Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1525: Preview (2)

Huo Qiang's brows were deeply wrinkled. At this point, the aliens still refused to give up. What the heck was hidden on the moon?

The more he thought about it, the more uncertain he felt. He turned his head and asked, "Wu Han, do we still have missiles at Miwei Zero?"

Wu Han said: "There is also a disguised space station with a batch of missiles there."

Huo Qiang said: "Use it if you need it."

Wu Han hesitated: "Commander, if you use those missiles, you will warn the aliens!"

There is nothing to hide that the space station has missiles, the key is that the space station is disguised as an asteroid!

The earth also does this, so once these missiles are used, it will remind aliens to pay attention to asteroids, which may affect the upcoming battle to defend the earth.

Huo Qiang hesitated for a while, but finally made up his mind: "Use it, I always feel that Mi Wei is not that simple... What do you think?"

The last sentence was directed at the International Fleet Observer Mission.

The twelve generals first whispered after hearing the words, and then they gathered together to discuss for a while, and they quarreled without saying a few words.

Wu Han leaned into Huo Qiang's ear and asked in a low voice, "Commander, Io is our place, is it necessary to ask their opinion?"

Huo Qiang said in the same low voice: "Io Wei has nothing to do with them, but this matter is related to the defense deployment of the earth, it is better to ask for it, and be prepared."

The black pot is a thing, if you can throw it out, it is best not to carry it on your body.

The observation group finally had a result, and the argument went to a show of hands, and Huo Qiang's proposal was approved by a narrow majority.

After getting the result, Huo Qiang nodded to Wu Han, and Wu Han immediately passed the order back to the Beiyuezhou command center.

The space station disguised as an asteroid is not near the side division at this time, and the orbital altitude is much higher than that of the side division. It takes more than 20 minutes to travel to the vicinity of the side division.

The Beiyuezhou command center must master the timing of sending the signal, and all preparations must be done six minutes and forty seconds in advance—the signal received by Beiyuezhou came from three minutes and twenty seconds before, and the signal sent by the command center also took three minutes It takes 20 seconds to reach Io Zero, if there is no buffer for more than 20 minutes, it will be difficult to do.

After waiting patiently for twenty-six minutes, Beiyuezhou finally received the image of the space station attacking. Because the satellites are far away, the space station on the screen is a little small, and the missiles launched are even more inconspicuous. A group of missiles suddenly jumped out of the small celestial bodies and flew towards the alien fleet in low-altitude orbit.

The attack was sudden, but all the alien warships had their **** down and bow up. The attack from the space station just hit the muzzle. Forty or so alien warships fired at the same time. Space stations disguised as small celestial bodies were also shredded to pieces by fine light.

Seeing this result, Huo Qiang looked at Wu Han: "Anything else?"

Wu Han shook his head: "No more."

Huo Qiang sighed: "Do your best to obey the destiny."

What he is most worried about is that there is some kind of super weapon hidden on Io, so even if Io has been devastated by the nuclear bomb, he still orders the headquarters to monitor Io 24 hours a day. No matter what is found, it must be reported immediately. he reports.

However, the second landing of the aliens was very smooth. Not long after landing, the intended target was found, but the hole had collapsed in the earthquake, and the aliens had to send giant insects to re-dig.

Huo Qiang didn't know what was hidden there, but he was sure that the excavation was not a matter of one or two days. The extraterrestrial fleet would arrive on Earth in two days. Even if the aliens could dig out super weapons, they would definitely not be able to catch up with it in two days. fight.

He had some regrets in his heart. If he was less impulsive just now, he would leave the space station until now and bomb the excavation point directly.

One hour and twenty-three minutes later, Leishan received a signal from Io Zero. Ye Han was speechless for a while after reading it, and finally he could only let out a long sigh.

After all, he had also stayed on Io for a while, and knew more about Io's situation than the average person, but he had never thought of super weapons at all, and only thought that there were hidden warships by aliens there.

However, he felt that it was not quite right. The current alien warships are all improved versions after the aliens have learned lessons. For example, the original ice-white hull has long been changed to black.

Even if there is a battleship hidden on Io Zero, it is still an ice-white old version, and its combat capabilities cannot be compared with the current new version. There is no need for the aliens to run over in a hurry.

But Ye Han didn't think much about it. He only knew that the foreign fleet would arrive on Earth in two days. The victory or defeat of this battle would determine the survival of mankind. How could he have any extra thoughts to think about Io Ling?

The feint reconnaissance of the super gunships and the Io landing battle were not large in scale, but they could be seen as a rehearsal of the Earth Defense War. However, both sides seized the last moment before the war to revise their own combat plans.

Ye Han was not idle either. While caring about the situation of the earth, he lifted the hibernation of the crew on the ship.

Others are as concerned about the situation of the earth as Ye Han. The war is imminent, and they all want to know the result of the battle as soon as possible. The first purpose of Ye Han's awakening in advance is to determine the time of the war, so that others can be woken up in time.

Not only did the crew of the Leishan wake up, but the crew of the Qingzhou and Shihe also woke up before the war. Everyone was silently watching the earth, waiting for the battle to start.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the extraterrestrial fleet did not directly attack the, but suddenly changed direction at the juncture that was about to reach the earth. Although the deviation angle was not large, it pulled the extraterrestrial fleet away. The distance between the fleet and the earth, around the earth at a height of about 800,000 kilometers from the earth.

This move by the aliens is too unexpected. From the official to the public, everyone who knows the news is guessing the purpose of the aliens.

The first reaction of Huo Qiang and the others upon receiving this news was that the aliens were waiting for the super weapon on Io Zero!

In addition to this, Huo Qiang couldn't think of a more reasonable reason. He immediately asked about the situation of Io Wei Ling, but the answer he got was that he found nothing abnormal.

Huo Qiang was so angry that he didn't fight, the aliens dug into the ground, so he couldn't see anything abnormal!

At this point, Huo Qiang deeply regretted his previous decision. If he kept his hand when the nuclear bomb was detonated, even if only one nuclear bomb was left, it would create a little difficulty for the aliens who landed, so he wouldn't be so helpless and keep watching.

Huo Qiang really wanted to send the fleet out and take the initiative to attack and take the initiative, but there were too few warships in the hands of humans, and without the cover of the moon and many orbiters, it was almost impossible for the fleet to defeat the foreign fleet.

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