Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1456: it's not that simple

Brother Yi's mood was out of control again, but he stopped immediately, calmed down, and continued: "What am I trying to say? We did transfer people to the moon, but was that just the beginning? No !"

"Since the Beiyuezhou base was built, the country's military industry has entered a period of adjustment. A large number of military enterprises have moved to the moon. There are experts in various fields, skilled workers, and senior professors and seniors stationed on the moon. They either have special contributions or special abilities. Except for these situations, there are only military personnel. Of course, in addition to myself, there are also some family members who moved to Beiyuezhou together, which is Beiyuezhou actual situation.”

"I can guarantee here that among the people who have moved into Beiyuezhou, there is not a single redundant official, and no official's family members have illegally moved into Beiyuezhou. And I declare here that starting from me, all administrative Officials at any level of the agency are not allowed to leave their posts without authorization, if you find one deal with the other, if you are not afraid of death, just try!"

The first brother's slap made the table bang, just like his grim expression at the moment.

After calming down again, the first brother continued: "Maybe most people think that the moon is safer than the earth, so they broke their heads and wanted to move to Beiyuezhou, but is that right?"

"For the time being, Beiyuezhou is indeed safer than the earth, and it is self-sufficient. As long as you close the door, you can live your own life. But have you ever thought about it, the moon has long been a thorn in the eyes of aliens. If the enemy army comes, will they just focus on the earth and ignore the moon?"

"Of course it's impossible. There are so many super cannons on the moon, and the aliens have suffered a lot. Now that they have the opportunity, can they leave it alone? If it were me, I would definitely hit the moon first, and after the moon was shot down, It is equivalent to having an air carrier that will never sink. At that time, the aliens can come whenever they want, and that will be the real life.”

"On Earth, even if the dungeon is penetrated by aliens, there is not much danger for the people inside. But on the other hand, once Beiyuezhou is penetrated by aliens, the internal pressure alone will be enough. Everyone's lives are lost, how big is the gap, why don't you think about it? Do you really think of the moon as a paradise?"

When many people heard this, they suddenly remembered how desolate the moon was. Many guys who had already made up their minds to move to Beiyuezhou couldn't help but hesitate, and they couldn't figure out where it was safer.

The first brother seemed to deliberately give everyone time to think about it, and after a short wait, he continued: "Basically, this is the situation, you don't have to breathe a sigh of relief when you can go to the moon, and you don't need to be nervous when you stay on the earth. The plan to migrate to the moon is It’s impossible to stop and stop, it’s that simple.”

"Let's talk about military issues. Originally, military issues shouldn't be publicly mentioned here, but now the situation is different, so I'll make an exception."

When Liang Junsheng heard this, his eyes widened at least twice.

The first brother analyzed: "With our current strength, we are not an opponent of the alien fleet at all, plus the international fleet, super cannons on orbit and on the moon, and various air-based and even land-based weapons and equipment, all factors add Together, it is possible to defeat the enemy.”

"You may not know it yet. As soon as the expedition fleet sent the report back, the military began to prepare for the war. I won't say what it did. You can guess what you want, but it's all military secrets. People admit it."

"But I can tell you responsibly that aliens are fully capable of destroying the earth, but why don't they do it? Because the ultimate goal of aliens is to occupy the earth and obtain resources on the earth, not to destroy the earth. So saying , the possibility of aliens destroying the earth is very small, otherwise, if a few asteroids are thrown down, the earth has already finished playing, what else are you going to do?"

"So, you don't need to worry so much, life and death are precious in the sky, isn't that the case?"

"This is basically the situation. I have finished what I have to say. Here, I urge everyone not to spread rumors or believe them, and to treat unconfirmed gossip rationally... I have finished speaking."

The first brother made a gesture to Liang Junsheng, and the device that had been spinning for a while stopped immediately.

Liang Junsheng hurriedly asked, "Chief, is it over?"

The first brother nodded, sank deeply into the chair, and closed his eyelids wearily.

Liang Junsheng sighed, waved the others out, and left with him, leaving only the first brother to close his eyes and rest.

Is the moon really as unsafe as the first brother said?

Of course not. Right now, there are six super cannons on the moon. There are also missile positions and aviation bases. The defense is much stronger than the earth. No matter how powerful the alien fleet is, if you want to capture the moon, you have to pay a huge price. .

But there is no need to publicize these. According to the plan made before, only a very small number of people can evacuate to the moon. The vast majority of people go to underground cities. I don’t know how long the underground cities can last under the attack of aliens. .

At the same time as the first brother made a televised speech, Beiyuezhou also received a list. Those who are on the list must prepare in the shortest time and board the spacecraft to the Mercury base.

Professor Qin's name is listed, and it is very high.

Alongside him, there are several other old experts, each of which is a national treasure.

If after everyone boarded the ship, the spaceship was sunk by aliens, then the loss of the country would be great.

Professor Qin didn't care whether he was on the list at His eyes quickly scrolled down, until he saw Bai Xiaoting's name, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

The first batch of people who moved to Mercury were mainly laboratories. Bai Xiaoting was originally engaged in research. Coupled with Ye Han's identity, the first batch to evacuate from the moon was not so strange.

Professor Qin notified Bai Xiaoting at the first time, but Bai Xiaoting lacked interest after hearing the news, and told Professor Qin bluntly that she did not want to leave Beiyue, let alone go to Mercury, she just wanted to stay in Beiyuezhou and wait for Ye Han return.

Professor Qin was almost out of anger and looked down. This unfortunate child is the mother of two children, how can he still do whatever he wants?

Professor Qin simply found Bai Xiaoting directly, so as to put the facts and reason, but Bai Xiaoting didn't know what was going on, so she refused to let go.

In the end, Professor Qin had no choice but to send a communication to Leishan, hoping that Ye Han could persuade Bai Xiaoting in person. (https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's view of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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