Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1567: warm star

Ye Han's brain twitched, and he almost didn't crash on the spot: "How is it possible?"

Duan Zhiyang sighed: "I didn't want to believe it when I first knew it, but what I said was the truth. Aliens never planned to land on the earth from the very beginning. Their goal was to interfere with the earth's environment and increase the temperature of the earth. It's only been three years, and the highest temperature on the equator can reach 44 degrees. According to experts, the average temperature at the 30 degree north-south latitude is now similar to the previous temperature of the Tropic of Cancer."

"What about the ice caps? The North and South Poles?"

"It's melting and the sea level has risen by more than a metre."

"Damn it!" Ye Han scratched his scalp vigorously, "What do the aliens want to do? Their home planet is so hot?"

"It's not clear, but the rainforests do spread to the mid-latitudes, and the swarms should like that kind of temperature."

Ye Han rubbed his temples vigorously: "This is too incredible. The aliens can't grab the earth, so they start to harm the earth? What are they trying to do?"

Duan Zhiyang said: "I heard that the current temperature is not too high. In the Cretaceous period, the global average temperature was not too different from today. If the oxygen content of the atmosphere can be increased to 30%, it will definitely appear on the earth. Native giant creatures."

"Like dinosaurs?"

Duan Zhiyang nodded: "Yes."

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "I'm a little confused."

"I understand." Duan Zhiyang said, "Then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute!" Ye Han stopped, "It's not a good thing for the earth's temperature to rise, but what does this have to do with how I arrange it? The temperature has risen, and the aliens will follow?"

"Aliens have not been found for the time being, but giant insects and servants are particularly rampant, but there are not many insect people, probably because insect people are not adapted to high temperature."

"A lot of battles?"

"Yeah." Duan Zhiyang nodded, "The higher the temperature, the more dangerous it is. It's complicated to talk about, and I can't tell for a while."

"I can imagine." Ye Han's heart was numb, and he suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, "Does it mean that the focus of the aliens has been placed on the earth, so the above focus has also returned to the earth, and the fleet has become secondary? "

"That's not true, no matter whether the earth or space, the aliens will not stop, oh yes, there is also Io, there is a mess over there, since the foreign fleet landed in Io, there is no news of the resistance organization. , Now Io's temperature has also increased several degrees, and alien activity is often found, and the fleet has to use nuclear bombs to bombard it a few times, even using cobalt bombs, but it still can't solve the problem."

Ye Han said: "I planned to colonize Io Zero at the beginning, but now it's better... I didn't think of a way to cool the earth?"

"Think about it, how can you not? But it can't match the release rate of greenhouse gases, or it's more than just a six-degree increase."

Ye Han was annoyed and angry: "Isn't this the end of the world?"

"Who said it wasn't." Duan Zhiyang said in a low voice, "It's simply a draw from the bottom of the pot. Aliens don't need to land at all. If you use this skill earlier, human beings will be dead."

Ye Han said: "Aliens can raise the temperature of the earth, and 80% of them have a way to lower the temperature. First, let us all die of heat, and then they will take over the earth, which is much simpler than a military attack!"

"Maybe there is something we don't know." Duan Zhiyang said, "For example, raising the temperature is simple, cooling is more complicated."

"It may also be that we hurt the aliens. They knew that the probability of taking the earth by force is too small, so they thought of this way."

"Can't you?" Duan Zhiyang looked puzzled, "According to the location, when the foreign fleet departed, the expeditionary force had not yet been formed, how could they still be a prophet?"

"It's impossible to predict, but think about it, what were we like when the aliens first came, and what are we like now? No matter the last time, there were four expeditions before and after, and the scale was bigger each time. The results of the battle are getting stronger every time, but you are an alien, what would you think?"

Duan Zhiyang pinned the meaning of what he said, and couldn't help but nodded: "Also, I think when the asteroid came to the earth, I still got a few space shuttles from the Yankees, and changed it and sent it to the sky as a battleship, now what? We've even been to Saturn several times, and it's only been more than ten years, so why has it changed so much?"

In the past, human beings could only use temporarily modified space shuttles to take the lead. Today, human spaceflight has achieved a double leap in quality and quantity. It is no longer a fish belly that can be bullied by aliens, but has reached a height that aliens must look up to. To say it was a miracle would be an understatement.

"Yeah!" Ye Han also sighed with emotion, "If it wasn't for the decision to open up Beiyuezhou at the beginning, it is estimated that we would still let the aliens press on the ground to bully them."

Duan Zhiyang said: "The alien fleet has no ability to bully us, but the aliens make the earth look like this, isn't it also bullying us?"

"Then kill them!" Ye Han said fiercely, "Have you not found where the aliens are hiding?"

Duan Zhiyang nodded: "I have no Didn't you get clues from the bug killer?"

"It's useless. When we found a place, the building was already empty."

"Is that so..." Ye Han thought for a moment, "What do you think is the top plan to arrange me?"

Duan Zhiyang shook his head: "How do I know this, but I don't think the possibility of using orbital airborne to deal with bugs is high. It should be a strategic reserve team, and I will send you to wherever the most troublesome places are."

"What's the most troublesome thing, just say it's the most dangerous!" Ye Han sighed, "What's going on on Earth? I mean the situation, not the environment."

Duan Zhiyang scratched the back of his head: "I can't explain this in a few sentences. In short, it is very passive. If you really go back, you will definitely not have a good life."

"Otherwise, what should we do?" Ye Han spread his hands, "Who told us to eat this meal!"

Duan Zhiyang glanced at Ye Han, then waved helplessly: "Forget it, don't talk about it, what do you want to know, go check the information yourself... I'm not here to hang out with you, in a few days. , I'm leaving."

Ye Han was refreshed: "Have you discovered aliens again?"

"No, routine inspections, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, take a walk to see the situation, throw nuclear bombs wherever you feel uncomfortable, in short, take precautions before they happen, and strangle them to death when you see signs, and don't give the enemy a chance to make a comeback. ."

Ye Han said: "It is estimated that I have no chance to participate in the expedition, and I have the opportunity to throw a few more for me!"

"That's necessary, what's not pleasing to your eye? Tell me directly!"

Ye Han laughed: "It's not pleasing to the eye if it has something to do with aliens, just throw it away!"

Since 1565, it should be a new volume, but I was so anxious that day that I forgot...

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