Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1631: big game of chess

Gu Cheng almost burst out laughing, and the worm meat he had just bitten into his mouth almost spit out, he couldn't help shaking his head with a smile: "It's really unbelievable!"

The skewer tasted okay, Ye Han said vaguely while chewing: "That's because you don't know me!"

The two walked, ate, and raised their bars, and it didn't take long for them to walk halfway across the street. At this time, Ye Han suddenly found a group of people gathered in front of them, and they were crowded around the street. , an earth-made oven more than one person wide, made of yellow mud and blue bricks.

Why an oven? Because Ye Han saw the fire under the stove.

This unusual scene caught Ye Han's attention, and he turned his chin over there: "What are they baking?"

"I don't know!" Gu Cheng also wondered, "Go and see?"

"It's just such a thing, what can you see?" Ye Han rejected Gu Cheng's suggestion with one vote, and directly grabbed a passerby: "Brother, what is that roasted?"

When passers-by saw the armored rifle on Ye Han's leg, their eyes lit up, and they introduced enthusiastically, "That's a local specialty food, roasted pupae!"

Ye Han heard it clearly, but didn't understand the meaning of the words: "Bake what?"

"Chrysalis, the chrysalis of giant insects, you know?" The man explained briefly.

Ye Han suddenly said, "I know what it is, thank you."

"You're welcome!" The passerby glanced at Ye Han's leg again, and then left reluctantly.

Ye Han subconsciously touched the armored pistol beside his leg, and suddenly became a little wary of the man just now.

It doesn't matter whether that person just acted out of curiosity or had other ideas, the important thing is that weapons are the second life of a soldier, and no one should think about coveting a soldier's weapon.

He has been in the army for many years, and he has long developed the habit of not leaving his guns. Moreover, in the age of war, the special environment also requires soldiers to keep their guns away.

As for the recoil of the armored pistol, there is no need to worry. With Ye Han's current physique, let alone the recoil of the armored rifle, even if he shoots with one hand holding the rifle, he can hit the target steadily.

Cell fusion brought about an overall improvement in physique. Compared with ordinary people, Ye Han was almost no different from Superman.

Gu Cheng didn't notice Ye Han's abnormality at all, he looked at the clay stove expectantly: "How about it, come get a share?"

"No, I don't eat that stuff." Ye Han said.

The chrysalis is really nutritious, but he just doesn't like it.

"Forget it." Gu Cheng was a little disappointed, "I don't mind eating it by myself."

Ye Han advised: "The opportunity is rare, you can eat it if you want, leave me alone."

To be honest, Qingtang's group is really creative. He once heard that there is the world's largest delicacy called roast camel in the northwest. Even if the giant chrysalis in that stove is not as big as a camel, it is definitely not small. .

It is worthy of being a citizen of the big foodie empire. No matter when and what the situation is, he never forgets to adapt to local conditions and research new delicacies. Just by looking at the number of people surrounding the tandoor, you can judge how popular this roast pupae is. !

What Ye Han didn't know was that the reason why this thing is so popular is not only because of its outstanding taste, but also because giant chrysalis is not so common, and it is only possible to encounter it occasionally in the right season, which makes all the foodies in Qingtang distressed. , I wish I could eat fragrant roasted pupae every day.

Ye Han's suggestion made Gu Cheng's heart beat, but after hesitating for a moment, he shook his head firmly to restrain his appetite.

After leaving the gathered crowd, Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "That is, Qingtang dares to let people out, otherwise, where would there be so much delicious food?"

"Isn't that true... The pest plague has wiped out so many animals, and many delicious food will no longer be eaten. However, if the old ones don't go to the new ones, even if they are insects, we can make delicious food!"

Ye Han agrees very much with this: "That is, Qingtang dares to let people out, otherwise, they will not be able to study so many delicious things..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han was suddenly stunned - Qingtang took the initiative to release people out of the city, and also gave support with weapons and materials. Could it be an extension of personnel management?

The same rice raises hundreds of people, and not all of them can adapt to the strict management system in the urban area. Some people are willing to stay in the urban area to endure oppression and enjoy safety, while others would rather endure danger than stay in the city. The number of mercenaries can be seen in the number of mercenaries - Ye Han didn't know how many mercenaries there were, but seeing so many vendors in the night market, he knew that the number of mercenaries must be indispensable.

Thinking of this, Ye Han came up with a thought: Is it really good to gather people together?

Suddenly, he thought of another problem: with the continuous advancement of technology, the domestic material supply is not as tight as in previous years, but the country still implements a strict rationing system. Perhaps it is not that the treatment cannot be improved, but that it is deliberately lowered The rationing standard is to force people out of the into the wilderness!

At first glance, such an idea is a joke, but if you think about it carefully, the world today is no longer the earth it used to be. Sooner or later, human beings will be eliminated by the times.

The ancestors of human beings overcame the thorns and thorns, and took more than 5,000 years of accumulation to go to space. Don't today's human beings even have the courage to go out of the city and break into a new world?

As for whether the North Capital would do this... Hehe, before the war was a peaceful era, and the emphasis was on human life, and any human life was unbearable.

However, now is the age of war, and human life is cheap. Although the northern capital has protected most of its citizens with fortress cities and dungeons, this method can only protect it for a while, but it cannot protect it for a lifetime. It is necessary to find a new way out before the overall situation collapses. .

And this is precisely the most important point. No matter how the above arrangements are made, mistakes may occur. Conversely, it is necessary to explore and develop little by little in order to minimize the probability of abnormal situations.

To put it in an official tone, Beidu is playing a big game of chess, and everyone is a move on the chessboard.

Ye Han's mind was full of various thoughts, and his slightly dull appearance fell into Gu Cheng's eyes, and immediately found that Ye Han's situation was wrong.

Gu Cheng didn't know what Ye Han was thinking, so he quickly pushed Ye Han: "What are you thinking? So ecstatic?"

Ye Han's thoughts were interrupted by Gu Cheng, and he opened his mouth and smiled: "It's nothing, I just figured out something."

"It's okay, you say you are too, what are you thinking about standing in the middle of the avenue?" Gu Cheng, who didn't know why, nags in dissatisfaction.

Ye Han knew what it meant to be concerned and what it meant to complain. Hearing the noise in his ears, he couldn't help but smile.

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