Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1685: Shouldn't go wrong

While the diving bell was far from the 1400 base, the cracks on the base dome gradually cracked under the huge water pressure, and the high-pressure gas escaped from the cracks, resulting in insufficient internal pressure of the base. Rapid expansion under the impact of high-pressure water flow.

The remnants of the worms fled, but where did they flee?

The alien hiding behind the scenes could no longer hold on, and under the **** of a group of insects, he fled to the dock in a panic, but the two warships had already left the port, where could he escape to?

Standing on the empty pier, the sea water flowed down from the cracks in the dome and poured on the alien constantly. The low-temperature sea water took away the heat, making his body colder and colder, like his heart that was cold to the core.

There was a cracking sound, the dome collapsed in a large area, countless sea water fell from the sky, aliens, insects, corpses left by the battle, and plantings in the base... Everything was swept away by the rapids that fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye , the 1400 base became another ruin on the seabed.

At this time, the diving bell was far away from the base, and Ye Han and others heard the loud noise behind them, but the visibility in the deep sea was too low, and it was not easy to see the situation around them. No one could see the process of the base's fall.

Ye Han let out a long breath: "Qianlong, you can stop now, pull up the diving bell first, the alien captives will be held in isolation, the clones will be handed over to the Mi Army, and the bugmen must stay!"

"Qianlong received!"

Third Base reminded: "There is still a professor, and must be treated as soon as possible!"

Ye Han said casually, "Let the submarine arrange it."

Third base hurriedly said: "Captain, that's not what I meant, the professor can't decompress after going up!"

Ye Han was surprised: "Why?"

"He hibernated!" said third base.

Ye Han suddenly realized that he finally understood the meaning of third base.

Environmental pressure does not change the internal pressure of the human body. It is necessary to breathe high-pressure gas through the lungs to change the internal pressure.

After Professor Harry injected hibernin, the metabolism rate of the whole body was reduced by 400 times. If he decompressed at the normal rate, the high-pressure gas in his body would not be able to be discharged at all. The bubble, then the professor will slowly inflate like a balloon, if you ignore it, the professor will eventually become a balloon that blows

Therefore, the only way to save the professor is to start treatment in a high-pressure environment until the injury is stable and then decompress normally.

Ye Han suddenly thought of other people. If he returned to the ground immediately, would everyone turn into a flesh and blood bomb?

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly made a clever move.

Although Ye Han has fought so many battles and seen countless corpses, he has never heard of this kind of death from the inside out... He often deals with vacuum and low-pressure environments. The high-pressure environment of the deep sea is definitely The first contact, and never want to contact the second time.

The diving bell slowly floated up driven by the cable, while Ye Han and the soldiers continued to wait underwater.

The bored warriors turned on their headlights and used the lights to attract deep-sea creatures. After a while, they attracted a very large front body, a very thin back body, big eyes and big eyes, not like a fish in seven, but like a mouse in three. strange fish.

It is not accurate to say that strange fish, this thing is not only strange, but also extremely ugly, so ugly that it is difficult to describe in words.

Everyone looked very strange, watching it slowly swimming in the beam of the headlight with curiosity.

At this moment, a black shadow with a big head and a body suddenly rushed out from the dark sea water. It was much smaller than the mouse fish, but it did not hesitate at all, and rushed straight to the mouse fish, and then its huge head suddenly disappeared from the middle. It split open and turned into an oversized mouth, swallowing the strange mouse-like fish in one bite.

Its originally slender body instantly turned into a bulging ball... At this scene, everyone was horrified, and they always felt that this thing was not a fish, but a sea snake disguised as a fish.

This is not over yet, another half-human-long squid with snow-white body swims over from the other side. This thing is not afraid of people at all. It swims among a group of secret service members, attracting everyone's attention.

Later, this thing swam into the dark sea water, and everyone was stunned to discover that this thing actually had its own fluorescent light all over its body, and it could not see any difference under the light.

I don’t know if the output value of the squid caused trouble. A large black shadow slowly swam into the light range. Everyone took a closer look. Good guy, this thing is about the same height as a person, almost two meters. The length is less than four meters, but the width is less than one meter. The bronze fish has several fleshy ribs, which is simply ugly to a new height.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han stopped in time and ordered everyone to turn off the headlights, not ready to turn on without an order.

Just kidding, it took such a short time to attract such a big man. If it was opened for a while, it would not be necessary to attract the king physalis squid?

That is not a mild species, but the prototype of the sea monster in ancient legends, no matter how you think it should not be a peaceful species.

Even if everyone wears power armor and doesn't care about the tentacles and teeth of this thing, if this thing is really entangled, it will be a hassle to escape.

Well, I heard that sperm whales can dive into the water for two kilometers and start a life-and-death fight with giant squid. If they really meet such two big guys... Haha!

After turning off the headlights, the surroundings finally became quieter, only occasionally I could see luminous creatures, or other creatures, but they were hidden in the darkness and invisible.

After half an hour, Ye Han received the news from The diving bell successfully docked with the submarine!

Ye Han was very relieved. The submersible has not arrived yet. After transferring the people in the diving bell to the boat, he can still pick up a few people...

The docking of the diving bell and the Qianlong was successful, but the transfer of the personnel in the bell was also a minor trouble. The personnel on the boat could not enter the pressure chamber, and could only shout to the people in the diving bell through communication equipment.

According to Ye Han, the eight people in the diving bell must be divided into two groups. The alien captives and the worms remain on the Qianlong, and the clone and Professor Harry are directly returned to the Mi Jun.

However, the process that was supposed to be all smooth, happened at this time.

The fault lies in the clones. They have always regarded themselves as the real rice army, and they are still the most elite, and they cannot urinate in the same pot with the Chinese.

When they are underwater, they have to rely on the special team. These clones say that they are as good as they are, but now that they are safe, they have a different kind of mind-the individual knows the importance of alien captives, clones People naturally know that, so after the diving bell docked with the Qianlong, only a few worms came out. The clone not only failed to come out, but also refused to hand over the alien captives!

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