Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1516: I finally caught up with you

Ye Han couldn't stop sighing, the airborne troops were transferred to the space fleet as a whole, and Beidu's handwriting is really not small... Then again, all the airborne troops have been injected with fusion needles, and they can adapt to the space environment when they board the ship. 's idea, who else can I play?

This is good, the airborne troops are completely out of gear. When this battle is won, a group of backbones must be taken back and the airborne troops will be rebuilt.

Orbital airborne is not just a few cats and dogs to have fun. Equipment is very important, technology is very important, but experience is more important, and in the foreseeable future, orbital airborne will be a very important means of combat. With the development of space, orbital airborne cannot disappear.

But this is just Ye Han's idea, or a feeling that can't be forgotten. After all, nothing is permanent. Countless military units in history are buried in the sand and dust of time. Sooner or later, orbital airborne will also have that day. It's just that Ye Han's eyes can't see that far.

Continue to click on the next video, Xiao Yuan's smiling face appeared on the screen, Ye Han's eyes fell on Xiao Yuan's shoulder, and his eyes lit up: "This kid, it's all colonel!"

Xiao Yuan's smile was bright and sunny: "Chief, are you okay? I heard that you are joining the Saturn Expedition Fleet, it should be coming soon, no, the above informs us that you can chat with the brothers of the expedition fleet, I am the first. I just think of your old superior..."

When Ye Han heard this, he was suddenly stunned. No wonder he received so many news. It turned out that it was not spontaneous, but the fleet's organized and premeditated planning!

Well, yes, the expedition fleet is not a secret, but the location of the expedition fleet is secret. Even within the military, no one can send messages to the expedition fleet.

But what is the reason for the above? Because the foreign fleet is coming soon, let the soldiers who are about to participate in the war leave a few words? Or because the expedition fleet is about to arrive at Saturn, let everyone know a little more about the situation of the earth, and appease the unease of the soldiers traveling far?

Ye Han couldn't figure it out, but to be honest, he was really happy and looking forward to receiving news from so many old acquaintances at this time, as if he had returned to Beiyuezhou.

Xiao Yuan in the video continued: "It's been so long in a blink of an eye, I can't even remember when I last saw you, I'm also transferred to the fleet, I just passed the exam a few days ago, no, I just received To the notification above, I am now the captain of the Yangguan..."

What's the number? When Ye Han heard the word "Yangguan", the ancient famous sentence "Out of Yangguan in the west, no old man" suddenly popped up in his mind, but he could only remember this sentence, what else was in front of him long forgotten .

What is the relationship between Xiao Yuan's Yangguan and the Yangguan in the poem?

Xiao Yuan in the video seemed to have heard Ye Han's heart, showing a bright smile: "Yes, that is Yangguan, a super gunship, this new warship is named after the ancient pass, what Yanmen Pass? , Tongguan, etc. In fact, this thing is a mobile super cannon. It has no other advantages except that the arms are longer. I heard that in order to hurry up, this kind of warship is made by cutting corners and materials. It has a thin skin and a big stuffing. Compared with a serious battleship."

Ye Han was shocked, but immediately understood the military's intentions.

The battleship has always been a combination of offense and defense. Whether it has armor or no armor depends on the specific combat environment.

For example, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, when it was still the era of large ships and huge guns, the battle method of the fleet was the bombardment of naval guns. For warships at that time, speed, armor and caliber of naval guns were indispensable, and the main armor was at every turn. Three or four hundred millimeters, it is simply a steel behemoth floating on the sea.

At the beginning of World War II, battleships were still the main force of the fleets of various countries, but by the end of World War II, the super battleships of various countries were smashed by aircraft carriers. of battleships.

The current situation is a bit similar. Before, regardless of whether it was an air carrier or a destroyer frigate, the role of protection was emphasized.

There are many reasons for this. The human reason is that the battleship must be as strong as possible, with the integration of offense and defense plus sufficient endurance, which is very similar to the original battleship.

Another important reason is that the aliens do not have any special weapons, and it is not so easy for a thin light to cut through the thick armor. On the contrary, if the armor is too thin, a few thin lights can dismember the battleship. how to spell?

Today's super gunships have gone to the other extreme. The effective range of this thing has to be five or six thousand kilometers, and the range is seven or eight times that of the fine light. The combat methods and tactics are different from the previous battleships, so there is no need to emphasize it. Defense, but more focus on mobility and firepower.

As a result, armor or something is naturally not used, which is somewhat similar to the development of warships after World War II.

In the end, Ye Han came to the conclusion that the military could not really say that the military cut corners and cut corners in this matter.

Of course, from the point of view of survivability, super gunships are definitely not as good as other capital ships, and alien battleships must not be approached.

Xiao Yuan's smile on the screen is still the same, and he can't see any frustration: "But don't worry, I don't dare to expect myself to be a captain in my life, and now I have this opportunity, it's too late to be happy, and I think , Super gunboats are just like artillerymen, there is no need to charge into battle, just hide behind and fire the It’s hard to find such a safe job.”

"It's almost time, I won't tell you more, and all the super gunboats are to be grouped separately. The commander turned out to be the captain of the Beihai. I heard that you are an old comrade-in-arms. Do you understand what I mean? "

At the end, Xiao Yuan showed a sly smile, which made Ye Han chuckle: "Slick!"

That being said, Ye Han really took this matter to heart, and planned to contact Duan Zhiyang shortly to talk about Xiao Yuan.

They are all their own people, and they can't get special treatment, but it's okay to take care of them within a reasonable range.

Xiao Yuan mentioned Duan Zhiyang, which aroused Ye Han's curiosity. He glanced at the screen and immediately found a message from Duan Zhiyang.

Ye Han skipped over the messages in the middle, clicked his finger, and opened the video sent by Duan Zhiyang.

On the screen, Duan Zhiyang was floating in the air, dressed in a brand-new major general uniform. He straightened his military cap and tie to the camera, and then he showed a slight smile: "Old man, do you see it? I am also a major general now, and I finally chase after him. On you!"

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