Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1505: support

The sailor didn't react at all. If it wasn't for the constant ups and downs of his chest, Feng Jin would have thought he was a corpse.

The two special forces looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Both of them know that this place is an alien submarine, and being trapped in an enemy boat is like going deep into the tiger's den. Sooner or later, aliens will be chased and intercepted. Bring an unconscious tow oil bottle, and the hope of escape is even lower.

But the two of them just thought about it in their hearts, and neither of them would say what was in their hearts.

Too many comrades-in-arms have been sacrificed, and they can't be taken away and can only be thrown here, but those who are still alive cannot give up no matter what.

"Take him, I'll carry it!" Feng Jin gritted his teeth.

Sun Mo said nothing, raised his rifle and walked in front.

There are only two exits in this place. One is the part of the intestines when you came, and there is definitely no way to leave that place. In addition, there is a passage of more than two heights, which is barely the only exit here.

The two of them didn't know the structure of the alien submarine at all, and they didn't know which direction to go, but this was definitely not a place to hide. The sooner you left, the better.

Before the two had left the cabin, there were hurried footsteps outside the passage.

This kind of rush is completely different from the running of humans, but the dense storms... The insect man has at least six legs, and it is strange that there are not many footsteps!

Can't go!

The two realized this at the same time, and immediately retreated to the corner of the cabin. Feng Jin quickly put the unconscious comrade behind him and pointed his gun at the only passage.

The man's reaction speed was extremely fast, but the speed of the bug man was not slow. Just as the gun was raised here, the bug man had already rushed into the cabin.

Sun Mo pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet casings jumped with the crisp sound of gunfire, knocking the bugmen to the ground.

Feng Jin didn't care about the worms that rushed in, but once Sun Mo failed to hit the worms, he would immediately refill the guns to ensure that the resistance of the worms would be destroyed.

As for whether to die or not, it is not within the scope of the two of them at all.

The two people's hiding place was only ten meters away from the passage. At this distance, it was impossible for any qualified special forces team member to miss, and Sun Mo did not leave much chance for Feng Jin to make up his gun.

The selection of the special forces team is extremely strict. Every special forces team member is selected from the best of the best, and has received almost rigorous training. At this distance, it is almost impossible to miss.

After killing four worms one after another, the remaining worms stopped outside the cabin and refused to rush into the cabin to die.

The gunshots stopped, but the two did not dare to relax their vigilance, and the guns were still pointed at the hatch.

At this moment, something suddenly moved in the corner of Sun Mo's eyes. He subconsciously turned his head to look over, and saw that his comrade-in-arms, who had just been unconscious, had already stood up.

Sun Mo was inexplicably pleasantly surprised. He was about to speak, but he didn't want the man to look like he was insane. The last bite.

Feng Jin was completely stunned, what the heck is going on?

He clasped the arm around his neck with one hand and pulled it off.

The man was reluctant, and took the opportunity to pull out Feng Jin's saber and stabbed Feng Jin's left chest fiercely.

Feng Jin simply slapped the man on the neck, knocking him unconscious.

Just after the sudden accident was resolved, the worms attacked again, and the two immediately fought back, but they were still a step slower, allowing a few worms to rush into the cabin.

This time, the worms are no longer defenseless. Every worm has an ugly light bug crawling on its wrist. The two of them dare not stay in place anymore. mercerized.

More and more worms poured into the cabin, and the flood of the situation broke the embankment, completely submerging the hearts of the two people.

Failure is only a matter of time, but death is a good relief. Feng Jin seized the opportunity, took off the grenade, and threw it in the direction of the passage.

Before the grenade had left his hand, Feng Jin shouted, "Grenade—" When the voice rushed out of his mouth, he had already rushed to the corner of the cabin and lay on the ground.

Sun Mo had the same reaction when he heard the shouting. The two of them rushed to the ground almost at the same time. At this time, the high-explosive grenade hit the exit and exploded, and more than 2,000 steel **** swept across the cabin, penetrating the body of the bug man, and smashing them in a dense manner. On the bulkhead and the armor of the two people, some were directly inlaid on it, and some turned into ricochets after rebounding, and they stopped after jumping several times in a row.

The steel ball not only pierced the worm, but also pierced the light worm on the worm's wrist. The capsule in the belly of a light worm was penetrated by the steel ball and exploded directly on the worm's arm. The explosion power was stronger than that of a grenade. Bigger, tearing half of the bug man's body to shreds.

Feng Jin and Sun Mo landed on the ground, and they got up carefully until they could no longer hear any sound in their ears—the weapons that came with the power armor couldn't penetrate the armor, and although there were many steel balls, they couldn't hurt the two of them. .

The cabin was already a mess at this time, and even the two giant human-devouring insects were covered in blood holes.

Feng Jin glanced and saw the guy who attacked him. He had been cut off by Si Guang, and his whole body was densely covered with blood spots.

First hit by mercerized light, and then covered by steel balls, the dead can no longer die.

Feng Jin sighed, a complicated question in his heart: "How do you say this?"

Rather than being controlled by aliens, death is the best way out.

Sun Mo said: "I think he may have let the enemy control it."

Feng Jin's eyes narrowed, and he turned to the two giant insects: "You mean, these two creatures can control humans?"

"I guess." Sun Mo said.

Feng Jin said, "Get out of here as soon as possible!" Then he took out a plastic bottle the size of a finger, and got close to the giant worm to pick up half of the worm's blood.

Nowadays, human biotechnology is not weak. If you can bring this thing back, it is almost like bringing back giant insects.

To be on the safe Feng Jin received a total of four bottles, and handed two of them to Sun Mo: "If you have a chance, don't hesitate."

Sun Mo took the bottle and filled it up, and nodded vigorously: "Let's go, if you don't go, you will have to let the bugs block this place."

The two rushed to the exit with great strides, and one of them hid at the left and right of the exit, just as he was about to look at the situation outside, when he suddenly heard a low muffled sound, which had not disappeared, and then added the sour friction and noise. cracking sound.

The sound doesn't come from one direction, but comes from all directions, like putting people in a noise mixer.

Not only that, the entire submarine suddenly shook violently, as if this was not a submarine, but a dangerous building undergoing an earthquake of magnitude 8. Everything in sight was jumping involuntarily, even the two of them were no exception.


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