Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1605: Unknown echo

After stepping into the dungeon, Ye Han realized that Xi Liusi was completely different from the dungeon he imagined.

In his impression, a dungeon should have a high dome, with many high and low buildings standing under the dome, and streets between the buildings... In short, it is to move a city from the ground to the ground, in addition to There is no difference other than that.

If you find a commanding height on the edge of the city, you can command a commanding view of the entire city.

The alien city below Io Zero is this model. Those underground spaces are big or small, and every space is a city.

What about West Sixth Four?

Ye Han originally thought that this underground city must be built in a huge cave hall, and the cave hall is full of towering buildings. Many buildings have been connected to the dome from the ground, and even penetrated into the dome. Both the ground and the dome can be used to fix the building. , the building itself is the support of the cave.

But in fact, that's not the case at all. There is no separation between the city and the passage. If it wasn't for the walls, there would still be a passage that is not very spacious, and the only feeling up and down, left and right is narrow.

The difference is that after the gate crosses the city gate, there is a crossroad at intervals on both sides of the passage, and there are stone stairs leading to the upper floor between the intersections. The intersection and stone staircase are inlaid with road signs, and the road signs are painted with directions. Directional arrows show where the forks and stone stairs lead.

In other words, if West Sixth Fourth was originally a cave, then the engineers who built it just filled the entire cave with buildings to maximize the limited space.

If you think about it, it’s not easy to build a dungeon. In order to send more people into the relatively safe dungeon, Beidu must make the most of the limited space. It is very humane to not build the passage into a half-meter-wide tunnel.

The narrow passage has both advantages and disadvantages. Without Ye Han's instructions, Xiao Yuan has already made several gestures, and the team immediately changed into a formation. The soldiers joined two groups, separated a certain distance and walked into the dungeon one by one.

When they reached the first fork in the road, the two soldiers at the front dodged and hid behind the corner. They quickly shot out their guns and pointed to the fork. After confirming that there was no problem, they issued a safety signal.

The soldiers who finished sending the signal did not leave, but continued to point their guns at the fork in the road.

The soldiers behind continued to move forward. In this way, every time they reached an intersection, two soldiers stopped. Until everyone passed the intersection, the soldiers waiting here would close their guns and keep up with the team. Under the protection of the soldiers, the possibility of a surprise attack is minimized.

There were dim lights along the way, but neither the main passage nor the fork on the left and right sides could see half a person, which made Ye Han's heart sink to the bottom.

He had to order the team to stop, through the transfer of Ouyang Ping, to get through the communication of Ningwuguan, and through the battleship, report the news of the giant insect in the dungeon to Beiyuezhou, asking Beiyuezhou to give instructions on the next step. How to act.

Gu Cheng grabbed Ye Han's arm: "Captain Ye, why don't you leave? It's been four hours, we can wait, but the wounded can't wait!"

Ye Han signaled Gu Cheng to calm down: "Captain Gu, I understand your mood, and I also know that the wounded can't be delayed, but there are bugs here, we can't save the wounded and put others at risk!"

Gu Cheng almost went crazy: "What do you mean? People are not saved?"

"It's not that we don't save, but we must first ensure the safety of others!"

Gu Cheng was at a loss for words, sacrificing a group of people to save one person? It's happened in movies, it's happened on TV, and it's happened in previous wars, but can he say that?

He can choose adventures for the rescue team, but he can't make choices for others. Although the people present are either soldiers or companions in the scientific expedition team, how many are willing to disregard their own safety for the wounded?

People are selfish, even if they are soldiers, how many are willing to sacrifice themselves for others?

Gu Cheng admitted that there is indeed no shortage of courageous actions in reality. It can be seen that the reason why bravery is praised by people is because of its scarcity.

Seeing that Gu Cheng stopped talking, Ye Han comforted: "Don't worry, this is a task arranged by Beidu. I must report the situation of the dungeon as soon as possible, but it does not mean that people will not be saved."

Gu Cheng nodded heavily: "I understand!"

He did understand, he could understand, but he couldn't let it go.

A few minutes later, Ye Han received a communication from Beiyuezhou, and Wu Han brought instructions from Beidu: Be sure to find out the situation of the underground city.

Ye Han immediately ordered the team to move forward. After passing through more than a dozen intersections in a row, the Luo Qi group who was walking at the front suddenly issued a warning, and everyone stopped immediately.

Ye Han asked in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

Luo Qi replied in the same low voice: "I found human bones on the left side of the road, and the bones were all broken. It should be the fault of a giant insect."

"Can you tell the time of death?"

"No!" Luo Qi said, "but the time of death is definitely not short."

There is also a military doctor in Luo Qi's group. This promise is not from Luo Qi's guess, but from the military doctor's judgment.

Ye Han's heart tensed. Could it be that the dungeon was really breached by bugs? If the West Fourth or Sixth City is broken, what about the other dungeons with the prefix West? What about dungeons in other regions?

If all the dungeons in the country are breached by the swarms, it is hard to say how many resources the aliens can get, but they can certainly capture a large number of humans, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions!

If aliens transform all captives into bugmen... Well, of course, that's impossible, aliens will only transform young adults into bugmen.

Insect plagues have killed a large number of the elderly and the weak. Today, young adults account for more than half of the total population. That is to say, aliens can transform half of the captives into insect people.

If the aliens possess fifty million I dare not say that they will sweep the whole world, and it will be enough for all countries to have a headache for a while. The aliens may even obtain human scientific and technological knowledge from the worms. Even master various human weapons.

If one day humans and aliens throw nuclear bombs at each other, what will it be like?

Not to mention that aliens cannot find nuclear raw materials, aliens have an advantage over humans when it comes to digging holes and mining.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more uncertain he felt. He suddenly realized that the North is likely to have the same concerns, so he ordered him to find out the situation of the dungeon, and the information he provided to the North would likely be used by the North to judge the situation in the country. in accordance with!

Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly stressed.

"Report!" A low roar interrupted Ye Han's thoughts, "The radar found an unknown signal, the target is approaching, and the speed is very fast!"

"Which direction?"

"North Yongle Road!"

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