Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1573: 1 There must be a bottom line

Since the rise of the aliens, the orbital elevator has no place. After that, the most effective means of ground-air transportation is the electromagnetic orbit of the Qiongzhou base.


Aliens have occupied almost the entire tropical region in recent years, and are gradually expanding in the north and south directions based on the tropics.


Located in the tropics, Qiongzhou is one of the tropical strongholds that are still in the hands of human beings. It is almost poked in the eyes of aliens. It is a thorn in the eyes of aliens.


Moreover, the electromagnetic orbital capacity is limited. Every time the launch is launched, the aliens will try their best to intercept them. Beidu also tries to destroy the interception of the aliens. The two sides have conducted countless confrontations around the Qiongzhou launch site. There will definitely be a firefight.


Although the Qiongzhou launch site has always been firmly in the hands of Beidu, the alien attacks are becoming more frequent and larger in scale, and counter-interception is becoming more and more difficult. Use less is less.


If the Qiongzhou launch site is lost, the transportation between the ground and the air can only rely on carrier rockets. The cost is high and the capacity is poor. If you want to enter space, it will be troublesome.


Taking into account various factors, Ye Han must control the scale of the orbital airborne. On the premise of ensuring victory over the enemy, the smaller the airborne scale, the better, and the number of people returning to space should be minimized.


The number of enemies detected by the satellite is not large, and the servants of two squadrons are enough.


The first batch of servants fell into the atmosphere, and the airborne capsule was immediately enveloped in a layer of magnificent flames, falling to the ground like a group of meteors.


The speed of the airborne capsule is extremely fast, but the alien's response is not slow. Several light worm air defense positions appeared on the ground at the same time. Hundreds of light insects fired at the falling airborne capsule at the same time. The dense forest-like light shuttled at high speed, and many airborne capsules collided with the fine light head-on, and were cut in half by the fine light on the spot.


Ye Han's face was sinking like water. The scene in front of him reminded him of the airborne expedition to Jupiter... Have the aliens on Earth developed so strongly? Even the light insect position dares to blatantly release it?


The first batch of airborne pods lost a fifth in an instant. At this speed, one-third of the airborne pods could finally land, thank goodness.


He ordered without hesitation: "Cover with firepower, cover the airborne troops, add a batch of empty cabins, and then drop two squadrons half a minute apart!"


Anyway, all the servants were cast, and the cost of cloning servants was very low. Even if the four squadrons were completely lost, Ye Han would not feel distressed.


On the other hand, if a few of his soldiers sacrificed, he would be in a completely different mood.


"Yes!" Lin Yi answered loudly, and immediately threw a batch of airborne pods without servants at the earth. Half a minute later, one squadron was parachuted into the air, and another half a minute later, another squadron was parachuted into the air.


At the same time, all the firepower on the ship was aimed at the light worm positions on the ground, and a laser that was denser than a thin light fell from the sky, burning the light worms that climbed out of the ground one by one.


Many light worms exploded after being hit by lasers, and their power was comparable to heavy artillery.


Ye Han is not surprised at all. High-level officials from various countries have noticed this problem very early, and they have captured light worms to study them. They have thoroughly studied the light worms, and they are very clear about the composition of the two high-energy liquids in the belly of the light worms.


The energy density of those two liquids is astonishingly high, and they are a very high-quality high-energy fuel. If two high-energy liquids are used to replace the explosives in the cannonball, the power of the cannonball can be increased by at least three times!


The problem is that the chemical composition of this thing is dizzyingly complex, and the difficulty of artificial synthesis is simply a nightmare. Therefore, until now, all research has remained at the laboratory level, and it is far from practical.


Some people have proposed artificial breeding of light worms, but this idea is impossible to achieve at present, and the cost and harvest are completely disproportionate.


Back to the original story, under the strong suppression of Ningwuguan, a large number of light worms on the ground died, the air defense firepower became weaker and weaker, and two-thirds of the airborne capsules successfully fell to an altitude of 20,000 meters.


At this time, the shell of the airborne capsule exploded automatically, and the shattered shell accompanies the vicinity of the airborne capsule. Each shell fragment looks like an airborne capsule.


They landed together with the airdrop pods, looking from the ground to the air, it looked like hundreds of airdrop pods fell at the same time.


The sky-filled airborne pods attracted the attention of the alien servants, who quickly occupied favorable terrain, fixed their eyes on the sky, and prepared for air defense.


Soon after, the airborne capsule decelerated at an altitude of 3,000 meters, and then the inner layer of the airborne capsule burst, releasing the servants who had been wrapped in the capsule.


The servants immediately vibrated their wings and searched for hostile targets while slowing down their falling speed. Whether it was a giant insect or an alien servant, as long as they were discovered by the eyes of the human servants, they would immediately be a mess of guns.


Compared with humans, the equipment of the servants is almost simple, with only a simple exoskeleton and an enlarged armored rifle.


Does the military have the ability to equip its servants with better weapons and armor? Of course there is, but it's not necessary at all. An exoskeleton can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the servants. Equipping power armor is a waste.


Moreover, these servants are mainly used for ground combat. If they are equipped with full-coverage power armor, their wings should also be covered within the armor, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the servants.


As for the armored rifle, needless to say, it is an enlarged version of the current armored rifle. It has excellent performance in all aspects. The rifles provided to the resistance organizations in previous years are simply incomparable.


Nearly 100 winged servants stood high above, commandingly fired at the alien servants on the ground, with an astonishingly high hit rate.


The alien servants did not show weakness, and kept shooting at the human servants in the air, streaks of silk light swept across the sky, and many servants were hit by the silk light volleyed into two pieces.


At a critical moment, a large number of alien servants poured out from nowhere, and all the alien servants fired into the air together. The human servants in the air felt the pressure, and the casualty rate suddenly increased.


Ye Han really wanted to order the battleship to support a wave, but the airborne servants were right above the enemy, no matter what weapon they used, a round of fire covered the past, and it was hard to say whether the enemy would die or not.


Ye Han really doesn't care much about the life and death of the servants, but in any case, these servants are also fighting for human beings. Although he does not admit it on the surface, deep down in his heart, he very much rejects this kind of unscrupulous means to achieve their goals. idea.


At any time and under any circumstances, there must be a bottom line in being a person!


Servants are indeed cannon fodder, they can indeed be sacrificed, and they can indeed be ignored, but sacrifices must also be made meaningful, instead of throwing them into the battlefield and destroying them with the enemy. Ps: Book friends, I am Metal Crack. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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