Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1642: Fortress Uprising

In the darkness, the sound of violent gasps was like rolling thunder, and like waves of ocean tides, constantly rising and falling.

In a corner of the room, the young U.S. soldier Miller huddled in the corner, the hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and his frightened eyes swept around aimlessly.

The panting gradually subsided. The darkness obscured Miller's sight, but it also amplified his hearing invisibly. He tried his best to listen to the sounds outside, even the slightest movement.

Suddenly, there were rapid and distant footsteps in the corridor outside, and it seemed that someone was running wildly on the other side of the corridor.

Miller swallowed sharply, struggling violently in his heart. Should he take the risk to join the friendly army, or continue to hide here?

Convergence has certain risks, but there are also opportunities to escape, but staying here is dead and alive, and sooner or later you will be caught by bugs.

Thinking of this, Miller made up his mind and buckled the turned up night vision goggles on his eyes, and the faint green light immediately covered his eyes.

The dark room instantly turned into a green world, and everything fell into his eyes, including the location of the door.

Miller licked his lips, clenched the pistol in both hands, and stood on tiptoe to try not to make a sound before slowly approaching the door.

Just before he took two steps, there was a sudden burst of gunshots in the corridor, and the subtle flashes in the door cracks looked like thunder and lightning in the night vision goggles. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted his outstretched steps, and turned around to hide back in the corner.

Indistinctly, he seemed to hear footsteps from outside the door, the kind of sound of worm feet touching the ground!

The eyes that were hidden in the darkness suddenly showed a hint of panic, what was terrifying, the sound of footsteps was getting closer, and finally stopped outside!

Miller's breathing stopped abruptly, as if he had been caught in the immobilization technique, his whole body was stiff, and he couldn't even move.

The footsteps were getting closer, closer, and it stopped outside the door!

Miller nearly fainted, trying to stay awake, guns aimed at the door with trembling hands.

Up to now, Miller has no way out, the only option is to fight with the bugs!

At this moment, fierce gunshots were heard in the corridor again, and the dense and rapidly receding insect steps suddenly sounded outside the door. Miller, who was extremely nervous, almost fired, but fortunately he stopped the impulse at the last moment and waited for the footsteps. After running far, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Miller didn't know exactly where the shots were fired, but he knew very well that it wasn't for this sudden gunshot that would have killed him.

He is very grateful to the person who fired the gun, but he also knows that in his life he will never want to know who fired the gun, and he has no chance to say thank you in person.

This is not a place to stay for a long time, but the base is full of worms. If you go out now, if you encounter worms, you will die!

Miller never thought that he would encounter such a situation. Isn't the security level of the base the highest in the country? How could they be invaded by bugs? This is just a joke!

But it did happen, and it happened right in front of Miller's eyes!

That's right, this is the White House Underground Command Center, also known as the President's Emergency Operations Command Center. Before the war, it was one of the safest underground bunkers in the whole city. After the outbreak of the insect plague, the command center has been expanded several times. , the deepest underground bunker, known as the unsinkable doomsday fortress.

It certainly lives up to the title, as Miller remembers it as the safest place in Washington.

It is also the wartime command center of the United States. From the east coast to the west coast, from the ground to the sky, wherever there is an American army, it is under the control of the command center.

But a few days ago, everything changed.

Miller remembered clearly that night, the base suddenly received an attack alert issued by a high-level executive, but the alert lasted for a very short time. When General George arrived, the alert had ended.

The general immediately contacted the White House guards on the ground, but received no response. General George exhausted all means and only found a vague video clip.

From the video, there was a fierce battle in the White House, and it was the guards who were infighting, which made General George very confused and did not understand what was going on.

According to regulations, the base cannot be opened when the external situation is unknown, and General George can only wait anxiously for news from the world.

However, what he was waiting for was not news from the top officials in Washington, but a statement from the moon base!

General Franklin said in a statement that the upper echelons have been controlled by aliens, and the moon base will immediately take over the country.

General George was angry, and the two had a quarrel in the communication, but neither of them persuaded the other, and then the news spread, and the whole base panicked.

But this is the doomsday fortress after all, and it is still the safest place in the whole meter.

Shortly after, Washington executives suddenly appeared, and they re-established communication with the base, demanding that the base issue a statement to the nation.

General George happily accepted the new assignment and sent the Washington statement to the country. Miller was very puzzled. Why didn't General George ask what happened these days? Why have you been out of touch for so long.

Maybe the general asked, but he didn't let anyone else know.

Washington's statement was soon sent to the whole country through the base, but the statement did not play the expected role, instead it provoked a frantic scolding between Washington and the moon base, and the whole country was plunged into turmoil, first several continents. Independence, and then the neutrality of the military, the underground command center exists in name only.

Not long ago, the satellite discovered the abnormal movement of the space fleet, and after reporting it to the senior officials of Washington, they learned that this was the Moon Base’s plan to seize Washington by force.

Everything was as perfect as expected, and the high-level Washington officials successfully withdrew into the base, accompanied by many White House guards.

Probably because the lunar base is about to be There are so many ground troops that have withdrawn into the base, almost filling the entire base.

Then, a force that had withdrawn into the base suddenly attacked the command center. After controlling the command center, all contact between the base and the outside world was cut off.

Everyone's brains are not enough. What the **** is going on? Which troop is out of their minds, is it interesting to attack their own base?

But everyone quickly reacted, isn't the lunar base about to drop a batch of troops soon? This must be the inner response of the moon base arrangement!

Thinking of this, the commander loyal to Washington immediately ordered the troops to retake the command center, but did not forget that there must be more than one troops to guard against the unknown friendly lunar base!

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the troops on this side made the gesture of taking back the command center, other troops started to intercept them.

However, an unexpected situation has arisen. This interception force is not using rifles, but all-colored light worms!

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