Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1578: target desert


The situation on the ground stabilized, and Ye Han finally felt relieved in his heart. The next step was to transport people continuously. At the current speed, it would be a day and a half.

All the insect swarms that can be seen at the moment have been dispersed by the military, the threat of sporadic giant insects is extremely small, and the migration team can be safe for a while...

"Chief, call from the headquarters!" Lin Yi's voice interrupted Ye Han's thinking.

As soon as Ye Han heard the three words of the command, his scalp felt tense, and he connected to the communication. Wu Han's holographic image appeared in front of him, except that it was suspended in the air, which was no different from the real person: "Ye Han, there is a new task. here you are."

Ye Han's whole person is not good: "New task? Chief, I have no servants in my hands. If there is another task, I have to airborne with my team members!"

"The servants can't carry out this task." Wu Han said.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and finally understood what Wu Han meant: "Sir, you said."

Wu Han waved his hand, and a large-scale military map appeared in front of Ye Han. Wu Han pointed to the corner of the map and said, "This is the sea of ​​death. Seven minutes ago, one of our scientific expedition teams lost contact at this location. We have The reason is to believe that their disappearance is related to aliens, the superior ordered us to send troops to rescue immediately, I will give you this task, is there any problem?"

Ye Han frowned: "The task is no problem, but chief, can I ask them what they are doing in the desert?"

"Yes, the task of the scientific expedition team is to collect super plant samples!"

"Ah?" Ye Han was completely dizzy, "Super plants are all over the earth, how about running in the desert to find them?"

Explaining the mission of the scientific expedition team is conducive to the mission, so Wu Han patiently explained: "Do you know the characteristics of super plants?"

"You know, the environment directly affects gene expression!"

Wu Han nodded: "Yes, but do you know that any subtle environmental details can affect the specific expression of genes, let's talk about deserts, super plants in the same desert grow differently, even in the same dune. The top and the bottom, there are also distinct differences."

Ye Han was shocked: "Headmaster, the purpose of collecting samples is..."

"Research!" Wu Han said, "Super plants are more adaptable than any kind of earth plant, and apart from releasing greenhouse gases, there is no harm to human beings. The above hopes to extract super plant genes from samples and extract genes suitable for desert areas. Pieces, or pieces that fit other environments, and end up with our own superplants that we can use to transform deserts or something in the future."

The flesh on Ye Han's face was twitching, thinking that he had thought so far before the battle was over. Was he too anxious?

But the task was arranged above, and he could only think about it in his heart, and he couldn't say it anyway: "Sir, the last contact time is seven minutes ago, right?"


"It's only seven minutes, what is the basis for the above conclusion that the expedition team is missing?"

Wu Han said: "The scientific research team sends a positioning signal every ten minutes."

"Are there any other clues?" Ye Han asked, "Didn't the satellite find it?"

"A satellite has been following the scientific expedition team, but the weather in the mission area changed abruptly and was submerged by a sandstorm, and the satellite did not capture anything."

Ye Han immediately came to the spirit: "Did the sandstorm cause the communication to be interrupted?"

"That's impossible. The equipment of the scientific expedition team is very advanced, and the sandstorm can't block the positioning signal!"

"What if they hid in the ground... no, buried in the sand?"

Wu Han glared at Ye Han angrily: "One person wearing a power armor, do you think the sandstorm can be buried?"

"Understood!" Ye Han grinned, not daring to guess.

Since the successful development of power armor, he has been dealing with this thing. Almost all types of power armor have been in contact, but it is just a little sandstorm. It is really impossible to do anything with power armor.

Ye Han's eyes fell on the map and asked seriously, "What is my mission?"

Wu Han pointed to the map and said, "Here are the coordinates of the last contact. Your mission is to descend here and see people die and see corpses. No matter what, you must find people back!"

Ye Han said: "Understood, do you have anything else to explain?"

"Yes!" Wu Han said, "The sandstorm has not stopped. The longer the delay, the harder it will be to find the clues left by the scientific expedition team. You must set off as soon as possible... This task is very important. The servants are temporarily handed over to the ground troops. You don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, I'm leaving right now!"

After the communication was over, Ye Han immediately took off the holographic helmet: "Xiao Yuan, there is a task, the servants will be handed over to the ground troops, and all the airdrop cabins will be assembled!"

Xiao Yuan was stunned for a while before he realized what Ye Han said, and immediately stood up: "Yes!"

At this time, Ye Han had already drifted to the outside of the bridge, and Xiao Yuan quickly followed, giving orders while floating.

Lin Yi at the back asked loudly for instructions: "Sir, what about me!"

Ye Han's voice came from outside the bridge: "Continue to cover the ground troops!"

Lin Yi sighed in silently buckled his helmet.

Thirty-seven seconds later, everyone rushed to the airborne capsule, twenty-three seconds ahead of the scheduled time.

Ye Han was very satisfied with this speed. Standing in the center of the cabin, he briefly explained the mission. In the end, he asked the soldiers to go into battle lightly.

The new armor is composed of the most basic power armor and various additional equipment. It is equipped with various heavy weapons. If the additional armor and all heavy weapons are brought, every soldier will immediately become a powerful firepower fortress.

However, the more equipment you bring, the higher the weight of the armor. It doesn't matter in space or low-gravity environments. If you land on the earth wearing a full set of armor, the weight of the armor alone will make it difficult for the soldiers to move an inch.

If you are fully armed and airborne in the desert, hehe, the armor must sink into the sand, and then the fun will be great.

So this time we can only go light.

However, lightly loaded, lightly loaded, and the new light-loaded armor is not easy to mess with.

Not long after, everyone was ready, and Ye Han personally checked the equipment of each soldier. When there was no problem, he entered the cabin with a loud roar, and then he was the first to get into the airborne cabin.

This is not the first time he has entered the airborne capsule, but the last time he was airborne in this way was a long time ago. Now that I think about it, I feel a little nostalgia and melancholy in my heart.

Everyone entered the airborne cabin, and Lin Yi immediately asked in the communication: "Chief, the airborne preparation is complete!"

Ye Han came back to his senses and whispered, "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Lin Yi issued an airdrop command, and Ye Han's airdrop capsule was immediately stuffed into the airdrop track by the manipulator. With a light sound, the airdrop capsule quickly glided along the track, and flew out of the battleship like a bullet in a blink of an eye, falling straight to the earth.

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