Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1629: what to eat

"Of course I don't believe it!" Gu Cheng also smiled: "There's no way, on this condition, why don't you just give it up?"

Ye Hanjing thanked Bumin, waved his hand and said, "It's not going to happen. When I was a single dog, maybe I'm going to be hungry. Now I have a wife and children, and I have eaten Xiantao. I can't go on with your rotten apricot. Mouth, what are you going to do?"

"Fuck you, who is the rotten apricot, we are not the diamond king five, at least the golden old five, I don't know how many forests are waiting for me there! You were hanged from a tree, can you compare with me?"

"It can't be compared!" Ye Han said bluntly, "I admit defeat in this matter... Seriously, you have to drag me out, not to tell me this, right?"

Gu Cheng said: "I didn't want to tell you anything at all. I just saw that you were bored alone, so I pulled you out to relax... I said that you won't feel suffocated if you stay alone?"

Ye Han bowed his head and took two steps before saying, "I'm used to it."

Gu Cheng rolled his eyes: "I didn't tell you, and you are not older than me, why are you so dead every day?"

Ye Han raised his eyes and looked at Gu Cheng, with a smile that looked through the world: "I really didn't think about this. In your eyes, am I the kind of person who is particularly difficult to get along with?"

Gu Cheng nodded without hesitation, but immediately shook his head again: "I can't say what kind of person you are, I just think you shouldn't be like this at your age... Well, how do you say it? Mu Qi, yes, it's Mu Qi, Obviously not young, just like an old man, that's what it feels like!"

"I'm still young?" Ye Han was very surprised, "I'm already thirty-eight this year, so I'm still young?"

Gu Cheng was so shocked that he almost jumped up: "Can't you? Are you already thirty-eight? Not like that? Impossible, thirty at most!" His tone was particularly firm, full of doubts.

Ye Han laughed so happily: "Do I need to take out my ID card for you to take a look at? It must be thirty-eight today, but if you say thirty is not wrong, I don't know how many times I have hibernated. In short, it’s three or two months, and in most cases, half a year and a year, and it’s not much different if you add up to eight years.”

"I'll just say it!" Gu Cheng was very satisfied with his observation, "You really haven't slept less, no wonder you look so young."

Ye Han sighed softly and looked up at the starry sky: "I just look at the young, and the old in my heart can't get old anymore."

"Why?" Gu Cheng was puzzled.

Ye Han looked back: "From 20 years to the present, I have either fought to death with insects or fought with aliens. I have lived until now, but I can't count how many comrades in arms have died in me. By my side, when I’m dreaming, when I’m idle, I can always think of them inadvertently… I don’t want to think about them, or… just…”

Having said that, Ye Han suddenly didn't know what to say.

Gu Cheng hurriedly said: "Understand, if I'm not mistaken, it's because you put too much psychological pressure on yourself, and it may have something to do with the depressing environment in space, you should know that they didn't sacrifice in vain... Well, you should know what I mean."

Ye Han nodded slightly: "Actually, I have always known, but, there are some truths that are useless if you just know them in your heart, and you can't do them at all."

"That's true... So I've done a good thing today, so you should go out more."

Ye Han laughed: "Yes, that's right, I should come out for a walk!"

At this time, the two had reached the end of the road, Gu Cheng took Ye Han to the left, and continued to walk in another direction.

Still a straight but short street, still dimly lit, the only difference being a few more pedestrians.

Ye Han looked back and forth curiously, and found that there were three roads in three directions, not only the widths were similar, but the lengths were basically the same.

"Where are you looking? Go this way!" Gu Cheng said, "I'll show you the night market in Qingtang!"

Ye Han was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth: "There is still a night market in Qingtang?"

"Of course there is, not only Qingtang, but also a fortress city, and there are more than one." Gu Cheng said, "Tell me, can such a big Qingtang be a night market?"

Ye Han took two steps: "Isn't it right? With supplies so tight, what can you sell at the night market?"

At night markets, most of them must be snacks, but the rationing system is so strict. Even with a job level like Ye Han, there is not much rationing surplus. Where can ordinary people get food?

Gu Cheng smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when you wait!"

"No, why are you still selling Guanzi?" Ye Han accused angrily.

Gu Cheng smirked: "Then guess."

"Where am I going to guess?" Ye Han stared, then suddenly remembered something, "Special policy?"

In the early 1980s, the supply of materials was also very poor. At that time, the government formulated special policies for the catering industry.

Gu Cheng shook his head: "Of course What else could it be..." Before he finished speaking, Ye Han had an idea, "It won't be a mercenary, right?"

"Bingo!" Gu Cheng snapped his fingers, "You guessed it right!"

"I'm going!" Ye Han looked strange, "This really depends on the mountains to eat the mountains, and the water to drink water... Oh, no, can't the bugs called by the mercenaries be exchanged with the official materials? How can they be sold at night markets? What are you selling? Money?"

Wars are often accompanied by a series of negative developments such as soaring prices. This is a natural law. No matter how the North is controlled, it cannot be contained. After so many years of avalanche-style collapse, the exchange between people has almost returned to the original state of barter. Money ? That's paper, it's hard to wipe your butt!

"It takes a long time to talk about this. In the past few years, it was really not money, and there was nothing fixed. Bullets, food, medicine, gold and the like were all hard currencies, but the situation has stabilized a lot in recent years. I always wanted to revitalize the economy, so I reissued the currency, of course, barter is not prohibited, there are special places in the market to exchange, you can exchange all kinds of materials for money, or vice versa, you can exchange money for materials."

"I'm not into the economy, and I've always wondered what the top wants to do. All in all, the past few years have indeed been more lively than before, and the Fort City is not as lifeless as it used to be. Really, I think it's pretty good."

Ye Han was silent for a moment and said, "I think it's good too, but why do I feel like you're telling me this like a dream? It's still a daydream!"

Gu Cheng suddenly became annoyed: "You just don't believe me, do you?"

"That's not true." Ye Han denied, "I just think it's unbelievable."

Gu Cheng wasn't angry either, he pulled Ye Han to the intersection a few steps away: "Come on, I'll let you have a good experience today!"

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