Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1636: confusing

Ye Han's mood at the moment is extremely complicated: "So, we are all less suspicious, right?"

"Yes. Δ"Read ΔBook"ΔGe WWW.КanShUge.La" Wu Han answered with great certainty.

Ye Han's mood didn't improve because of this: "Sir, can I ask how the above plans to investigate? After all, thoughts are intangible and intangible. Even if you open your brain and slice it, you can't see the real thoughts in your mind."

"I don't know that either."

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "What the **** is going on here!"

Wu Han said: "The above is not sure about the decision for the time being, so the mission was cancelled. In my opinion, the above plan should be to observe it for a while, and then talk about the exact result."

Ye Han said: "I understand that stability is the most important thing."

"Yes, that's what I mean... That's all I know. There should be no tasks for the time being. You guys have a good rest for a while. I think this task will continue sooner or later. You'd better prepare yourself mentally."

"Don't worry, chief, we can leave at any time!" The situation was so strange that Ye Han was not sure of completing the task, so he could only put the "guaranteed completion of the task" that he had always talked about in his stomach.

"Okay, that's it." Wu Han said and cut off the communication.

Ye Han let out a long sigh, but found that the problem in his mind was not only unexplained, but even more chaotic.

He decided to take a look at the clues in his mind... The top executives in Washington disappeared collectively, so the international base established a new US government. Right now, no one on both sides agrees with the other, and they are fighting each other with all their strength... The more they look, the more they look real. The bridge of the fake Monkey King?

This kind of true and false drama is called a legend when it is set on a certain person, but when it is set on a country or a superpower, it is a horror story!

If this didn't happen to Washington, but a random base member country tried it, Washington would have to abolish it immediately, that is, the fault was in Washington, and other member states would not dare to act rashly , it became what it is now.

Thinking of this, Ye Han also has some guesses about the above attitude. Since Washington is suspected of being controlled by aliens, and the international base has no hidden worries in this regard, then who will Beidu support? Needless to say?

Well, it seems that I have a clue. Ye Han's mood has changed from cloudy to cloudy. As for when it will become sunny, it is hard to say.

For the next few days, Ye Han has been paying attention to the changes in the situation.

In the first two days, the news of the change in Washington did not spread. This is because the United States was the beacon of the Western world before the war. After the outbreak of the war, it has always been one of the absolute main forces in the fight against aliens. At the forefront of people, to Westerners, the country is, in a way, a giant to hold back a crisis.

Now that something goes wrong with this giant, it will surely cause a series of turmoil in the entire Western world.

This is also true. As the saying goes, paper can't contain fire. In just a few days, the dispute between Washington and Fufu moved from the back to the front, and the two sides fought openly.

Fufu released several surveillance videos to the world, claiming that these videos are the key evidence that the insects raided Washington. From this, it can be inferred that the high-level officials of Washington once fell into the hands of aliens, and the aliens have no reason to return to the mountains. Therefore, the most plausible explanation is that the upper echelons of Washington are controlled by aliens.

Fufu publicly declared that the high-level officials of Washington had been controlled by aliens, and called on all citizens to resist Washington, unite with the new government headed by Franklin, and continue to resist the invasion of aliens...

Huafu's counterattack was equally sharp, claiming that the videos provided by Fufu were all special effects and were faked by Fufu, and that the high-level officials of Huafu had never disappeared, and the so-called bug attack was even more nonsense.

As for the explanation of Fufu's request, it is even more ridiculous. When did the high-level officials of Washington need to explain the whereabouts of the high-level officials to the international base?

Washington's counterattack was very powerful. At least only listening to the words of both sides, Ye Han couldn't tell which side was telling the truth.

The same is true for other people. The Mi civilians and the Mi army are in chaos, and they don't know who to listen to.

However, after so many years of repression in the war, Washington's control over the people was not as good as it was before the war. The two sides continued to pinch them, and the result was an unexpectedly strong rebound by the people.

The first to stand out is the red neck who has been arguing for independence. The wild cowboys announced their boycott of Washington, but they did not accept the command of Fufu. Although they did not explicitly declare independence, they have formed de facto independence. name only.

The second to stand up is Texas, which is also not mutually supportive.

Other states have a clear tendency to listen less and mostly wait and see, but the states are highly consistent and highly cooperative on the issue of aliens, and have not interrupted cooperation because of their independence.

To be honest, although Washington is in chaos, the foundation of the United States is still there, but each state has gone its own way, leading to a series of negative consequences.

At this most critical juncture, Mi * Fang issued the strongest voice, declaring allegiance to the government against aliens, but given the current state of Washington and Fufu, the military not only does not participate in the tearing b of the two sides. The war, on the contrary, at this most critical moment requires all the officers and soldiers of the Mi Army to fight against the aliens with all their strength and to ensure the safety of the people.

Then, a strange scene appeared. Washington and Fufu praised the military's position at the same time, as if they were wearing a pair of pants.

Many states that have been watching have also joined the ranks of announced their full support for the military, so the power of Fufu has soared... No way, Franklin is the highest commander of the US military stationed in the international base, and Fufu naturally brings There are pro-Mi Jun attributes, although Mi Jun did not openly fall to Fufu, but those with long eyes know what Mi Jun means.

So just half an hour later, the U.S. fleet, which had also been watching, announced that it would accept the command of Fufu... This fleet is actually the U.S. squadron attached to the International Fleet. The logistics of this fleet are highly dependent on the moon. no.

Of course, there are indeed some U.S. captains who have special personalities and refuse to recognize Fufu. However, although there are conflicts within the U.S., they are still the most powerful member of the base group. Other countries simply do not dare to accept those non-mainstream people. American battleship.

In desperation, these warships could only surrender to the Chinese side.

After careful consideration, Beidu accepted this batch of warships, but it was not a surrender or acceptance, but accepted the warships to dock in accordance with international practice, and temporarily managed them on their behalf until Washington and Fufu were divided, or the batch of warships left on their own.

All in all, the warship is still from the United States, and the personnel are also from the United States. We are only temporarily helping to manage it for a while, and you can leave whenever you want.

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