Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1663: Artificial accident

The captain also said: "These crustaceans are also wrong, there are too many, 80% are also made by aliens!"

Plants are producers, animals are consumers, and if there are fewer plants, there will be fewer animals. This is the law of nature, and the situation in the picture obviously does not conform to this law.

Wu Han said: "It makes sense, these things are likely to be sentinels of aliens... The guards are quite tight! Have you found the entrance?"

"Here, this place should be the entrance!" The captain pointed to the corner of the dome and said, "The water plants in other directions are very dense, and there are not many grass in this place, so there must be a problem!"

Ye Han said: "It's definitely a failure for aliens to plant so many water plants!"

"It's too early to say that, it's not sure whether it's water plants!" Wu Han paused when he said this, looked at the captain and asked, "Do you think this place is easy to fight?"

The captain immediately shook his head: "This entrance should be a submersible type, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to break in from the entrance."

"What about the other direction?"

"Other directions must destroy the dome. With such a large water pressure, once the dome is broken, it will be completely over. By then, the entire dome will be flooded, and the prisoners will not have deep diving equipment!"

Ye Han and Wu Han frowned together, staring at the giant egg and thinking hard.

The captain said again: "Chief, it is really easy to blow up this place, but the rescue is too difficult, and the submarine has a large target, and the enemy has to find it before it gets close. !"

Wu Han said: "If you can't rely on submarines, you can only rely on people... Ye Han, do you have any ideas?"

Ye Han said: "One is to dive directly, and the other is to walk on the seabed. It is not a good way. The possibility of triggering the alarm is very high, and it is impossible to sneak in secretly. If my guess is correct, these aquatic plants must have defenses that we do not know It's hard to say whether it can safely pass through the aquatic forest."

"I don't need you to sneak in secretly to rescue people. Listen carefully. What I'm asking is if you have any ideas!"

Ye Han suddenly realized what kind of mistake he had made, but the captain showed a cabin of shock: "Chief, don't you save people?"

Wu Han pointed to the screen with a serious face, "Our purpose is to turn out all the enemy's lair, not to rescue the captured people, understand?"

The captain suddenly realized: "Understood!"

Wu Han looked at Ye Han again, Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Sir, the easiest way is definitely to approach the submarine directly and come to scare the snake, but we haven't found the enemy's nest for so many years, so doing this is equivalent to telling the enemy to be captured. There is a problem with the personnel, and my idea is to conduct an underwater blast at an appropriate location and see how the enemy reacts."

Wu Han asked, "How do you think the enemy will react?"

"One is to stay put, and the other is to evacuate immediately... Blasting is actually a no-brainer. It is best to think of a way to make the enemy think that this is an accidental exposure..."

Wu Han was about to speak, but the captain grabbed it first: "There is a way, it's very simple!"

Ye Han immediately looked over: "Do you have a solution?"

Wu Han also asked, "What can I do?"

The captain smiled and said, "I've been thinking about this for a day or two. The solutions are already available, it just takes a little time!"

More than an hour later, a large armed ocean-going fishing boat drove right above the target. This was a Chinese fishing boat that was fishing nearby. It was called by Wu Han with an order.

In this day and age, these ships are all controlled by the military and can be said to be a type of warships, so they can be on call.

The fishing boat released the trawling net in advance, and after reaching the target point, the trawling net was deliberately cut off, and the heavy trawling net sank into the water with a full harvest...

Soon after, a submarine approached the target point, dived step by step, looking for a trawling net... This is not a perfect plan, I can only say that I found a reasonable explanation for the discovery of the enemy nest. Seeing this All aliens must be suspicious.

If the aliens think that all this is just an accident, it is difficult to judge how the aliens will choose. It may be evacuated, or it may be completely abandoned. In order to protect the location of other bases, they choose to stay put.

So what the captain wants is this kind of suspicion. Only when the aliens are uncertain about the situation, can the possibility of abandoning the 420 base be the highest. The military has a habit of always using height to represent the nameless highland. Wu Han put this It is customary to take it over and directly use the depth to represent the enemy's nest.

When the submarine began to sink, the trawling net had fallen near the 420 base. Its arrival caused strong fluctuations in the aquatic forest, and the news was sent to the base as soon as possible.

The enemy's reaction was not as complicated as the captain thought. After receiving the news, he immediately chose to evacuate without hesitation, not even a second of hesitation.

Back in time not long ago, it was about when the fishing boats had just arrived.

After the worm fed the first batch of captives into the belly of the giant worm, they did not move the other captives. Time gradually passed in silence. Professor Harry's eyes kept lingering on the giant worm that devoured John, not knowing what it was hitting. idea.

Suddenly, he saw that the giant worm that had been honest all along made a movement. It supported the stout worm's legs and raised its belly, and its raised buttocks suddenly blossomed, and a naked man slapped the worm's buttocks and slipped out in an instant.

That is the person who swallowed the giant insect in its stomach, but when it was swallowed, it was neatly dressed, and when it was "born", it was not only naked, but even the hair on the whole body disappeared.

It seemed that he was still a little confused, the man sat motionless on the ground, his eyes were empty and there was no hint of brilliance.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded and couldn't understand what was going on.

The other giant insects also reacted quickly, and the naked people were "born" by the giant insects, and all of them looked sluggish.

Professor Harry saw John at a glance, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

No matter what as long as people are alive, there is hope!

At this time, a few worms walked over, grabbed a bright man and said a few words, the strange pronunciation sounds like alien language.

As a result, the light pig-like guy didn't respond at all after listening to it, and the lead bug man shook his head and waved his hand to the side.

The insect man immediately took the man to the group of captives, and several captives hurriedly took him over.

At this time, the man regained a little consciousness and had a simple exchange with others.

The head of the bugman continued to ask the next one. This time, the light pig responded and replied a sentence in the same strange language.

The head of the worms smiled happily, and immediately called two worms to send this person to the other side... The treatment was obviously improved a lot!

But the man's eyes were cold and emotionless, as if he had become another person.

No matter how stupid Harry was, he knew that the worms were using giant worms to control the minds of their captives!

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