Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1772: which part are you

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In addition to the original weapons, Ye Han's biggest reliance is the airdrop of Languan.

After the defense line at the entrance of the cave was laid out, several secret service members immediately got together and took out heavy machine guns and grenade launchers from the airdrop box, one by one at the entrance of the cave.

After everything was ready, Ye Han walked over to check it again, and looked outside the cave again.

This hole is located halfway up the mountain, with a very wide field of vision. At a glance, you can have a panoramic view of the entire hillside and the bottom of the mountain.

Lao Gun squeezed to Ye Han's side, stretched his neck and glanced at it: "Is there still a bug alive? Why didn't you rush?"

Ye Han said softly, "Maybe the worm is also dead... Qi Jingwen!"


"You arrange the sentry, this place can't leave people under any circumstances... Also, before the bugs come, let the soldiers take time to rest."


Luo Qi asked curiously, "Captain, where is the swarm?"

Ye Han called up the satellite image and carefully looked for the location of the swarm: "The nearest swarm... It will take about 20 minutes to arrive, and there is still a little time!"

A little time is also time. On the battlefield, you don’t know when you will be a leader when you fight, so you must hurry up when you can rest.

Qi Jingwen left, Ye Han turned back and shouted, "Hive!"


"How many more drones are there?"

Hive replied: "A lot, I don't know exactly how much."

"It doesn't count." Ye Han added.

"About forty or fifty," said Hive.

"Let them all go out." Ye Han said, "Let me see the vicinity, not a dead corner can be left... There are two aliens who don't know where they are, we must be on guard!"

"Understood... Captain, there are still many drones in the enemy's nest, do you need to take them back?"

"You can figure it out. My request is to warn in advance and not leave room for the enemy."

"Yes, then I will collect the drones and concentrate them all nearby." Hive said.

Ye Han nodded: "Go."

The hive walked into the hole, found an undisturbed corner and sat down, first sent all the remaining drones out, and then contacted the drones scattered in the depths of the enemy's nest, and controlled them to gradually gather in this direction. , intends to bring all the nearby underground holes into the monitoring scope.

Controlling the drone is a very tedious job. Fortunately, the control program of the drone is very advanced. The honeycomb only needs to issue an order, and the drone will automatically move towards the target according to the set route.

This design greatly reduces the workload of the hive. Otherwise, let alone three or five people, it is impossible to effectively control the drones scattered in various locations of the enemy's hive.

It's nothing else, it's just too many drones used this time!

Because most of the drones were flooded, and the remaining drones did not know one-tenth of the total number, the hive did not find anyone else and planned to do the work alone.

The transfer process of the drone is not a simple flight, but always detects the situation along the way, and sends the abnormal situation found on the way to the hive at the first time. After a while, the hive received hundreds of enemy warnings.

At the beginning, Honeycomb did not care about these warning messages, and only took time to check the warning messages until all adjustment instructions were sent.

Most of the information is the discovery of giant insects, and more than half of them are insects that act alone, a few are small groups, and only a few are a group of giant insects that act at the same time.

The hive first picks out all the bugs traveling in this direction, then focuses on marking the swarms of bugs, and finally arranges the drone to follow the swarm to keep track of the location of the swarm.

In this way, the chance of encountering a large-scale swarm is very small.

There are servants and insects in the remaining warning information, and the hive is screened according to the same principle.

After finishing all the work, Hive finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the time, and could rest for a while... At this moment, he received a warning message again, and it was the highest level!

Hive was shocked and quickly checked the details - in the video sent back by the drone, a group of people were marching along the burrow. Not only were there a large number of worms, but there were also two aliens in the middle of the team of worms!

The hive jumped up and rushed to Ye Han's side: "Captain, the aliens have been found. They are with a group of insects and are moving towards us!"

Ye Han couldn't believe his ears: "Are you sure?"

"Ok, I've seen the video, the aliens are there!"

Ye Han's heart is racing: "Send the video to me!"

Hive immediately complied. After Ye Han got the video, he immediately found aliens in the worm's team.

Well, no wonder they couldn't find them all the time, they were still organizing bugs in the cave!

Ye Han was thinking about how to catch the two aliens, and suddenly saw an unusual scene in the video-a bug beside the alien, pushed the alien hard, and the alien stumbled a few times. Bu almost fell, turned around and glared at the bug man, the bug man immediately raised the arm with the light bug hanging, quite a disagreement and collapsed the alien's posture.

Ye Han suddenly stood up: "Liu Xingguo, Liu Xingguo—"

"Here!" A long response came from the depths of the passage, and a figure quickly ran over, "Chief, call me!"

Ye Han said anxiously, "Have you been in contact with the local resistance army?"

Liu Xingguo immediately shook his head: "No."

Ye Han forwarded the video to Liu Xingguo, specifically pointing out the part where he just pushed the alien: "What do you think?"

Liu Xingguo was so excited that he almost jumped up: "It's them, it must be them!"

"Are you sure?" Ye Han was still a little skeptical, "Didn't the aliens deliberately act?"

"Sure!" Liu Xingguo nodded affirmatively, "The worms controlled by aliens are like slaves, and they don't know how to Even if they are not the resistance army, they will definitely be out of control. !"

"Okay!" Ye Han was excited, but still calm on the surface, "Now I have a task for you, what do you think?"

"Resolutely complete the task!"

"Very good!" Ye Han was very satisfied. "You have a special status. I hope you find these bugmen and bring them here. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Liu Xingguo said.

It is him who determines the identity of the bugger, so he has the responsibility to prove it, so the task of active contact will definitely be handed over to him.

Ye Han smiled happily: "Go."

Liu Xingguo saluted, turned around and strode away, walking along the cave all the way, and it didn't take long to find the group of worms.

But he did not appear in front of the bugman immediately, but hid behind a corner and shouted: "The people in front listen, I am Liu Xingguo, the former soldier of the 4th Company of the 3X Division 10X Regiment of the Southeast Military Region, you are Which part of-"

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