Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1570: wild speculation

"Qingtang?" Ye Han said in surprise, "Isn't it a dungeon?"

Qingtang is one of the largest cities in the northwest region. The defense system there is very complete. It is one of the largest ground resettlement areas in the northwest region. It is indeed a good place.

"No." Wu Han said, "The dungeons that have been dug are all full. Where can I find a dungeon for them? It's good that Qingtang is willing to accept so many people."

Ye Han immediately looked at the map and calculated the scale: "From the East No. 9 base to Qingtang, the straight-line distance is no less than 2,000 kilometers, and the actual distance is more than 3,000 kilometers. The star people must have to send more swarms, and they want to send people safely... difficult!"

Wu Han said: "It's easy to get you guys in your turn? You don't even think about it, where are you going? After the East Nine is evacuated, there are still five dungeons, and the sea level is still rising. The dungeons that need to be evacuated now are Not much, but with the current rate of melting of the glaciers, there will be at least thirty or fifty dungeons that must be evacuated in the next few years, just think about it, how many populations that must be!"

Ye Han couldn't help taking a breath.

The size of the dungeon varies, and the carrying capacity is different. The maximum can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, and the minimum can only accommodate a few thousand people. On average, each dungeon is 50,000 people. If 40 dungeons need to be relocated, then That's a full two million people!

Fortunately, most of the dungeons are built in the central and western regions. If they are all built in the coastal areas... Hehe, Ye Han can't even think about how to move hundreds of millions of people away.

Migration is second, and the most important thing is where to move.

The central and western regions are not as developed as the coastal areas, and there is little pressure to absorb millions of people. If 100 million people are really moved there, just eating, drinking, and leasing will be a big problem that cannot be solved.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Ye Han's mind. This time, only 30,000 people were evacuated. Maybe the base with the least population was deliberately selected. The purpose was not simply to move people to Qingtang. Maybe there were other reasons. The idea of ​​​​going to the base to gain experience for evacuating more bases in the future.

Although Ye Han has been promoted to lieutenant general, he does not have much power. He will not ask for his opinion on how to arrange the above, and he has no ability to interfere with the above decision. The only thing he can do is to explain everything from above Do a good job of each task and minimize losses as much as possible.

Perhaps it was not intuitive, Wu Han clicked again on the conference table and put on a new map: "This is the map after the melting of the global glaciers. The sea level has risen by 66 meters, and most of the coastal areas will be destroyed. When the sea is submerged, the northern capital can become a coastal city. Tell me, how many dungeons must be evacuated by that time?”

Ye Han looked at the map and his eyes were full: "Is this true?"

"It's absolutely true," Wu Han said. "It's made based on the altitude. It's very shocking, isn't it?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Aren't aliens so crazy? If all the glaciers at the north and south poles melted, how high would the temperature be?"

Wu Han said: "You dare to say that aliens are not crazy? Do you know what height they want to raise the temperature to?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly again: "I dare not say it!"

To melt all the glaciers in the north and south poles, how much does the global temperature need to be raised?

He didn't know what the answer was, but he knew that the lowest temperature in the world was in Antarctica!

Ye Han's home is in the north, where there are four distinct seasons. The average temperature in winter is minus ten degrees, the minimum temperature is close to minus forty degrees, and the maximum temperature in summer is about thirty degrees above zero, that is to say, the temperature difference between winter and summer is about seventy degrees. .

He vaguely remembered where he had seen it. The average temperature in Antarctica in winter is more than 70 degrees below zero. According to such figures, the lowest temperature in Antarctica should be close to 90 degrees below zero. That is to say, the average temperature in Antarctica in summer should be below 2 about ten degrees.

Today, the global temperature has risen by six degrees. If it rises by another 14 degrees, the average summer temperature in Antarctica will reach above zero. It is unknown how many years of existence Antarctic ice sheets will gradually melt and become an accomplice in raising sea levels.

But there will come a day when the sea level is not important anymore, because the average temperature in summer in the north will reach 50 degrees above zero, and the extreme weather may even reach 60 degrees above zero!

What is the concept of sixty degrees above zero? It is not surprising that the surface temperature under direct sunlight reaches 80 or even 90 degrees above zero.

Can human beings survive in the high temperature of 60 degrees above zero?

Perhaps, desert regions seem to have such extreme temperatures.

But what about eighty degrees above zero? What about ninety degrees above zero? Everyone is roasted, and they still have a fart?

"It's good to know!" Wu Han knocked on the table hard, "Although there are no clear instructions on it, I believe that within a period of time, your task will be to **** the personnel to evacuate, just take this opportunity to run the troops."

Ye Han quickly stated: "Don't worry, Chief, we will perform whatever tasks are arranged above!"

"Very good, I'm looking forward to your good news!" Having said that, Wu Han stood up, "Okay, let's go here today, get familiar with the equipment as soon as we go Let's go as soon as possible, understand? ?"

"Understood!" Everyone stood up at the same time, and Wu Han was leaving now.

After the door to the conference room closed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. All eyes turned to Ye Han.

Ye Han sighed: "Is everyone clear about the mission?"


Ye Han said: "There are no outsiders here. I don't want to say more, and I don't need to say more. I just took over the army and I'm not familiar with the situation, but have you all been in place for a while?"

"I'm seven days!" Xiao Yuan raised his hand.

"Five days for me!" Ouyang Ping raised his hand.

"I'm just like you!" Luo Qi raised his hand.

Ye Han glared at Luo Qi fiercely: "You talk too much!"

Luo Qi quickly shrank his neck.

Ye Han said: "That is to say, only me and Luo Qi are not familiar with equipment, right?"

He has already read the information. The orbital airborne troops formed this time are different from the past. In the past, those airborne troops still followed the old path of paratroopers, but this time they took the elite line.

To make an unremarkable analogy, the airborne troops in the past were like powerful infantry, while the orbital airborne troops were like special forces, and the two were not at the same level at all.

The most direct manifestation is the equipment.

The main equipment of the Orbital Airborne Force is naturally power armor, but this armor uses some alien technology, uses many new materials, and its performance has been greatly improved. Compared with previous power armor, it is like vans and supercars. .

Xiao Yuan nodded honestly, Ouyang Ping immediately agreed, Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "Okay, the two of us don't have much influence, go back and bring the troops well, board the ship as soon as possible...Lin Yi!"


"How is the battleship?"

"Everything is normal, you can leave at any time!" Lin Yi replied loudly.

"Very good, then organize boarding immediately."

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