Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1450: tough determination

After the meeting, the fleet was divided into two parts, and seventeen main ships led by Jizhou and Qingzhou formed a dual-carrier battle group, which was the rear end of the entire expeditionary fleet.

For this reason, Huo Qiang did not hesitate to go into battle in person, and Leishan was also selected because the battleship was in better condition.

Huo Qiang didn't say a word to Halsey, but Halsey almost broke his teeth when he saw this scene. What about the agreed battle group?

The Chinese said it was a battle group, but in fact it was not like that at all. To put it simply, Huo Qiang left all the battleships that could be left behind. The evacuated battleships were either injured or damaged, and a few were simply We had to leave because the supplies were insufficient. If the supplies were sufficient, there would be a few more warships left by the Chinese side.

Faced with this situation, Halsey gritted his teeth and left twelve battleships behind.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay longer, but that there are only a few battleships left in the international fleet that are relatively intact, and one more can't be picked.

To this end, the international fleet also handed over a batch of materials to China, including more than 1,000 magnetic nuclear artillery shells, more than 200 nuclear missiles and other weapons and equipment.

After the materials were handed over, the fleet set off immediately, accelerated to leave Europa, the main force was raised to the battlefield in the direction of Callisto, and the intercepting fleet flew to the other direction, ready to intercept.

When the fleet set off, Ye Han kept staring at the main force that was flying away, and there seemed to be struggle and hesitation hidden in his solemn eyes.

As long as you still have eyes, you can see that Ye Han's emotions are not right. The bridge officers of Leishan have to be a little cautious about breathing, for fear of accidentally touching Ye Han's sensitive nerves.

Ye Han looks like he is in a daze, but he is actually thinking about the current situation - Commander Huo said it well, as a commander, you must focus on the overall situation and take into account the entire battle situation of the solar system, not just staring at the front. One-third of this acre!

The current situation is that the enemy army is strong. Unless the enemy ships are lined up and let the human beings shoot without resisting, the interceptor fleet will not be able to stop the alien fleet in any case. It is impossible for aliens to miss this hard-won opportunity, and it is inevitable that they will invade the earth.

The enemy army is marching forward, and the intercepting fleet is bound to resist, but Ceres and Mars are not in this direction. The fleet can't find a place to rely on for a while. From Jupiter to the earth, it is almost smooth all the way.

Apart from working hard, Ye Han couldn't think of a second way to stop the enemy, but even if he fought, how many enemy ships could he kill?

"Are you missing home?" Ye Han, who had been in a daze for a long time, finally came back to his senses, but the thoughtless words stunned everyone. Look at me, I look at you, no one knows what to do how to answer.

The bridge was originally depressing, but this time the depressing turned even more bizarre.

Luo Qi, who knew Ye Han best, replied bravely, "It's been so long since I left, can you not think about it?" He probably had some idea in his heart that the captain was in a bad mood. Is it because he was selected for the interception fleet and couldn't return to the north? Moon Island?

To be honest, everyone has one of them, and everyone has emotions in their hearts, but as the captain of a ship, he can't even hide this emotion. Isn't it too frustrating?

But after thinking about it, it felt wrong. Everyone stayed in the same bridge with Ye Han for so long. Even the most slow bridge officer knew something about Ye Han. In this situation, it's not Ye Han's style at all, right?

"I think so too." Ye Han seemed to respond to Luo Qi, and seemed to be talking to himself, "But I have an idea."

This sentence touched the sensitive nerves of the bridge officers again, but instead of focusing on Ye Han, everyone looked at Luo Qi in unison.

Now that you've made your way, let the good people do it to the end.

Luo Qi is so angry, co-authoring with you guys to use me as a gunner, right? But he has already caught up with him. If he doesn't speak at this time, it will be even more wrong. In the end, he can only endure the depression and say like a cross talk talker: "What's the idea?"

Ye Han retracted his gaze and turned to look at Luo Qi: "I want to fight, even if there is only one battleship, I have to raid Saturn once..."

Before the words fell, there was an uproar in the bridge.

Luo Qi's throat was dry: "Boss, do you want to apply to play Saturn?" Ye Han's meaning was very clear, and he didn't pretend to be confused at all.

Ye Han nodded solemnly: "Don't talk about the big truth, you said, if you leave Saturn alone, this time the enemy came, and we survived. What about the next time? What about the next time?"

The aliens have established a firm foothold on Saturn, and now Saturn has become the rear base of the aliens. The dispatch of more than 1,000 warships this time has caused a great headache for the entire human race. If the aliens are allowed to develop in Saturn, So will the second thousand, the third thousand, or even the nth thousand be far behind?

No matter how you look at it, you cannot let the aliens develop with peace of mind, and you must find some trouble for the enemy, so that the enemy will not be thinking about how to capture the earth all day long.

The best defense is the offense, and destroying the industrial power of the aliens makes more sense than annihilating the entire alien fleet.

Everyone was silent, no matter how unwilling they were in their hearts, they had to admit that Ye Han's words made sense.

No one spoke, but Ye Han said as if he saw through everyone's mind: "To be honest, I really don't want to do this, but I can't really let it go, right? Don't sing high-profile, don't say anything to protect the family and the country. The big truth, our family is not on Earth, but in Beiyuezhou, let the enemy toss over and over again, can we hold it? Even for the family, we have to fight."

Luo Qi said: "Boss, everyone knows the truth, but Saturn is so far away, is it appropriate for us to go at this time?"

The average semi-major axis of Saturn is 9.5 AU, and the average semi-major axis of Jupiter is 5.2 AU. The distance between the two is more than four AU, and the position between Jupiter and Saturn is not ideal, so the actual distance should be doubled More than that, this time and again, it would take more than half a year to say the least.

Ye Han sighed: "It's all this time, does it matter whether it's suitable or not?"

Everyone was silent, and even Luo Qi didn't speak Ye Han said: "It's hard to make this determination, but someone has to come forward, right?"

The guys continued to be silent.

Ye Han was ruthless, and said again: "I have decided, and now I will ask the headquarters to fight, but don't worry, this is not a task arranged by the superior, I will not force anyone, I only need volunteers."

With such a large fleet, Ye Han believes that he can definitely find a group of like-minded comrades-in-arms.

When Luo Qi heard this, blood immediately surged up: "Boss, where are you going, I'll go with you!"

"Me too!" He Lu also gritted his teeth and stood up.

"And I!"

"I'm going too..." <(https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's opinion of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// Only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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