Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1634: Target Washington

Ye Han couldn't believe that there were so many light worms hidden near Qingtang. If there were no drones as bait, the consequences of Feitian's direct launch would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the drone was not sacrificed in vain. As soon as the light worms opened fire, the sky immediately dropped lasers, suppressing the exposed light worms.

Ye Han wanted to see the next battle, but his mission was to return to space as soon as possible, so he had to sadly get into the spaceship and tighten the hatch leading to the outside world.

The soldiers are preparing intensely... Each member has a lot of experience in the liftoff and knows what he should do, so the spaceship is busy and not chaotic. The soldiers help each other and settle down in their own place soon. .

The cabin at this time looked a bit funny. The soldiers were sitting in a spiral row in the barrel-shaped cabin. Many people were fixed on the chairs with their heads down. If it wasn't for the help of others, they would not be able to sit on their own.

The battle was raging outside the cabin, the soldiers in the cabin were solemn, and everyone's faces were tense.

The soldiers were not so worried about the outside world. The key point was that the sky is definitely the most dangerous of the three modes of transportation.

Aerospace is a gamble with life and death, and this time the stakes are higher than ever.

It was found that the Kongtian had no intention of taking off for the time being, and the cabin was isolated from the outside world. Everyone's expressions gradually relaxed, and the atmosphere was not as tense as before.

A full quarter of an hour later, there was a notification from the cockpit that they were ready to take off, and everyone immediately sat upright. Soon after, the Feitian slid onto the runway, speeding up faster and faster.

Several thin lights swept in this direction, and one of them almost swept the tail of No. 2 aircraft. Fortunately, the Feitian was powerful enough to be faster than the thin light.

The Feitian quickly increased its altitude and entered the stratosphere after a while, and the aircraft's shaking gradually decreased.

After a short acceleration, the plane climbed again, and the shaking gradually increased, but this was nothing. The Feitian reached the ceiling. The moment the rocket ignited, the vibration reached its highest level. The soldiers were like mice in a blender, tumbling up and down. People who haven't experienced this kind of environment personally can't imagine how uncomfortable it is to feel like dying.

Fortunately, the rocket was much faster than the plane. After a while, the rocket flew out of the atmosphere, the fairing detached, and the two small spacecraft flew higher and higher.

If there is no threat of ground firepower, Ningwuguan can now fly over to pick up people, but the current situation is that the altitude cannot be lowered, so it can only rely on the power of the spacecraft to gradually change its orbit.

It takes a while to change the track, so Ye Han simply took the initiative to contact Beiyuezhou.

Probably because Wu Han has been online all the time, just after the communication request was sent, Wu Han immediately appeared on the screen: "Where are you?"

"I have already left the atmosphere and are changing orbits upward. I have nothing to do with me for the time being, so I want to ask about the mission."

Wu Han said: "The current situation is very complicated, I'll try to keep it short..." He suddenly sighed when he said this, "Last night, a big event happened. Admiral Franklin of the International Base publicly declared that Washington had been invaded by aliens. Infiltration, he will establish a new government at the international base, choose a day to be sworn in as a new wartime president, and lead the free American people to continue to resist the alien invasion!"

Ye Han was dumbfounded: "Our mission target is an international base?"

This fact is sensational. Washington is good, but the international base is going to set up a new government. No matter how politically minded you are, you know that there must be a fight for power and profit.

At this time, they are still fighting over the power point. Have the cowboys in the lighthouse country lived enough?

Wu Han shook his head: "No, our goal is Washington."

"Ah?" Ye Han was stupid again, "Isn't it an international base? Which side do we support?"

He instantly made up a series of big moves on the secret front, and the final result was to turn against Franklin, which eventually led to the internal division of the cowboy.

Wu Han saw that Ye Han was thinking at a glance, and explained: "We always stand on the side of mankind."

Ye Han immediately grasped the point: "Is something wrong in Washington?"

Wu Han nodded: "According to the information provided by the international base, yesterday, an alien commando made up of all insects attacked Washington, and a large number of giant insects cooperated. The defense system of Washington was dragged by the giant insects. The commandos successfully invaded the underground bunker on the outskirts of Washington, and the current president, the wartime cabinet and some high-level officials are still missing, and their whereabouts are still unknown."

Ye Han was completely dazed: "Chief, it was infiltrated just now, but now it's missing, what's the situation?"

Wu Han smiled bitterly: "We don't know yet. The International Base issued a notice not long ago, to the effect that Washington has been controlled by aliens, announcing the abolition of Washington's status, and calling on the free American people to continue to resist aliens... ... We don't know what the situation is, but that's what it means."

Ye Han has a headache: "Sir, what is our mission?"

Wu Han said: "The International Base has contacted us, and I hope we can provide support to find out what happened in Washington, find out the whereabouts of the senior officials in Washington, and it is best to rescue the missing senior officials in Washington."

"No, sir, can you agree to this?" If it wasn't for the seat belt, Ye Han would have to jump up.

Wu Han added calmly: "We are not acting alone, we are acting jointly at the invitation of the international base."

"With whom? Hell Paratroopers?"

Wu Han nodded: "Yes, the **** paratroopers."

Ye Han opened his but made no sound.

To be honest, he is really reluctant to cooperate with the Hell Paratroopers. The Hell Paratroopers are closer to the original Marine Corps, and the newly formed Orbital Airborne Troop is actually an advanced version of the Marine Corps, or a drawn Marine Corps. Elite troops formed by the essence of .

But he also knows that the international base must be really helpless, because there are many countries with aerospace capabilities, but the only countries with spare capacity to form an orbital airborne force are Beidu and Huafu. If the international base does not look for Beidu, there will be no third place. similar troops.

Wu Han said: "I can understand your thoughts, but you must be clear that we must know what happened in Washington, so that we can take targeted prevention and prevent the same situation from happening to us, understand?"

"Understood!" Ye Han said, "Don't worry, chief, leave this task to us."

"Okay!" Wu Han waved his hand, "Hurry up and prepare after returning to the battleship. The order to leave may be issued at any time... What are you talking about!"

Wu Han suddenly turned his head on the screen. He didn't know who was talking to him behind him. After a while, Wu Han turned his head and said, "The mission is suspended, go back to the battleship and stand by!"

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