Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1518: old friend's commission

When the video ended, Ye Han had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

Duan Zhiyang seemed to be quite cheerful, but the last few words revealed his deep inner worries. Recalling the messages sent by others, it seemed that this kind of worry was not an exception, but a very common emotion.

The war is coming, and this kind of negativity is not a good phenomenon.

It is true that the foreign fleet is strong, and the human fleet is more than a bit weaker. It is not wrong for the soldiers to feel uneasy, but as a commander, even if you have no confidence in your heart, you should not show it on your face.

Emotions, like the plague, are contagious things. The current situation is that everyone's worries can no longer be concealed. If the news spreads, how will this battle be fought?

But emotion is not something that can be controlled by control. Even if he reminds Duan Zhiyang immediately, it is probably useless, and it may have the opposite effect.

After thinking about it, Ye Han could only sigh in the end. Since there is no other way, he can only go with the flow.

Just as he was about to click on the next video, Ye Han suddenly saw a name behind a message that surprised him: Zhou Yun!

The moment I saw this name, countless dusty memories poured out from the depths of my heart.

When Jingjiang was evacuated as a whole, there was chaos. He stayed near Jingjiang to deal with the giant ants, but he didn't know where Zhou Yun had withdrawn. The two broke off contact since then. More than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Ye Han can't think of it anyway. , I was able to receive Zhou Yun's news at this time.

Ye Han opened the video, and a strange yet familiar face appeared on the screen.

Compared with Zhou Yun in memory, Zhou Yun on the screen is much darker and thinner, and his expression is a little tired, but he is in good spirits, and he is no longer wearing a police uniform, but a fully armed city camouflage.

In a trance, the face in the memory of this face merged together, and the whole person suddenly became alive.

Facing the camera, Zhou Yun took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. While waving at the camera, he opened the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Long time no see, time flies so fast, it takes more than ten years in the blink of an eye."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yun paused, as if he didn't know what to say, but he quickly continued: "Now that I think of the past, it's like a dream, listening to the news, you are developed now, I am now Not bad, the police force has long since joined the army, and I’m also a major, I’m not as good as you, but it’s much better than before, at least I’m not short of food and clothing…”

"I've never thought about joining the army, but joining the army can heal my legs and give my family a guarantee, so I'm cowardly, hehe." Zhou Yun laughed at himself, raising his leg and shaking a few times, " I'm all right now, and I'm finally a normal person again... Don't look at me as a soldier, but I'm still a policeman, do you see those people behind me?"

Ye Han's eyes kept staring at Zhou Yun, but he really didn't pay attention to what was happening behind him. Hearing this, he immediately turned his eyes away and unexpectedly saw a large group of people lining up, and many trucks parked there.

Behind Zhou Yun was not a shopping mall or bank, but a wilderness overgrown with weeds. There were no buildings or roads, and all the cars were parked in the wilderness.

The only special combat here is that it is flat, the truck has a high chassis, and it can drive normally without roads.

At this time, Zhou Yunchong waved his hand to the camera, the camera immediately turned to the side, and a small stone mountain appeared on the side of the screen.

Zhou Yundao: "Did you see? I'm outside the dungeon right now. My mission is to bring these people behind them safely into the dungeon city, but I'm only responsible for bringing them here. I never planned to go in... I know the underground city. The city is safer, and I thought about moving the whole family in, but your sister-in-law doesn’t think so. She said that even if there is danger on the ground, it’s okay to let the child not even know the sun and the moon... Hey, look what I’m telling you about, Anyway, you have to keep people on the ground to deal with the bugs, so if you don’t get in, don’t get in.”

Having said that, Zhou Yun got stuck again and sighed softly: "It's been too long, I don't even know what to say to you..."

When it came to this, the crowd behind Zhou Yun had already entered the underground city one after another, the gate on the stone mountain slowly closed, a group of soldiers rushed over, all kinds of tools went into battle, and covered the originally inconspicuous gate with soil , double-spread a layer of turf that I didn't know where to uncover, and buried the gate completely, and then put away the tools and got on the car.

Zhou Yun looked back and said, "Have you seen it? This is not an exception. All dungeons have to look at it this way. If the ground is dead, there is still hope for the underground... Forget it, I know this. It was very rash to find you at times, and I have no other intentions, just thinking, in case I have an emergency in the future, please read the sentiment of the year, and help take care of my wife and children... people I know I don't know who to ask for... I wish you a safe return."

Zhou Yun said that the sound was getting smaller, and it was almost like a mosquito humming in the end. Fortunately, the camera equipment was not bad, so this entire section was recorded.

Zhou Yun on the screen finally finished these words, as if he had put down a heavy burden on his heart, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and gave a military salute to the camera, and then the picture was frozen.

Ye Hanxin said that this is all a mess!

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, and we haven't been together for a long time, we can say that he is a comrade-in-arms who fought against bugs together. Even if he didn't ask for it, if Ye Han learned that Zhou Yun had three long and two shorts in the, he would not sit back and watch his family suffer.

The problem is that this guy Zhou Yun can't be wiped away, don't say half of the words, just say help to take care of it, why don't you say who your wife is?

To be honest, this matter is really difficult for Ye Han. Since Zhou Yun has entered the army, the military must have Zhou Yun's files. With Ye Han's current position, it is too simple to check the situation of a major.

And not only Zhou Yun himself, the military must also have records of his family situation. The only problem is that we don't know what the final result of this battle will be.

Thinking of this, Ye Han feels that the safest way is to check Zhou Yun's situation now, but he is too far away from the earth now, and Beiyuezhou is busy preparing for the war, even if he applies to check Zhou Yun's information, Beiyuezhou Side didn't even bother.

No way, let's wait until this battle is over.

After watching Zhou Yun's video, Ye Han suddenly wanted to see if there were any messages sent by other old friends, and returned to the message list.

Half of the message at the bottom of the list was hidden from the screen, but he saw the sender's name at a glance: Bai Xiaoting.

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