Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1616: Brilliant results

When the smoke dissipated a little, everyone was stunned to find that Ye Han was killing all directions with a steel bar that was more than one meter long. Vertex 23S. fastest update

But this is not a special effect, but the super power endowed by power armor to human beings, what is it to fly a few bugs?

Probably because Ye Han was too eye-catching, there was actually a shield worm among the many Zerglings that rushed towards him!

Ye Han didn't even have time to tell what kind of bugs were rushing over. As long as he found bugs around him, he would just throw a stick at him.

Shield worms are no exception.

However, the shell of the shield worm is much thicker than that of the springtail, and its weight is much higher. The stick was swung up and hit the side of the shield worm heavily. The steel bar grinded a large spark on the shield worm, and the shield worm turned over on the spot. Instead, the worm's shell smashed by the steel bar was widely shattered, and it was impossible to live by looking at it.

Ye Han wasn't much better either. The impact was so powerful that the steel bars almost fell out of his hands. Even through the alloy gloves, his hands still felt numb.

When he calmed down, he realized that the originally straight steel bars had been slightly curved.

At this time, the smoke and dust had dispersed a little, and the eyes of the soldiers who saw this scene were straight. Many people's first reaction after returning to their senses was to find a steel bar to carry.

There are a lot of steel bars in the collapsed wall, but there are not many suitable lengths. Only a few people found a suitable one, and immediately took them in their hands, waving the steel bars like Ye Han and rushing towards the giant insect.

The swarm was still attacking, and some of the others raised their rifles again, some raised their pistols again, and some simply drew their sabers.

Although the saber is short, it is better than a fist in close combat.

In this way, a rare sight appeared in the corner of the underground city. A group of warriors wearing the most advanced power armor fought hand-to-hand combat with the endless swarm of insects. As the steel bars were swung, giant insect shells shattered. Broken body, can't die anymore.

The corpses piled up more and more. I don’t know when it started, and fewer and fewer Zerglings rushed over. When the last Zergling was knocked down, everyone realized that the attack of the swarm had actually stopped.

It's simply a big joke in the world. There are hundreds of bugs here, and thousands of bugs have invaded the dungeon. How can you stop it? Do insects also know to be afraid?

In any case, the Marine Corps' first attack was a complete victory, killing more than 400 giant insects by various means, without any casualties.

I have to say, the new power armor is really powerful.

Afterwards, Xiao Yuan sighed with admiration. He was used to talking with guns and guns, but he never thought that steel bars would be so easy to use!

This is not only Xiao Yuan's sigh, but also other people's sighs. One of the sequelae caused by this battle is that the soldiers are looking for suitable steel bars everywhere, and no matter what, they have to find one to wear.

Later, Ye Han simply made an application to Beiyuezhou, hoping that his superiors would distribute a cold weapon suitable for power armor to the orbital airborne troops.

Ye Han's application caused a heated debate in Beiyuezhou. The core issue was whether or not cold weapons should be equipped.

One side's point of view is that firearms are the main equipment in active service, and the use of cold weapons in combat is simply reversing history, which is not necessary at all; the other side's point of view is that cold weapons can also play an important role when necessary, such as West Sixth Fourth. The enemy in the confrontation.

Besides, the current earth is not the world of human beings. In the face of overwhelming insect swarms, any army may shoot all bullets. If there are no bullets, will there be no wars?

In this case, power armor with suitable cold weapons should be a good combination.

The two sides insisted on their own words and were at a stalemate. In the end, it was Wu Han's decision: whether it is suitable or not, whether it is suitable or not depends on the combat effect, rather than sitting here poking around.

So Ye Han's application was approved, and a batch of equipment was tested in small batches. After seeing the effect, he would consider whether to expand the scope of equipment.

The choice of cold weapons is not so smooth. Many people believe that they should be equipped with an arc-shaped saber that is conducive to chopping, so that it is easier to split the shell when fighting against giant insects.

But some people, including Ye Han, hold an objection, because the worm shell is so strong that even small and medium-caliber bullets can't penetrate it, and it can be split with a knife? How big of a brain can you come up with?

Ye Han's suggestion is to simplify the problem, directly copy the successful battles of the dungeon, and equip the troops with a batch of blunt weapons made of special alloys. For example, a stick is a very good choice. Hit, but it can pass part of the force through the shell and act on the internal organs of the insect, which is more practical than simple chopping, and the stick is stronger and more durable than the knife.

Beiyuezhou agreed with Ye Han's opinion after careful consideration, but details such as how thick, long, and how much weight the new equipment needs to be carefully considered. It would take a few days to come up with a suitable plan.

There is definitely no technical difficulty in this thing, and it is not difficult to manufacture at all, but even if it is built, it will take a few days to send it to the earth. Ye Han and the soldiers can only top it with steel bars first.

After winning the first round of counterattack, Ye Han led the soldiers to attack continuously and attacked the swarms of insects all over the dungeon. In just four days, more than a thousand giant insects were eliminated, and they achieved extremely brilliant results.

After a few days of buffering, the situation in the dungeon has been completely reversed. Not only has the order been restored, but the personnel have also been re-counted.

It was found that the West June Fourth, which originally had a population of more than 30,000, now only has more than 7,000 people, and the population has lost more than a quarter!

Moreover, the swarm cannot be wiped out for a These 7,000 people are still under the threat of giant insects. Under such circumstances, how to accommodate these 7,000 people has become the main problem facing the Northern Capital.

Continue to stay in West Sixth Four?

The outer wall of the dungeon has been pierced. Even if Ye Han can wipe out all the giant insects and seal the pierced protective wall again, it is difficult to guarantee that the swarm will not continue digging the wall. It is only a matter of time before they dig through again.

Move all residents out?

This is a feasible plan, but there are only so many dungeons, and there are no extra dungeons to accommodate these 7,000 people. If they choose to leave, they can only place these 7,000 people in Qingtang.

In Ye Han's eyes, withdrawing into Qingtang was a very stable plan. Under the circumstance that giant insects were feeding around, no one should object to this plan.

But it was only when things came to an end that they found that the residents here didn’t think so at all. Even if the bugs had already invaded their homes, there were still some people who were unwilling to leave. They felt that the Qingtang was on the ground, and it was impossible to have underground safety.

Ye Han didn't know what to do. Fortunately, a few days later, the officials arranged by Beidu finally arrived at West Sixth Fourth, and took over the underground city as soon as possible. .

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