Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1687: danger around you

It may have been someone else's initiative. Several heads of the special team were in this cabin. Xiao Yuan, who was closest to the cabin door, saw Ye Han coming in, and immediately shouted: "Stand up!"

The others got up quickly and stood meticulously at attention.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "Okay, let's all sit down... Yo drink, the food on board is good!" As soon as he entered the cabin, he smelled the faint aroma of food, and after a closer look, good guy, there are six dishes and one soup. Su, the standard is really not low!

The meat is fish, and the vegetables are sea vegetables, but it is good to eat meat these days. Who can choose what meat is?

Xiao Yuan laughed and said, "It was just delivered from the ship, and it's still warm!"

Ye Han smiled and glanced at Xiao Yuan: "Okay, don't hold back, let's eat!"

After taking the chopsticks handed over by Luo Qi, he happily took a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

Others are not polite, all chopsticks are used to greet the meat dishes... I have to say that the chefs on board are very skilled.

But when the meat was put into his mouth, the expressions of anticipation suddenly collapsed. Xiao Yuan chewed a few more times in disbelief, and finally believed the fact: "What is this? It has no taste at all!"

"Isn't it!" Ouyang Ping immediately agreed, "Boiled is better than this!"

Luo Qi took another bite of the dish in disbelief. The expression on his face was even more ugly, and he snorted coldly: "It's really hard to do for them, it's just that Jin Yu is out of it!"

Everyone else's food is full of color, flavor, and flavor. It's good to go to this place, and these dishes are left with good looks.

Ye Han picked up the bowl and took a bite of the rice, but he didn't taste it either. He chewed it twice and said, "You haven't read the information carefully, have you?"

Several people immediately fell silent.

Ye Han continued: "The lack of taste is not because the cook is not doing well, it is because the pressure is too high, and our taste is not normal. It will be fine when the pressure goes down... Let's eat it, we have to live here for more than a month, and it won't taste any better. Gotta eat."

When everyone heard it, no one was gossiping anymore, and they all ate honestly.

Xiao Yuan ate a few mouthfuls and chewed the rice sticking to his teeth vigorously: "What kind of hardships have we been in the army, isn't it just that there is no taste in our mouths? What are you afraid of?"

Ouyang Ping asked curiously, "Captain, do we have to live here for more than a month?"

Ye Han said while chewing, "On average 30 meters to decompress for a day, you can do the math."

"One thousand four hundred meters... that's forty-six days? Why is it so happy when you go down?" Xiao Yuan shouted in shock.

Ye Han ate the food in silence: "You also know that it's time to go down... Okay, eat first, and talk about other things later."

This time everyone stopped talking, and they all ate with their heads down, swept away the food on the table with the speed of a forced march.

Don't worry about the dishes and bowls, just put them in the decompression chamber, and someone on board will come to take them away... In fact, it's not just the dishes and bowls, the conditions in the pressure chamber are limited, and even the underwear has to be taken out for washing.

The people in the cabin haven't thought of this yet, but Ye Han has realized that everyone doesn't know enough about saturation diving. For this reason, he specially contacted the outside of the cabin and asked professionals to explain the main points of life in the pressure cabin to the soldiers.

Ye Han didn't plan to hide it at all. The soldiers soon heard the news. Many people's first reaction was to laugh. Isn't it just to live in a pressure chamber for a while, this stuff has to be learned?


The ship's movements were not slow. After receiving Ye Han's request, a senior diving supervisor was immediately dispatched to explain the pressure chamber to the soldiers by video.

After the video started, the diving supervisor said something in a very serious tone: "In the pressure chamber, safety comes first!"

This is definitely a commonplace, and few soldiers take it to heart.

The diving supervisor continued: "The pressure chamber environment is special, and the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the cabin is huge. A little carelessness will cause an irreversible accident... The most serious saturation diving accident occurred in 1983, before the diving bell was completely closed. Four divers and one technician died on the spot after escaping from the capsule."

"I know that you are all brave fighters. On the battlefield, any kind of death may happen, but it should be rare to die in pieces, but once an accident occurs in saturation diving, from the inside Self-destruction outside is the only outcome, and I believe you can imagine how tragic the divers I just mentioned were."

Hearing this, the soldiers finally put away their indifference.

The diving supervisor added: "If I say that is not so intuitive, then I can tell you that there was a diver whose spine flew more than ten meters in an accident...I don't want any of you to have an accident, so , please pay attention to the pressure problem. Although the hatches are controlled by the bridge, and the hatches are always locked during the decompression process, accidents cannot be ruled out. Please note that for everyone's safety, no matter what the situation You can't open the hatch by yourself!"

Xiao Yuan's face twitched when he heard it, and he couldn't help but say, "Why don't we bring the armor in. If there is an emergency, putting it on quickly might save your life."

Ye Han couldn't help rolling his eyes, just as he was about to refute, he stopped when the words reached his lips.

He originally wanted to say that the armor's design idea is to resist external pressure, and it is ineffective against internal pressure, but he thinks it is wrong. The power armor of the special team must first be aimed at the vacuum environment of outer space. If it can't resist internal pressure, it will not work Exploded directly after getting out of the spaceship?

Thinking of this, he immediately agreed with Xiao Yuan's opinion: "Good Let them send it in when I turn around!"

The air pressure in the cabin is now more than 130 times the standard air pressure. Even if you put on armor, you may not be able to contain such a strong air pressure, but armor is better than nothing.

Besides, now the armor is made of alien alloys, what if it holds up?

He is more accustomed to controlling his own destiny and has no habit of leaving his life in the hands of others... Well, it's just a precaution, plus the space in the cabin is narrow, so only the armor is sent in, and the weapons and equipment can be kept. outside.

The diving director continued: "Some people may think that these are too far away from us, but I must emphasize that the danger is all around you...such as going to the toilet, this is a very real problem that cannot be seen on the table."

"You all know that the pressure in the cabin is very high. If you sit too tight on the toilet and pump water at this time, the huge pressure in the cabin will press you into the toilet hard...more than a hundred atmospheres. It's not a joke, the pipe must be cut open to pick out the broken you from the pipe... Of course, I'm just giving an example, the current system has been improved, and the flushing must cooperate with the inside and outside , don't forget!"

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