Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1671: die or die

However, this mercer was not fired by the professor. Professor Harry lowered his head in surprise, only to find that Henry had climbed up, knelt on one knee, raised the arm of the parasitic light bug and fired at the bug man, while the other hand was holding the third Only light bugs.

Henry knocked down another bug man, raised his hand and threw the light bug aside, a figure suddenly jumped out of the crowd, caught the light bug and pressed it on his arm.

At this time, another figure rushed towards the fallen bugman and ripped off the light bug from the bugman's arm.

Professor Harry's heart suddenly rose to the sky, and he raised his arm to emit the first silk light... Unfortunately, he was too unskilled. As soon as the silk light was sent out, he knew that he had hit it wrong. The tree was swept away.

But it doesn't matter, you will become proficient after playing it a few times.

The insect man responded very quickly. After being attacked, he immediately launched a counterattack. Si Guang fell into the crowd and immediately shot several prisoners.

The originally chaotic prisoners suddenly scattered, and no one stood between the two waves of people.

Including Professor Harry, four people have already obtained the light worms, but the other party has more than a dozen worms. Professor Harry's courage disappeared immediately, and it was obvious that he could fire on the next enemy with just a move of his arm. His arms were as immobile as petrification.

Professor Harry couldn't move, but the others didn't hesitate. They either jumped down immediately, or rolled on the spot immediately. The movements of the three of them were very nimble. Henry not only avoided himself, but also hit the professor with a tiger pounce. In fact, the two of them rolled into a ball, and actually escaped the counterattack of the insect people!

Professor Harry's only thought at this moment was to kill the enemy. As soon as he stopped, he wanted to look up to find the enemy's location, and he didn't want to be directly pressed by Henry: "Don't move, it's dangerous!"

At the same time, the other two fought back while evading. Naturally, the worms would not sit still. The two sides kept shooting at each other while running, and the silk light flew between the enemy and us. First, the two worms were killed by their own side, and then their own side One person was hit by the insect man, his right arm was broken at the elbow, and the broken arm and the light insect parasitic on the wrist fell to the ground.

However, the man endured the severe pain, suddenly turned around, rushed back and grabbed the broken arm, took off the light worm and put it on the ground, and put his left arm under the light worm, ignoring the blood gushing broken arm.

All of this happened between lightning and flint, and Professor Harry suddenly had a feeling that these people were not researchers at all, but real fighters, and they were the kind of very elite fighters who had been on the battlefield!

Seeing that his companion was injured, Henry rushed out with a roar, and the light bugs on his arms opened fire again and again. While successfully knocking down a bug, he was also hit by the silk light and fell silently, but until he fell, he still persisted. Fire at the enemy.

The escaped captives finally realized what had happened, some fled timidly, while others charged bravely at the bug-man.

The insect man reacted very quickly, a ray of light was emitted from the bend of his arm, and he knocked down a prisoner without any suspense, but the others were not intimidated by this scene, and still rushed to the insect man desperately, using their own lives to create an enemy-killer for their companions. Chance.

The desperate recoil of the captives created an opportunity for their companions with light insects. Even Professor Harry, whose eyes were reddened by this scene, jumped out from behind the cover and aimed at the insect people and fired again and again.

Isn't it just a piece of shit? To die is to die!

The captives' desperate counterattack finally succeeded. After paying the price of more than 20 people, the captives who desperately resisted finally killed the last bug man. Everyone took off the light bug on the bug man's arm and put it on his own arm. superior.

No one asks why humans use light worms.

The captive who didn't get the light worm consciously helped the injured companion back, and everyone got together again.

Professor Harry said anxiously: "Quick, you can't stay here, you must leave immediately!"

Henry whispered: "Leave? This is where the aliens are, where can we go?"

"Wharf!" Professor Harry said the answer he had thought of for a long time. "The alien warship must still be on the dock. As long as we grab the warship, we can hope to escape!"

Henry still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the professor: "Don't talk, hurry up before the worms come!"

The prisoners immediately agreed, and they all felt that it was a good idea to flee to the dock. In a desperate situation, even if no one knew how to drive the alien warship, even if they knew that the possibility of grabbing the warship was extremely low, everyone was still willing to give it a try.

The alien base is densely vegetated, and it can almost be said to be a primitive jungle. Although the distance between the open space and the dock is only 200 meters, there are quite a few trees between the two, providing an excellent environment for the escaped captives. cover.

However, the insect man's reaction speed was faster than expected. The captives only escaped a few dozen meters, and the insect man appeared in front of him.

Not only did they appear on the ground, but they also nimbly jumped onto the big tree supporting the dome, jumping back and forth on the canopy, and constantly shooting at the fleeing captives.

The captives with the light insects fought back, but the enemy was strong and I was weak. The captives did not kill a few insects in their counterattacks, but were instead knocked down by the insects more than a dozen companions.

Humans with light worms can feel the enemy's position, but the enemy can also feel their position.

But there are more insects, and there are only a dozen or so human beings with light insects, and the two sides are not proportional at all.

Everyone knows that the advantage has always been in the hands of the worms, and if they continue to fight like this, the result is likely to be wiped out, but everyone knows the consequences of surrendering, and they would rather be killed by the worms than surrender.

The worms are not in a They are pressing step by step, constantly compressing the space for human activities, more and more human beings are killed by the worms, and if the situation permits, the worms also intend to target non-lethal locations , only injured but not killed, deliberately left a life, and re-captured prisoners.

Anyway, as long as they are alive, it is not within the consideration of the insect people whether they are injured or not.

In the blink of an eye, humans lost more than half, and the remaining humans were compressed within a radius of only tens of meters by the bugmen. Everyone tried their best to hide themselves and tried their best to persist longer.

Facing the attacking worm, Professor Harry sighed in the sky, his heart seemed to sink into the abyss.

He knew that the reason why the worms did not attack immediately was to improve the encirclement and minimize their own losses. Once the encirclement was formed, they would immediately attack from all directions.

As long as the worms charge once, they can kill everyone. At that time, no one can escape the poisonous hands of the worms.

Everything is coming to an end. Professor Harry seems to be relieved suddenly, and the whole person's mood is extremely relaxed... Isn't it a death, everyone has to die one day, what's so scary?

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