Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1693: temporarily put 1

Mid-December 2036, Moon.

It was another early morning when a sharp alarm woke up Qian Hao who was sleeping. He yawned, rubbed his face vigorously to drive away the sleepiness, and quickly got out of bed to clean up and wash.

Ten minutes later, Qian Hao arrived at the No. 1 high-speed elevator on time. After saying hello to his colleagues who went to work together, everyone walked into the elevator together.

There are no floors in the elevator, only two buttons for ascending and descending.

A companion pressed down and the elevator started slowly. Qian Hao felt a slight weightlessness.

The speed of the elevator is getting faster and faster, but the inside of the elevator is very stable. Everyone is just as usual, chatting with each other.

Half an hour later, the elevator door opened, and everyone walked out of the elevator and entered the artificially transformed natural cave.

This is the deepest part of the Beiyuezhou base, several kilometers deeper than the Beiyuezhou command center.

The empty cave was illuminated by lights like daytime. Looking up, several huge metal spheres were fixed with steel frames under the high dome. Each metal sphere was filled with heavy water, at least more than 1,000 tons. The surface of the metal sphere is filled with dense photomultipliers, which looks particularly sci-fi.

There are a lot of measurement and control equipment in the corner of the cave, where Qian Hao and his companions work.

Everyone went to their respective positions and handed over shifts one-on-one.

At this moment, the indicator light on the console suddenly lit up, everyone was stunned at the same time, and no longer cared about the shift, everyone rushed to the console, and a large amount of data slid across the screen like water All eyes are focused on the data on the screen.

"Calculate the angle!"

"Calculate Strength!"

"Calculate the orientation..."

A few minutes later, Beiyuezhou Command Center.

The combat staff suddenly jumped as high as two people and landed neatly in front of Wu Han: "Headmaster, the Neutrino Detection Center reports that an unknown neutrino source has been detected, and it has been determined that this batch of neutrinos comes from the natural decay of transuranic elements. , Preliminary calculations, the radioactive source is located deep in the Andes Mountains, between 7,000 to 8,000 kilometers underground."

After the combat staff finished speaking, he handed the chart just received to Wu Han with both hands.

Wu Han waved his hand: "No need, I can't understand it either."

"Yes!" The combat staff quickly took back the chart.

Wu Han touched his chin and thought for a moment: "So, the Americans' plan was successful?"

"It should be." The combat staff nodded.

Wu Han's expression was very playful: "Americans are lucky."

Only the high-level officials of various countries know that this is not the first time that mankind has searched for a stronghold of aliens.

However, none of the previous plans have been successful, and this time the plan came up with a sudden inspiration. The Americans heard that Beiyuezhou was researching neutrino communication technology, and built the largest scale in human history under the base. Neutrino detector, so I don't know which American had an idea and came up with such a twisted solution.

Regardless of the process, in short, the Americans made it work. Wu Han sighed softly: "Connect me to the international base, and I want to speak directly to Franklin!"


The combat staff agreed and immediately passed the order to the communications department.

Soon after, the communication was connected, and a particularly energetic white old man appeared on the screen.

The two made a few very formulaic and polite words, and then Wu Han went straight to the topic: "General Franklin, we have found a neutrino from the decay of a transuranic element. The radioactive source is located in the Andes Mountains, more than 7,000 meters underground... Congratulations."

"God bless!" Franklin's tone was like the most senior magician. "I haven't heard such good news for months... Only one radioactive source?"

"Only this one has been found so far," Wu Han said.

Franklin pursed his lips: "I believe that there is definitely more than one alien stronghold, General Wu, what's your opinion?"

Wu Han nodded: "We think so too. Discovering this radioactive source is only the first step. I believe that we will discover more radioactive sources in the future."

Franklin said: "Can I understand that your country wants to leave this alien stronghold temporarily?"

Wu Han said: "Aliens have landed for so many years, and there must be more than one stronghold. If you do it now, you are stunned. Our suggestion is to record the coordinates first, and then start when the time is right."

Franklin smiled happily: "We have an agreement, General!"

Wu Han also smiled: "Okay, I'll report the situation right away."

"One more question!" Franklin put away his smile, "General Wu, have you ever thought about it, if you can't build nuclear weapons, will it arouse suspicion from aliens?"

Wu Han raised his mouth slightly: "That's a nuclear weapon, how could it be that easy?"

A few days later, deep in the Andes.

"How can it be that easy?" The bug man waved his arms and used body language to enhance his persuasiveness. "Nuclear physics is the most advanced discipline of mankind. Do you know how long it took mankind to develop nuclear weapons?"

"How long?" an alien asked cooperatively.

"The principle of nuclear weapons has long been discovered, but it took the United States six years to develop nuclear weapons, the United Kingdom seven years, France three years, the former Soviet Union four years, and the North for five years!" It has taken so long, and your biotechnology and human science and technology are two completely different development directions. It has been less than a month since you got the nuclear materials. How could it be possible to create atoms in such a short period of time? .bomb?"

"What does year mean?" the alien asked.

"It's the Earth...the time it takes for the blue star to go around the star once."

" I'm too impatient." The alien said, "If the law of stars is so easy to grasp, is it still the law of stars?"

Judging from the information we know now, human beings only understand the fur of the laws of stars, but even if it is just fur, it is not as simple as imagined.

The bug man breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "I must remind again that mastering the atomic bomb is only the first step towards the laws of the stars. From the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb, the Americans took more than seven years, and the British took four Year and a half, the former Soviet Union took four years, the French took eight and a half years, and the North took two years and eight months!”

The alien was slightly angry: "What are you trying to say?"

The worm said: "I want to remind you that the atom bomb is not equal to the law of the stars, it is just a stepping stone to the law of the stars, so you must be patient."

"My patience is very limited," said the alien. "Since you're an expert, there must be a way, right?"

"Yes!" The worm nodded without hesitation. "But I need experts in physics, mathematics, materials science, etc., as well as various experimental equipment. I am the only one, no!"

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