Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1661: extreme panic

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Carapace Frenzy!

Ye Han guessed that the destination of this trip is 80% of the east coast of Florida, but he did not expect that the goal of this trip was farther than expected. The fleet flew for several hours in a row, and stopped and rested a few times in the middle... Of course, the plane is unnecessary. Rest, but long-range flying is a great test for servants, even if they have an insect-like physique, they can't stand flying for hours on end.

Every time they stopped, the servants would eat a lot until they had enough to eat and drink before they could go on the road again.

The fleet did not reach the coastline until the next morning.

The operation was very smooth, but there were also many shortcomings. Ye Han deeply felt the inadequacy of the maneuvering method of the helicopter group accompanied by the servants. Afterwards, he wrote a report to the effect of discussing whether the servants could land directly on the helicopter in flight. You can take turns eating on the plane to avoid wasting time on grounding.

Unfortunately, the downdraft generated by the helicopter was too strong, far exceeding the capacity of the servants, so this idea could not be realized.

Although the fixed-wing aircraft does not have the problem of airflow, the fixed-wing aircraft is fast, and the servants can't catch up with their lives, and the result is also unsuccessful.

So Ye Han's beautiful vision always stayed on paper, and it was not realized until the end of the war.

The place where the aircraft group finally landed was an open space overgrown with weeds. There were still some dilapidated buildings in the distance, and the shadow of the airport could be vaguely seen.

The subsequent communication also proved this. It is indeed an abandoned military airport, and it is located deep in the insect-occupied area. There are giant insects everywhere. Mi Jun hopes that Ye Han will send out servants to clean up the nearby giant insects. .

Ye Han scattered all the servants without saying a word, hunting giant insects everywhere.

He contacted the commander of the Mi Army very worriedly, and stated that there were a large number of giant insects, and even if there were servants to control the field, they could only delay the speed of leaking the news, and it would not take long for the aliens to receive the news.

However, the commander of the Mi Army said that there is no problem, the fleet will leave soon... Indeed, the conversation between the two has not ended yet, and the plane has already taken off again, turning around and flying north.

Then the planes took off one after another, and they flew clean after a while.

At this time, the commander of the Mi army contacted Ye Han, briefly explained the situation, and asked the special team to follow the Mi army to the coast.

After Ye Han used satellites to determine the location, he found that it was less than five kilometers away from the coast, so it could almost be said to be close at hand.

The U.S. Army commander wanted to wait until it was dark before taking action, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea and moved to the coast immediately.

Half an hour later, the troops rushed to the beach, and several submarines emerged from the water. Others were both American and other base members, and even two were from Beidu.

Everyone entered the submarine at the fastest speed, crowding the already narrow submarine, and then the submarine sank into the water and moved forward quietly and silently in the water.

Ye Han didn't want to disturb the operation of the submarine, so he didn't plan to know the captain, but after the soldiers were settled, the captain took the initiative to see Ye Han. , do not know where the target is.

How did Ye Han know that the alien warship full of prisoners was sailing underwater, and the location was always within the grasp of the Northern Capital!

At this moment, Professor Harry feels very bad. Strictly speaking, since entering the alien battleship, he has not felt better.

Everyone else is in a similar situation, and tension and anxiety are common emotions.

No one knows where they are now, let alone where the aliens want to send everyone.

Professor Harry had been staying with John, and he was surprised to find that John's palm had been shaking constantly, and it was obvious that John was not as calm as he seemed.

After three full days on the watch, the alien warship finally stopped, and everyone was driven away from the warship by the bugmen.

Professor Harry found that it was a completely enclosed space with plants growing everywhere, and a huge dome covered with veins on its head, like a big bowl buckled to the ground.

Between the dome and the ground, there are many pillars with branches and knots. The upper end of each pillar is like a real tree, but the ends of the branches are directly connected to the dome, like the ribs of an umbrella. dome.

The branches of the pillars and the dome were dotted with stars, and something was shining brightly.

The weak light illuminated everything under the dome, as well as the thick giant vines hanging from the branches of the support pillars.

Professor Harry retracted his target, and unexpectedly found that there were only a few dozen prisoners ashore, and the others didn't even see their shadows, and they didn't know where they were sent by the bugmen.

Soon Harry didn't have the heart to think about the whereabouts of the others, because the bug-man drove out a few fat giant bugs from the forest of support pillars, and then picked out a man from the captives and put the man directly in front of the giant bug. .

At the juncture of life and death, the captive struggled violently, desperately trying to stay away from the giant insect.

However, the worms didn't give him a chance at all. Several worms swarmed up, restrained the captive's hands and feet, and shoved them into the giant insect's mouth. The giant insect swallowed the captive instantly, without even a pause.

The prisoners were in an uproar, and suddenly there was a commotion.

The worms pressed them without hesitation, punched and kicked, and all the prisoners were quiet, and no one dared to stab, and the emotion of fear quickly spread among the prisoners.

The bug man didn't care about this at all, and picked out a few from the captives and sent them to the giant bug's mouth.

Very unfortunately, John, who had been with Professor Harry all the time, was picked by the bugman. John was very frightened and turned around and hugged Professor Harry.

Professor Harry didn't want John to be swallowed by the giant insect, and he was afraid that the insect man would target him, so he couldn't tell how conflicted his mood was.

However, instead of holding onto him and not letting go like Harry, John quickly shoved something into Professor Harry's hand and whispered in the professor's ear: "Take it! "Then he was dragged away by the bug man.

Professor Harry didn't have to look to know that it was the watch that John put into his hand.

He stared blankly at John being dragged away by the worm, watching John being swallowed by the giant worm, and suddenly woke up and closed his eyes in pain.

At this time, a strange prisoner approached Professor Harry and said quietly and quietly: "Professor, please give me the watch!"

Professor Harry clenched his watch subconsciously and asked cautiously, "What do you want to do?"

The man squinted at the bug man and said in a low voice, "Please rest assured, I have no other intentions. John and I are together."

Professor Harry wanted to say something, but the man said anxiously: "It's too late, I need John's watch, please believe me, I'll give it back to you right away!"

Professor Harry hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the watch up.

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