Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1591: full investigation

Ye Han wanted to communicate with Ning Wuguan, and said bluntly: "The bridge, give me the command!"

"Yes!" Lin Yi immediately complied. In a blink of an eye, Wu Han appeared in front of Ye Han and asked with a serious face, "What's the matter?"

"Chief, our department has found the missing scientific expedition team!" Ye Han came to give a head start and reported the completion of the task.

"Okay, that's great, I'll definitely credit you!" Wu Han was overjoyed, "How is the situation of the scientific expedition team?"

Ye Han said: "There are seven people in the whole team, but we only rescued six, and one person is missing. We only found his power armor. From what we know so far, the possibility of the missing person dying is very high."

Wu Han was silent, took a deep breath, and said, "It's not perfect, but it's not bad, but it's not bad at this level... In this way, you will immediately lead the scientific expedition team to Qingtang, and I will arrange for someone to pick you up at Qingtang!"

"Chief, we have also discovered new situations and must report to you." Ye Han said solemnly.

Wu Han was startled: "Now?"

"Yes, now." Ye Han said.

Wu Han frowned: "What's the situation?"

"We found a special tiankeng in the desert..." Ye Han introduced the situation in the most concise language, including the situation inside and outside the tiankeng, everyone's guesses, and the idea of ​​using the tiankeng. Said, "Chief, I think this matter is very important, so I will report to you directly and want to hear your guidance."

"Is that so..." Wu Han's fingers tapped on the table unconsciously, and he said after a while, "I can't decide this matter, so please wait a moment, and I will report it to the top!"


When the communication was over, Ye Han couldn't help but sighed in relief.

He has already done what he can do. As for how to decide from above, whether to use the tiankeng, and whether the use of the tiankeng is pros or cons, it is not something he can consider.

Xiao Yuan sneaked up to Ye Han's side: "Captain, what did you say above?"

"Don't say anything, wait for the news."

Xiao Yuan tasted the taste in the words: "Yes, this is too big, and Beiyuezhou can't control it at all. Without Beidu speaking, no one dares to mess around."

"Can the above agree?" Ouyang Ping was not optimistic about the prospect of Tiankeng, but he had already said everything he had to say, and he wisely didn't say anything against it.

"I don't know." Ye Han told the truth, "We do our best to obey the destiny. We are the hands and eyes, but not the brains."

"Hey, that hole is closed!" Luo Qi suddenly pointed to the Tiankeng and said.

Everyone turned their heads to look over, and saw that the seam on the pit was slowly closing.

Xiao Yuan smiled and said: "This thing is quite sensible, because it knows that it can't do anything to us!"

Ye Han laughed: "Just go on nonsense!"

Several people were talking and laughing, and time passed quickly without knowing it, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

While talking and laughing, Ye Han suddenly heard the communication prompt, and he quickly chose to connect - because he was on the front line, in order to avoid affecting the operations of the troops in the front, no matter which level of command the incoming call was, it would not be displayed directly, it was only related to The emergency communication of the battle situation will directly cut into the communication of the personnel in front.

Wu Han appeared in Ye Han's eyes, and Ye Han hurriedly said hello: "Chief!"

Wu Han's voice was a little low: "There is news from above, the tiankeng you mentioned has been known for a long time, this thing only appeared in the enemy-occupied area in the past, so the above only knows that there is such a thing, there is no detailed information, your discovery. It is the first one in China, and it is also the first discovery in the middle and high latitudes, but it is hard to say whether it is useful or not.

"Ah?" Ye Han looked embarrassed, "How to check this?"

"How to check what!" Wu Han stared angrily, "Didn't you just rescue the scientific expedition team? With so many experts, how do you check it?"

"Understood!" Ye Han quickly agreed.

At the end of the communication, Ye Han immediately ordered the airdrop of Jiemiansu from Ningwuguan.

A few minutes later, all the six rescued people were injected with hypnotic. After about seven or eight minutes, everyone's weight gradually returned to normal.

One of them just woke up, and his first reaction was to touch his side. When he saw the soldier supporting him, he immediately grabbed the soldier's arm: "Sample box, where is the sample box!"

The soldier was a little stunned, and immediately shouted: "Report, captain, he is awake!"

Ye Han rushed over: "Hello, I'm the commander of the rescue force!"

The man also remembered what he had experienced: "Hello, I'm Gu Cheng, I study alien plants, have you seen our sample box?"

"Sorry, no." Ye Han said, "The situation is a bit complicated. It was an accident to get you back."

Gu Cheng heard Ye Han's implication, and his mood immediately dropped: "Thank you, thank you, how are my players?"

Ye Han sighed: "We found six people and an empty armor, and the people inside disappeared, the possibility of sacrifice is very high."

Speaking of this, Gu Cheng's emotions suddenly became excited: "Who, who is it?"

Ye Han said: "His accent is very heavy."

Gu Cheng was obviously stunned, Ye Han felt that he seemed relieved, and was slightly surprised in his heart.

Gu Cheng sighed: "It's Azati...he is our guide."

Ye Han suddenly realized that he was not an official member of the scientific expedition team, no wonder his mood changed so quickly.

Although Azati is not an official member of the scientific expedition team, no matter how you say it, it is also a desert with the scientific expedition Power armor is still high-end equipment of the military, and it can be handed over to the power armor. Azati, a lot of questions have been explained, but what about Gu Cheng? Hearing that Azati sacrificed was actually relieved?

Ye Han can understand Gu Cheng's thoughts, but he can't agree with his behavior. He doesn't want to have too much intersection with Gu Cheng, so he just straight to the point, briefly explain the situation, and finally tell Gu Cheng that the superior needs the detailed information of the Tiankeng and asks for it. The scientific research team went all out to find out the situation of the tiankeng and provide a basis for the decision of the superior.

In order to let Gu Cheng understand the importance of this matter, Ye Han also briefly talked about the idea of ​​using the Tiankeng.

Gu Cheng's eyes became brighter as he listened, and at the end he became excited, rubbing his hands together and shouting, "It is much more important than all the samples we have collected together!"

The other expedition team members also returned to normal. Gu Cheng immediately greeted the staff and prepared to approach the Tiankeng to study its situation carefully.

Ye Han rolled his eyes and suddenly felt that these scientific research lunatics were unreliable. In desperation, he could only wave at the soldiers, Xiao Yuan understood, and immediately led the soldiers to keep up. The two soldiers were in charge of a scientific expedition team member and escorted them to the Tiankeng.

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