Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1523: 1 other battlefield

The battlefield situation changed in an instant, and the Beiyuezhou headquarters was silent. Huo Qiang was full of bitterness and reluctantly ordered the fleet to withdraw. The super gunboat that had just set off immediately returned and continued to guard near the moon.

For now, the only option is to shrink the fleet and wait for the arrival of the enemy.

The low air pressure in the headquarters filled the air, Huo Qiang took a deep breath: "Okay, who are you all crying and showing? It's not too late to show your face when the aliens hit the earth, Wu Han, how is Mu Weiling? "

Wu Han said very cooperatively: "The aliens are approaching, and they are very likely to land."

"Continue to pay attention, and notify me immediately if there is any movement!"


Huo Qiang added: "The feint fleet is defeated, but haven't they tried out the alien situation? From this point of view, the defeat of the feint fleet is valuable, otherwise when the main force goes to war with the enemy, the loss will only be Bigger! Come on, let me do what I have to do, don't be an eyesore here if you can't think of it, go back to mourning, and come out when you're done crying!"

Today's joint command headquarters is not the arrogance it used to be, but the real highest military organization of mankind, which commands all human warships in a unified manner.

If it weren't for the great threat of the foreign fleet to human beings, the joint command would never have reached this stage.

The re-establishment of the joint headquarters was not so smooth. The selection of the Allied Commander alone made Beidu and the base group quarreled. Not only did both sides refuse to give in, but the base group also wanted to compete for this position.

It's just that Washington is too strong, and no one in the group dares to compete with Washington.

Beidu is different. The two sides have been arguing endlessly, and they have been arguing for more than a month without any results.

At that time, the expedition fleet had not returned to Beiyuezhou.

The later story is also very simple. The Sirius arrived on Earth. This battleship was so crazy that it not only greatly enhanced the strength of the Chinese side, but also became an important bargaining chip on the negotiating table, and finally pushed Huo Qiang to this position.

To tell the truth, Huo Qiang really didn't want to be the commander, because the higher the status, the greater the responsibility.

However, apart from Huo Qiang, the Chinese side has no more suitable candidates, and once Huo Qiang gives up, this position will fall into the hands of the base group.

As the supreme commander of the Beiyuezhou Fleet, how could Huo Qiang sit back and watch his fleet be commanded by outsiders? He can't be trusted with an American.

In this way, Huo Qiang finally reluctantly became the supreme commander of the human fleet.

Of course, this commander cannot do whatever he wants. The base group sent 12 senior officers to form an observation group to enter the headquarters. They are not allowed to interfere with the normal operation of the headquarters, but they have the right to question any of Huo Qiang's orders. Representatives of bis may vote to reject an order if they think it is unreasonable.

It looks like democracy, but it is actually a constraint!

To put it bluntly, this is a political compromise between Beidu and Washington. It is a curse on Huo Qiang's head. Once the observation group uses the veto at the most critical moment, it may disrupt Huo Qiang's overall plan.

Washington didn't want to lose this battle to the aliens, so the observation group actually had a curse on it, but Huo Qiang didn't know that.

Huo Qiang's accusations were not divided into Chinese and foreign ones. One of them in the headquarters was counted as one, and they all made him scold him severely.

The effect of scolding is not bad, most people come out of their depressed mood, and there are indeed some who can't think of it, but no one dares to put it on their faces.

About twenty minutes later, Wu Han found Huo Qiang and said in a low voice, "Commander, the latest news from Mi Weiling."

The whispers of the two attracted the attention of others, especially the 12-member observation group, all eyes were on Huo Qiang.

Huo Qiang said: "Give me the picture!"

"Yes!" Wu Han agreed, and the picture on the main screen immediately changed from the extraterrestrial fleet to Io Zero, and dozens of alien warships were floating in the outer space of Io Zero.

These warships were separated from the main force of the foreign fleet not long ago. This small fleet went straight to Io, and Beiyuezhou immediately remembered the last time the alien fleet attacked the earth, thinking that there must be aliens hiding on Io the power of.

However, the human fleet is still struggling to defend the earth, how can it be possible to divide troops to defend the zero of the guard?

All kinds of people are indeed very optimistic about the prospects of Io, but then we must first defend the earth. If the earth is lost, Io will fall into the hands of aliens sooner or later.

Knowing what the enemy wants to do, but can only watch and can't stop it, this feeling is really not good.

One thing is very strange. Under normal circumstances, the aliens hiding in Io should be a group of battleships. The goal of the partial division of the extraterrestrial fleet should be to find these battleships and bring them to Earth.

The partial division has just arrived at Io Zero. Even if the hidden enemy ships are found immediately, it will take ten days and eight days to reach the earth, but the main force of the foreign fleet can reach the earth in only two days. Do you want to rest for a while before attacking after Earth?

There is also a view that the aliens are not looking for any warships, because Io Zero was originally a super starship. This thing is the relic left by the ancient aliens. In addition to the super engine, there may be other super stars hidden in it. Character equipment, such as some kind of super weapon.

In other words, the goal of the alien's trip is to use super weapons to deal with the earth...

This guess sounds reasonable, and since Io is so big, even the resistance organization only knows the situation in a small part of the area, let alone one super weapon, ten or eight can be hidden.

However, there are very few high-level people who agree with this view, because it is not the first time that aliens have attacked the earth, nor is it the first time that they have gone to Io when they attacked the earth. If there are any super weapons Star people will not stay today.

Also, if Io is so powerful, why would aliens send Io to Earth orbit? Still parked 60 million kilometers away, driving directly to the vicinity of the earth, how good would it be to bombard the earth with one cannon?

In the same sentence, the ultimate goal of aliens is to occupy the earth, not to destroy the earth. Even if there are any super weapons there, aliens will not use them at will in order to protect the environment of the earth.

Therefore, the high-level human beings left the fleet near the earth with peace of mind, and did not send a single battleship to Io.

The alien battleships in the outer space of Io are very low, and they are only 145 kilometers away from the ground. Their speed is very slow, basically keeping pace with the ground, and each battleship is facing Io. zero.

Their altitude is really too low. If it is just an air strike, there is absolutely no need to reduce the altitude so low, let alone reduce the speed so low.

As expected, giant worms suddenly floated out of the alien battleship. They slowly fell into the atmosphere and fell to the ground in groups.

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