Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1705: Rooftop battle

The secret service team soon disappeared at the end of the short street. In front of them was the front line of the exchange of fire. The sound of gunshots, cannons, and explosions mingled together;

Not far ahead, a large group of giant insects was climbing to the top of the building, and a wave of giant insects squeezed into the short street between the two fortress buildings, and had a face-to-face with the special team.

The situation was extremely critical, Ye Han did not dare to neglect, and when he picked up his gun, he would order the soldiers to shoot, but before he could say the words, there was a gunshot like fried beans behind him, and bullets flew from all heights to the short street. The giant insects at the other end knocked them down one by one.

Ye Han turned his head in surprise and saw a scene that he could never forget in his entire life. Behind him was the three-way intersection that the special team had just passed by. There were only simple roadblocks, a few soldiers and a tank at the intersection.

But the fortress building is facing the corner of the short street. From the top to the bottom of the ten-story building, there are firepower points everywhere for wanton shooting. Any firepower point that can hit the bullet to the other end of the short street will open fire without hesitation. Tracer bullets all over the sky almost obscured the sky overhead!

Ye Han was taken aback, how many machine guns were firing at the same time?

Tracer bullets are used to indicate ballistics at night. According to the military's practice, a tracer bullet is usually pressed every few rounds of ordinary bullets. That is to say, at this moment, the number of bullets flying over the special team's head is at least five times the visual number!

In just a short moment, the giant worm that poured into the short street died cleanly, and a complete corpse could not be found... There were so many bullets that the corpse of the giant insect was smashed and smashed by bullets. , leaving no complete body at all.

Such crazy shooting, not to mention the small group of giant insects at the end of the short street, even if it is several times more, it will not be able to attack.

But this tactic can only last for a while. First, it is too wasteful of bullets, and the defenders can't withstand such a scourge no matter how many bullets. Second, the barrel cannot withstand continuous shooting for a long time.

The dense rain of bullets can only destroy the giant insects that rushed into the short street, and there is nothing to do against the giant insects outside the street. After Ye Han was stunned for a moment, he immediately ordered the troops to move forward.

After advancing a short distance, Ye Han found the entrance to the fortress building and ordered the soldiers to rush in.

Ye Han is very clear about the advantages of the special service team, and he is not so hard-headed as he is fighting face to face with thousands of giant insects. Converging with the defenders, it's almost the same as helping out at the most critical position.

The team members were extremely fast, and Ye Han took a gap and rushed in.

On the side of the entrance is the spiral steps leading to the rooftop. Ye Han was about to rush up when a bright light suddenly flashed outside the door.

Although only the corner of his eye saw this scene, Ye Han was really familiar with this kind of light beam. He was absolutely certain that it was a thin light!

Ye Han's raised foot immediately froze in the air, and he turned to look out the door, but he didn't see the team members who were supposed to be following.

After a while in his heart, he was afraid, if he slowed down a little bit, would this fine light fall on him?

Ye Han jumped out in a single step, and immediately saw a secret service member lying down outside the door. The right half of his armor seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, charred and tattered.

The other fighters were leaning against the wall, all looking fine.

His eyes were far into the distance, and he had shown great power before, and the corner of the fortress, where a whole group of giant insects had been killed, had been cut vertically from top to bottom by a thin light. According to Han's experience, the firepower from the top to the bottom of the dozen floors is all over.

The few team members outside the door who were lucky enough to escape finally came back to their senses, rushed to the side of the fallen comrade at the fastest speed, and carried him into the fortress building.

Ye Han rushed over immediately, even knowing that it was impossible to survive in the fine light, he still checked the situation of the team members as soon as possible.

An unexpected situation happened. The thin light failed to penetrate the armor. The situation of this team member seemed very serious. In fact, it was only because the armor lost power and could not move. After taking off the armor, there was no shit.

Luo Qi, who came here after hearing the news, was dumbfounded: "How is this possible?"

"I still want to ask you!" Ye Han was also a little stunned, Xiaoguang can even penetrate the armor of the battleship, how could it not be able to penetrate the power armor?

Luo Qi thought about it and raised a possibility: "Is this kind of thin light not powerful enough? Tank guns and naval guns are both guns, but can they have the same power?"

"It's also possible that something blocked it." A soldier also put forward his own opinion.

Ye Han waved his hand: "I don't have time to study this, everyone will go to the rooftop immediately, hurry up!"

"Yes!" The soldiers rushed up the spiral ladder.

Ye Han said to the soldier who just came out of the armor: "Keep up!"

He couldn't have put the unarmored warrior into battle, but he couldn't have left him alone and moved with the troops, but not fighting was the best option.

If the Ningwuguan is still there, Ye Han can completely ask the battleship to drop a set of armor, but now there is no such condition, so he can only let this team member keep up first, and let him withdraw from the front line when there is a chance.

Ye Han quickly rushed to the rooftop, and the team members who lost their armor kept following him, without falling a step... Cell fusion is the most cutting-edge biotechnology, even if they don't wear secret service team is also the most elite fighter.

If it wasn't necessary, the secret service team completely rushed to the rooftop in front of Ye Han.

The exit of the spiral staircase faces the city center of Funing, so the design can avoid the exit being blocked by fire from outside the city.

After Ye Han rushed to the roof, he found that the team members were firing at full force on the left and right sides. He ran over to see that the swarm had already climbed to the roof. The soldiers guarding here suffered heavy casualties. The other side of the roof was full of blood and broken pieces. corpse.

It seems that the swarm just climbed up when the special team arrived here, so this scene appeared.

Don't say, kill them!

Ye Han raised his gun and fired, and a bunch of bullets all landed on the head of the same giant insect. The giant insect shook a few times and then fell to the ground unwillingly.

Several giant insects climbed up again, and before they even got up, they spit out a few bone spurs at the secret service team members.

After the bone spur hit the armor, it shattered directly, and it couldn't penetrate the armor at all.

The team members immediately returned fire. The thorn bugs who were trying to climb up to the rooftop were hit by the bullet just after their front legs had hooked on the female trainer. His head had been gouged with bullets, and he lost his life and fell directly from the roof.

But the eyes of the bone spurs are not only the secret service members, but also the remaining defenders!

They didn't have as good equipment as the special service team. Several people were punctured by bone spurs on the spot, the wounds burst, and blood rained.

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