Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1774: 2 hands ready

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"That's the situation!" Ye Han recounted the entire process of capturing the aliens, focusing on the role played by the Bug-Man Resistance Army in capturing the last two aliens.

Wu Han listened patiently and nodded very satisfied: "Okay, very good!"

Ye Han said again: "Commander, regarding the placement of the bug people... I'm a little immature."

"Tell me."

"That's right, I liked to read it when I was a kid. It was mentioned in a book that there was a special army in the Song Dynasty, and its members were all slaves who had escaped from the northern nomads. The book said that this army was particularly strong in combat... I know it can't be taken seriously, but I think it's a good idea!"

Wu Han said, "You mean, the worms form an army alone?"

"Yes!" Ye Han nodded, "They were originally soldiers, but they fell into the hands of aliens for various reasons. Now that they are back, they can't be regarded as enemies anymore, right? Times have changed..."

When Wu Han heard it, he was angry: "Ye Han, who do you think I am, am I the kind of person who can't eat the ancients?"

Ye Han quickly explained: "Commander, I don't mean that, I just want to talk about my thoughts!"

The Eastern tradition has always been to prefer death rather than being a prisoner, advocating fighting until the last drop of blood is shed, and being extremely harsh to the prisoners, basically treating them like enemies, which has only improved in recent years.

Therefore, it is definitely not a small difficulty to make insect people into an army alone.

Wu Han was silent for a moment and said, "I will consider your suggestion. I will discuss whether it will work or not. Now let's talk about your situation. What are you going to do? Do you want to go or stay?"

Ye Han sighed in embarrassment: "There are too many bugs left on the island, and the risk of going now is too high... The risk of guarding is relatively small, I'm afraid that there will be more dreams in the night..."

"Don't be useless to me, just say what you think."

"My inclination is to defend!" Ye Han said, "It's best to attract all the bugs on the island, and then give it all at once, even if you can't completely solve the problem of bugs on the island, you can still make the bug swarm vigorous. Injury, no matter what, the Qiongzhou base can be stable for a few years."

"Shou is indeed safe, but the aliens must be sent to the northern capital as soon as possible, it is best to withdraw as soon as possible!" Wu Han said.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Commander, it's not that I don't want to evacuate, but with so many people and nine prisoners, the navy's plane can't fly, how can I evacuate? How can I go out with these two legs alone? When? Besides, the armor doesn't have that many batteries, and it has to be thrown into the field before halfway through. I think it's safer to wait for a while until the bugs are crippled before walking, even for the safety of the prisoners. Choose to keep."

Wu Han thought for a while with a sullen face, and finally nodded and said: "I will explain your opinion to Beidu, but Beidu is more inclined to go. It's hard to say how Beidu decides now. Before the order is given, you must do it in advance. Get ready!"

Ye Han sucked his teeth and Hanako: "I have thought about this problem, there are two feasible solutions, one is to take the land road, I have seen the map, there is an abandoned road four kilometers north, it is quite dilapidated but still able to walk, from Starting from here to the north, it will take a long time to get on the road, and then move closer to the Qiongzhou base; another way is to take the waterway, there is a river three kilometers southwest, the water volume is quite abundant, there are many trees and bamboos nearby, as long as you rush there A batch of bamboo rafts and rafts, or a batch of assault boats can be air-dropped, and the troops can go down the river and leave the island and enter the sea in one breath.”

Wu Han said: "What are the difficulties you are facing?"

"Insects!" Ye Han said without hesitation, "It is dangerous to walk on the road, but the vegetation on both sides of the road is relatively small. Once insects appear, it is more convenient to counterattack and support, but the speed of walking is definitely slow, and it is uncertain halfway. What happens? It feels easier to walk on the water, but there are trees on both sides, and there may be a group of insects hiding somewhere, unless you can blanket the two sides of the strait, it will be difficult to ensure safety!"

"Then how do you want to go?"

Ye Han said: "We must see what support we can get. If conditions permit, I prefer to go by water."

Wu Han said: "I can't decide this myself. I'll report it to Beidu in a while, and see what the boss says. But don't worry, if necessary, bombard it with a nuclear bomb, and I'll make a way for you!"

"Thank you Commander!" Ye Han said.

"Don't play tricks with me, you caught so many aliens in one go this time, which made me sullen, if you can't even handle this, I don't need to be the commander... there are things No, no that's it."

Ye Han thought for a while, then smiled embarrassedly: "Chief, can I ask about the situation in Southern Border?"

"The southern border is going well. It's fighting, but the aliens haven't been caught yet. It's hard to say what the final result will be."

Ye Han couldn't help frowning: "What on earth did these two do?"

Wu Han comforted: "You don't have to think so much, each place has its own characteristics, you can't apply your situation to the southern border, and the southern border starts later than yours, so it's not surprising that there is no result now. "

Ye Han blinked: "Isn't it a unified global action?"

Wu Han's eyes widened: "Fuck the motherfucker, it sounds nice, but where do you go to coordinate the fight? The United States and Europe are okay to say that Asan cleans up his mother's troubles, we just talk about it when we act together, in fact, we beat ourselves by ourselves. of.

Ye Han asked with concern: "What's the situation in the United States?"

"It's fighting. The battle is fierce. There is no news yet. I don't know whether to catch the aliens or not."

"What about Europe?"

"It's the It was a lively fight, but it didn't work out."

Ye Han rolled his eyes: "Could it be that he was caught, but the result was not made public?"

This is not a casual remark. Regardless of the sincere cooperation of various countries on the surface, in fact, which one is not using its own small calculus?

If nothing else, let's talk about the aliens captured by the special service team this time. Beidu will never announce the result immediately, but will not disclose the news until the prisoners are sent to Beidu and locked in the research department.

Otherwise, why is Beidu so anxious? There is a reason for that!

Of course, Beidu did not do this all for the sole purpose of eating alone, but also because there are various indications that the infiltration of aliens into the United States is very serious. Although no clear evidence has been found, once the news reaches the ears of the Americans, it will be useless. How long does it take for aliens to get news.

If the aliens had not been sent to Beidu at that time, the team escorting the prisoners might be intercepted by the aliens. If there is an emergency, it is not as simple as losing a few prisoners. s future!

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