human fleet has been looking down on Europa from the sky, and naturally has a high degree of advantage.

One side is attacking, the other side is defending. Before the battle has started, the alien fleet will lose half of the battle. In addition, the human fleet is already prepared. If this makes the alien fleet run away, Huo Qiang and Halsey You don't have to do it, it's better to buy a piece of tofu and kill it to thank the world.

Huo Qiang didn't expect the battle to end so quickly. He was about to strike while the iron was hot and ordered the fleet to open up the ice hole in one go. His eyes suddenly fell on the ice hole left by the alien warship.

Rough steam columns are rushing out of those ice caves with astonishing diameters, soaring high into the sky. Dozens and hundreds of air columns appear at the same time, making Europa look like a broken ball that leaks from all sides.

Huo Qiang looked at Europa and smiled, pointed at the ice caves and said, "Old man, we don't need to drill holes anymore, so how about throwing nuclear bombs into these holes?"

Halsey nodded sharply: "OK, just do it!"

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