Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1607: Inconsistency

Luo Qi was unmoved, and very rudely pointed at the man and asked, "Where did you get this armor from!"

"Garrison, the garrison left behind!" The man's tone was a little cowardly, "It takes several pieces to make a set."

Luo Qi's face suddenly sank: "Where's the garrison?"

The man was even less confident: "All... all sacrificed!" He originally wanted to say that he was dead, but he changed his words to sacrifice.

The word "death" is not a good word. If this **** has a lot of troubles and cleans him up for this matter, who will he turn to to make sense?

Luo Qi's eyebrows immediately stood up: "How did you sacrifice?"

"The worm dug through the retaining wall. In order to block the hole, all the garrisoned troops went up, and the last one didn't survive." The more the man said, the more depressed he became, and he couldn't see any problems.

If this person is not telling the truth, then his acting skills will not be a problem at all.

Luo Qi's tone slowed down a bit, pointing to the man and asking, "How did the armor come from?"

"It was taken off the body of the martyr!" The man was afraid of Luo Qi's misunderstanding, so he quickly explained, "At that time, the sacrifice was too great, there was no way to do it, and we could only organize the militia to lift it up, but we people had nothing, so we could only pick it up. The armor of a martyr, use the weapon of a martyr, sacrifice one and then block the other, if the armor is penetrated by the insects, two sets will be combined into one set, and the final result will be like this."

Luo Qi looked sad, just as he was about to say something, there was another messy footstep in the passage, and listening to the sound, there were still a lot of people coming out.

He immediately stopped the conversation and looked at the passage vigilantly. Although the nearby soldiers did not point their guns at the passage, they all clenched their rifles subconsciously. As long as there was an abnormality, they would immediately shoot into the passage.

In a blink of an eye, a group of people walked out of the passage, including ordinary people in civilian clothes and militiamen in patchwork armor.

The one who walked in the front was thin and wore a pair of rimless glasses. The most impressive thing was that his hair was not long, but he wore a messy chicken coop head.

As soon as Ji Wotou exited the passage, he immediately grabbed Luo Qi's hand. He was so excited that he couldn't say anything. He only knew that he held Luo Qi's hand and shook it vigorously: "Welcome, but I've been waiting for you all!"

The voice and movement were almost the same as before. Luo Qi couldn't help but complain, why didn't he even know how to change the routine?

However, no matter how the chicken head swayed, Luo Qi's arm would not move, which was so embarrassing - Luo Qi was wearing the latest power armor. As long as he didn't want to move, the chicken head was tired and vomited blood. Shake this arm.

The chicken coop head suddenly didn't know what to do, and the hand holding Luo Qi froze there, neither holding it nor letting it go.

Luo Qi explained sternly: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with this armor, and I can't control the power well.

At this time, Ye Han came up and patted Luo Qi on the shoulder, Luo Qi retreated knowingly.

Ye Han said: "The armor's strength is too strong, and if one is not well controlled, it may crush your hand bones, so he must stay still."

Ji Wotou was suddenly stunned, and the embarrassment was instantly relieved: "I see, I'm sorry, I'm too impulsive... What's your name?"

Ye Han didn't want to reveal his name, so he simply said, "You can call me captain, who are you?"

Jiwotou hurriedly greeted: "Hello Captain, I'm the director of the West Sixth Fourth Underground City, and my surname is Li."

"Director Li, we'll talk about the polite words later. I have wounded here and need surgery as soon as possible. Please arrange it as soon as possible." Ye Han didn't say a polite word and went straight to the topic.

As soon as Director Li heard this, he immediately put on a serious expression: "Then what are you waiting for? Please come in!" After saying that, move out of the way, "Hurry up, move away, move away!"

The welcome group of the dungeon quickly moved away. Before Ye Han could speak, Gu Cheng rushed forward: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Several scientific expedition members carried Yuanyuan and ran all the way, and rushed into the passage quickly. A few clever members of the group were welcome to follow quickly and lead the scientific expedition members to run towards the hospital.

Ye Han rolled his eyes helplessly: "Luo Qi, keep up!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi followed with the battle group.

Director Li said: "Comrade Captain, this is not the place to talk, why don't we go first? After I received the news, it has been arranged. Let's have something to eat first and then have a rest. It's just that I have nothing good here. I feel wronged. Guys."

"There's no grievance, and there's no need to make special arrangements." Ye Han lifted his leg and walked into the passage, seemingly casually asking: "What's the situation here? I heard that the parapet was dug up by insects?"

He instinctively felt that Director Li's enthusiasm was a bit too much, but considering the current situation of the underground city, Director Li's enthusiasm was not surprising.

Director Li listened to Ye Han's question, his excited expression gradually subsided, and he sighed: "After the bugs dug through the the battle was very fierce, and the defenders were all sacrificed, so we had to organize a militia confrontation. Later, I really couldn't stop the bugs, so I had to retreat again and again, and now I have retreated into the core area, if it wasn't for the armor plate sandwiched in the protective wall of the core area, maybe the bugs would have dug through it."

Ye Han paused: "Everyone withdrew?"

"Most of them have been withdrawn, but many have disappeared."

Ye Han didn't say anything, but his heart was alive.

He didn't find the slightest abnormality on Director Li's face, but the corpses on the road always flashed in his mind when he arrived. If he asked what happened to the corpses at the entrance now, what would Director Li say?

Execute deserters in an emergency? Or the infighting of the missing?

Ye Han has a hunch that as long as he asks this question, Director Li will definitely be able to give a reasonable and reasonable answer.

Thinking of this, Ye Han pressed the question to the bottom of his heart and changed the topic casually: "How is the situation in the core area?"

Director Li said: "At present everything is normal, all departments are operating normally, but there are too many people and few places, it is too crowded!"

"Everything is normal?" Ye Han's voice picked up, "What happened to the communication equipment? Why didn't you contact Beidu?"

Director Li showed an aggrieved look: "Captain, it's not that I don't want to, but the communication equipment is broken."

"Broken? This is called everything normal?" Ye Han's eyes were full of doubts.

Director Li looked like he was complaining about me: "It's me who said it's bad, everything else is normal, but there is a problem with the communication!"

Ye Han was here to pick on the fault, and suddenly he was indifferent: "Is the communication equipment in the control center? The hospital is all right, how did the control center break?"

The control center is usually located in the center of the core area, while the hospital is usually located on the periphery of the core area. The control center is damaged when there is nothing in the periphery. Isn’t this inconsistent? Fools are not so obvious!

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