Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1646: something must be done

Miller, who was almost at a dead end, had no choice at all. He could only go in the direction with the fewest bugs. He didn't know how many detours he took. Finally, he felt that there were no bugs in a place. It is the main engine room of the command center!

Miller's whole person is not good. When the enemy invaded the base, he went around here for several times, and finally returned to the computer room. Fate is too tricky!

But the light bug told Miller that there were only no bugs here, and there were bugs approaching in other directions. Miller had no choice but to get back into the computer room.

The computer room was the same as when he left, and even the data cable that he tore off with his own hands remained the same.

Returning to the familiar place, Miller familiarly found a hidden corner to nest in, and carefully felt the information that the light worm sent him.

Probably because the door of the computer room was well sealed, there should be bugs moving outside the door, but he couldn't feel it at all, which made Miller, who had been worried, heaved a sigh of relief.

Before, he had been thinking about whether to take off the light worm after hiding - he didn't know how to take off the light worm, but as long as he was free, it should not be a problem to pull the light worm off his wrist.

The computer room has relatively high requirements on the environment. The constant temperature and humidity here is sound insulation. Except for the humming sound of the equipment, there is no sound from the side. This quietness makes Miller very uneasy. There is a kind of isolation from the outside world, and the whole world only The illusion of the next person.

At first, Miller was able to hold back, but as time passed, he became more and more eager to know what was going on outside.

So his eyes fell on the data cable of the monitoring equipment again, he found the tool bag he had thrown away when he fled, pulled out the tablet, and plugged the data cable into it. With a few simple steps, he immediately received messages from various areas of the base. Monitor signals.

Miller quickly switched the surveillance cameras, switching several times in succession, and the screen was full of corpses, both insects and humans.

It was difficult to switch to a picture without corpses, but the enemy and us were fighting fiercely. The hand-to-hand battle was very fierce. The soldiers on both sides kept falling, and after a while, a dozen people fell.

Miller didn't dare to look any further, and quickly switched to the next set of signals... Facing the enemy, his comrades chose to fight, but he chose to escape, which made him feel extremely guilty, even if no one knew that he was there. Monitoring this end, he still has a sense of guilt that he can't face other people.

After switching the signal a few times, his fingers suddenly froze—the screen switched to the entrance of the base No. 4. The door that was closed did not know when it was opened. Outside the door, it was just the opposite. Hundreds of **** paratroopers rushed over.

The speed of the paratroopers was extremely fast, and they rushed into the base in a blink of an eye. The door that was open was slowly closed after the paratroopers poured in.

Miller jumped up abruptly: "Oh no, no, no..."

He screamed in panic, and quickly operated on the personal terminal, intending to **** the communication authority inside the base, but he rarely touches the communication equipment, and before he could find the corresponding information, the paratroopers who rushed into the base had already met with Insect man on fire.

The paratroopers had long been prepared to exchange fire, but they did not expect that the enemy would be endless insects, and the paratroopers with only a few hundred people were soon surrounded by insects.

Perhaps because he was worried about the night long dream, after the insect men successfully surrounded the paratroopers, they launched a fierce attack regardless of life and death.

Miller's inner guilt instantly exploded. He felt that he had to do something or he would never be able to forgive himself.

But what can he do?

Miller's movements suddenly stopped, as if he was caught in the legendary immobilization method. Then he switched back to the monitoring signal and quickly found the monitoring screen of the command center.

Miller accidentally discovered that there were both bugmen and humans on the screen. A group of base officers, including General George, and some control room technicians were in the command center. They were surrounded by a group of bugmen with arms raised. His face raised his arms angrily, and some human corpses were lying on the ground.

A bug-man who seemed to be a head was talking to the human captives. After speaking, many of the captives looked at General George subconsciously.

General George's eyes widened and he roared angrily, but the next second, the bug man raised his arm, and a ray of light flashed. Then they crashed to the ground, blood and guts dripping from the severed torsos.

The few people who were beheaded in half were not completely dead, some shouted, some crawled with difficulty, and some were in extreme pain. But soon, everyone stopped breathing.

Seeing all this, Miller's brows twitched violently, and his heart contracted violently.

The head of the bug man said something again, and a group of bug men rushed up and separated the remaining captives, not knowing what they asked the captives.

Some of the captives were executed by the worms immediately after answering, and some were brought back by the worms after they answered.

Soon, the bug man brought several captives to the head of the bug man.

The head of the bug man waved the arm with the light worm on his wrist, and the prisoners were immediately brought to the console by the bug man, each with a light bug on the back of his head.

Miller couldn't understand what the worm was trying to do, but he soon knew the answer - the prisoners were skillfully operating on the console and called up the deployment information of the Mi army!

A voice roared in Miller's mind: What the bugman wants is defense bugman wants military secrets!

Although the base can no longer control the troops all over the country, military deployment is not a matter of one or two days, nor can it be changed casually. The current deployment situation across the country is still almost the same as it was a few days ago.

Once the aliens get the defense information, all the arrangements of the U.S. military will be exposed to the eyes of the aliens. At that time, the aliens can take action against the deployment of the American army, which will inevitably have a series of adverse consequences!

If it is only a small-scale collapse, maybe it is just a few defeats, but if it is a nationwide collapse, the consequences will be disastrous!

The faces of his wife and daughter flashed across Miller's mind in an instant. If the whole country collapsed, then his family, the families of other people, and tens of millions of people across the country would face the butcher knife of aliens!

An image of his wife and daughter lying in a pool of blood flashed through Miller's mind, and an indescribable emotion instantly flooded his body: something must be done, something must be done!

He is not only a soldier, but also a father and a husband!

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