Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1654: flirt

The middle-aged researcher did not get a response from Professor Harry but was not discouraged. He closed his eyes and rested for a while, then quietly looked at the others, and continued to silently convey the message by blinking his eyes.

Professor Harry calmly followed the middle-aged researcher's movements and wanted to know what he wanted to do.

The middle-aged researcher moved a little bit in the crowd. After a while, he and another researcher were connected. The two big men looked at each other and blinked, no matter how they looked at it, they looked right like two people with broken sleeves. I glanced at it, and I was irritating and discharging.

The two looked at each other for only a short while, and then the two separated, pretending they didn't know each other, and each looking for a new target.

Professor Harry was excited for a while, is this planning to escape from prison?

Falling into the hands of aliens, the result is definitely better than death, no matter what, he has to grab this life-saving straw.

Thinking of this, Harry stared at the middle-aged researcher closely, not daring to relax for a moment.

Not only that, no matter who made eye contact with the middle-aged researcher, he carefully kept it in his mind and silently observed the movements of this group of people.

The middle-aged researcher was very vigilant and had already issued Professor Harry's anomaly, but he pretended that he didn't find anything, what should he do.

About seven or eight minutes later, a bug man walked in and said a few words to the bug man who was in charge of guarding the place.

The researchers here couldn't find a low-educated person who could speak less than a dozen foreign languages, but everyone looked at each other for a while, and they just didn't understand what the bug man said.

At this time, a bug man stood up and pointed to the door: "Go!"

Everyone understood, but no one moved... In the face of an unknown fate, no one dared to be the first to eat crabs.

The worms were very dissatisfied, and instead of talking nonsense with the captives, they directly waved to the worm guards.

The worms swarmed up and shoved the captives out of the lab.

Professor Harry's heart skipped a beat, guessing where the buggers wanted to take everyone.

He doesn't know much about bug people, but he knows that humans will definitely not end well if they fall into the hands of asteroids.

Professor Harry was worried that the worms would take everyone out to kill them, but after thinking about it, he felt that they would not. If the purpose of the worms was to kill these people, then there was no need to gather everyone together, kill them directly, and guard against them. How easy is it to throw together?

Thinking of this, Professor Harry finally calmed down and began to silently observe the surrounding situation, looking for an opportunity to escape.

However, the guards of the bug man are very strict, not to mention that he is already an old man with insufficient physical strength, even if he is 40 years younger, he will not try to slip away under the eyes of the bug man.

The opportunity was not found, but I saw broken corpses everywhere in the laboratory along the way. Most of them were guards, and there were also some bugmen. Only occasionally could I see a researcher.

On the ground, glass walls, and experimental equipment, there was blood splattered and mixed internal organs. The strong visual impact made Professor Harry tremble. He subconsciously looked away and forced himself to focus on other people. on the faces of others, and carefully observe the expressions of others.

I don't know if I don't see it, but it really made him discover something different.

Take that middle-aged researcher as an example. On the surface, he was as panicked as everyone else, but he couldn't see the slightest panic in his eyes, which was not normal.

Have they figured out a way to escape?

Professor Harry's heart suddenly became hot, and he quietly moved to the middle-aged researcher.

Not too far, Professor Harry saw the bug man lead the team into the stairwell, and then led the team downstairs... Professor Harry's laboratory is on the first floor, the bug man did not take the team out of the laboratory, he must be I want to bring everyone into the negative layer!

Reminiscent of the rumors that worms are good at punching holes, Professor Harry involuntarily turned pale, his feet softened, and his whole body seemed to be exhausted in an instant.

If you take it out of the laboratory, there is still a chance to escape, but how can you escape if you bring it into the basement?

He can already imagine that aliens

The researcher beside Professor Harry supported him and asked in a low voice with concern, "Professor, are you alright?"

Professor Harry took a look and vaguely remembered that this man was also frowning. He involuntarily grabbed the man's arm and wanted to say something, but saw a bug man staring here.

The words on his lips immediately retracted into his stomach, Professor Harry smiled reluctantly, shook his head and said nothing.

The researcher who supported the professor didn't say much, but he didn't let go of the professor's hand.

The team finally stopped after entering the negative second floor. This is a large laboratory with nothing but a few support columns.

The corner of the laboratory was full of dirt, and next to the mound, a hole with a diameter of no less than three meters appeared at some point.

A giant worm slowly crawled out of the hole, spreading its elytra under the command of the worm, revealing two rows of meat holes on its back.

The bug man unceremoniously grabbed a researcher and shoved it directly into the hole, and then stuffed another... There was a commotion in the crowd, but they were immediately suppressed by the bug man. On the back of the worm.

Two people, just filling a hole.

But after a short while, a car bug was full, and the elytra fell, covering everyone's bodies, and then the giant bug jumped into the hole and quickly moved away.

Then the second bug crawls out of the hole.

Professor Harry's eyes darkened... It's over!

Into the burrow still want to run? You can't run away on the ground, and the giant worm still wants to escape?

Professor Harry instinctively ducked back, but the others tried their best to retreat, only to be beaten by the bug man again.

The elytra fell, and the professor's eyes went black, and he could no longer see the slightest light. Then he felt the muscles on the insect's back slowly stretch, and it should be the giant insect that began to move.

Professor Harry completely lost his mind of running was silent for a while before asking softly, "My name is Harry, who studies high temperature superconductivity, how about you?"

His voice trembled with tension, like a violin string about to break.

"John, my name is John, and I'm Dr. Pete's assistant," said another.

His voice was calm, but only slightly stronger than Professor Harry's.

"Where do you think the worms want to take us? Do they want to turn us into worms?" Professor Harry asked nervously.

"It should be..." John said. "When it falls into the hands of aliens, it is either made into a bugman or fed to a bug. I'd rather become a bugman than be a bug's feces."

Professor Harry grinned, but couldn't smile, twisted his body and muttered, "It would be nice if it were a little brighter..."

Before he finished speaking, John pressed the luminous button on the watch, and the liquid crystal dial immediately emitted a faint blue fluorescence, which prevented the small space under the elytra from being strongly illuminated.

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