Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1668: sea ​​monster

Ye Han received the order to withdraw as soon as possible, but he immediately said: "Chief, the US submarine has not arrived yet, is it inappropriate to withdraw now?"

Wu Han thought for a moment: "It's really not good... What do you think?"

Ye Han said: "Stay for a while, look for the remains of the Mi Army, and when the submarine arrives and hand it over to the Mi Army, we have done our duty as allies."

Ye Han nodded and said: "Yes, but no one can leave the alien base, the submarine will stay there, and return to the submarine as soon as there is a situation!"


At the end of the communication, Ye Han switched the communication frequency: "All attention, continue to search, but be prepared to return to the submarine!"

After finishing talking, start the thruster, enter the base area slowly, and search for the remains of the **** paratroopers through the guidance of sonar... There are so many **** paratroopers entering the alien base, and the dome collapsed so thoroughly that there are sacrifices everywhere in the ruins. In less than a minute, Ye Han found two bodies.

Just when Ye Han was looking for the next target, the third base, who was dragging a corpse back to swim, suddenly found an obvious echo on the screen, and the image given by the visual sonar was very blurred. He said doubtfully: "Captain. , I have something on my side, it's very fast, like a fish..."

Big eyes searched in the depths of the ruins, and when he heard the words, he couldn't help but say, "What's the fuss about the fish?"

"It's a bit big..." said third base. "It's nearly ten meters long... It's coming at me!"

Ye Han subconsciously shouted: "Be careful!"

The propeller of the third base suddenly accelerated, dragging the corpse for more than ten meters, and the fish passed one meter behind the third base. Damn, what the **** is this?"

Ye Han stopped in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"That fish is so ugly!" Sandie took the photo in time, but before he could send it out, the thing folded its body and rushed at him again.

The third base took off his rifle without hesitation, controlled the propeller to dodge while shooting at the big fish, a series of supercavitation bullets hit the big fish, and immediately opened more than a dozen blood holes in the big fish, and the blood immediately escape from the wound.

Big fish twisted again and turned away from third base.

I didn't want it to just rush to Daniel, and Daniel immediately picked up the machine gun, aimed at the big fish and pulled the trigger... A series of bullets were ejected from the muzzle, and the huge recoil caused the Daniel to flip... The recoil of the machine gun is in When it got stronger, Daniel habitually used the shooting position on the ground to shoot, and his body and recoil were not in a straight line. As a result, more than half of the twenty bullets flew away, and only three or five hits the big fish.

The big fish turned around abruptly, and the fish tail almost hit the big cow. When the big cow stabilized his body, the fish had already swum hundreds of meters, and the wounds all over his body left a blood line in the turbid seawater.

At the end of the short episode, everything happened in a very short period of time, until the big fish ran away, Ye Han let out a roar: "third base, how are you?"

"Captain, I'm fine!"

"What about the fish?"


Ye Han was speechless for a while, what is this special called?

But before his thoughts returned, there was a new situation on the other side: "Captain, I have a big guy here!"

"What?" This was Luo Qi's voice.

"Crab, it's big... uh, there's a corpse here!"

"What's all this mess?"

"I just found out that the crab is eating the corpse!"

Luo Qi got angry when he heard it: "Is this worth it? Kill it!"

"It's not easy to fight... It's too big!"

Luo Qi was even angrier: "What's wrong with fighting, using grenades and grenades, it's really impossible to call a submarine, I still don't believe it!"

Hearing this, Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Okay, bring a few people over to see it!"

"Yes!" As soon as Luo Qi agreed, he heard a startled roar on the radio: "Damn it!"

"what happened again!"

"Another big guy!"

Ye Han couldn't bear it any longer, started the thruster and rushed in that direction, but just after swimming more than ten meters, a huge shadow appeared on the sonar.

According to the image given by the sonar, the thing was round and round like a blunt shuttle, no less than twenty meters in length, and about four to five meters in diameter.

It floats in the water like a ghost, with a height difference of only three or five meters from the seabed, and it can disappear from the sonar as long as it goes down a little.

Ye Han subconsciously lowered his voice: "Everyone leave immediately!"

The soldier received the order and turned and left without hesitation.

Not far away, Luo Qi had already set up his rifle. As long as that thing dared to chase his own soldiers, he would pull the trigger immediately.

Fortunately, the thing had no interest in the departing soldier, but approached slowly and carefully.

Luo Qi was a little surprised: "It's target is that crab?"

Ye Han reminded: "Be careful, don't be careless..."

Before he finished speaking, the thing suddenly approached the Cancer, protruded a tentacle, and carefully approached the Cancer.

The giant claws of the giant crab were just a clip, but the tentacle reacted faster, and before the giant crab lifted the claws, the thing had already retracted its tentacles like lightning.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han carefully observed the outline on the sonar, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind: "It's a squid, that thing is a squid!"

While speaking, the giant squid attacked again, its huge body advancing and retreating in the sea water, incredibly flexible.

If you get closer, you can still feel the undercurrent caused by the squid's action, causing the nearby visibility to drop again.

Luo Qi was shocked: "What does he want to do? Eat crabs?"

Before he finished speaking, the giant squid had already rushed towards the cancer like lightning, and I don't know what The sonar echo of the cancer disappeared completely, leaving only a slowly falling echo... It seems It was the gnawed corpse!

After confirming the purpose of the giant squid, Ye Han could not breathe a sigh of relief, because he had just swallowed the shadow of the giant crab and slowly approached the ruins of the base.

A thought flashed through Ye Han's mind: what does it want to do?

Others also found that the situation was not right, and they put down their work and "looked" at the giant squid together.

The giant squid didn't notice, and still went its own way, slowly swimming into the base area and appearing behind the soldiers.

It was too late for the warrior to realize that the situation was wrong. The giant squid turned into lightning again, and several tentacles poked over together, and the warrior was firmly wrapped up... Even if the warrior was wearing the most advanced power armor, he still couldn't break free from the giant squid's tentacles. , and was immediately sent into the mouth of the giant squid by tentacles.

For a while, I don't know how many teeth bite the armor, making bursts of harsh friction, like countless files rubbing the armor.

Fortunately, the combination of alien alloy and military quality is extremely strong, and the giant squid can't bite the armor at all.

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