Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1776: blood debt

Although the taste is not very right, but this is smoke, it is real smoke, not dry leaves or roots!

Ye Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and simply pulled Tao Chengyu up and said gently, "Let's go together!"

Tao Chengyu hurriedly stood up, took another sip cherishly, carefully snuffed out the cigarette butt, and when he looked up, he met Ye Han's curious eyes, his face flushed instantly, and he smiled at Ye Han embarrassedly.

Ye Han pretended not to have seen anything, walked into the depths of the cave, and said kindly, "Xiao Tao, do you know the situation here?"

"Know some." Tao Chengyu said.

Ye Han asked again: "How much do you know about the situation of aliens and the core area?"

"I know some, but the details are not very clear." Tao Chengyu's answer was very cautious.

Ye Han hesitated for a while, but finally decided to say straight: "Do you know that aliens have produced nuclear bombs?"

"I know, it's here!" Tao Chengyu said immediately.

Ye Han smiled happily: "Very good, then do you know where the nuclear bomb is?"

Alien nuclear bombs cannot explode, but no one can tell exactly what materials the aliens used in the nuclear bombs. It has been soaked in water for a long time. If the outer shell corrodes, it must eventually leak nuclear waste.

The geological conditions here are not suitable for storing nuclear waste at all. At that time, the nuclear waste will gradually spread with the groundwater. Maybe half of Qiongzhou Island will be polluted by nuclear waste, so the dirty bomb must not be left here.

Tao Chengyu answered with great certainty: "Yes, it's near the core area!"

Ye Han immediately opened the arm armor, pressed a few times on the personal terminal, and called up the map of the core area: "Give me a specific location, and a general range!"

Tao Chengyu came over and tapped twice on the personal terminal: "Here, and here!"

Ye Han was a little surprised: "Two places?"

"Yes, they are separated!" Tao Chengyu said.

Ye Han asked again, "How many are there in total?"

"I know of a total of seven."

"What about nuclear raw materials, is there any here?"

"I'm not sure about that, maybe there isn't... or I'll ask other people, someone should know." Tao Chengyu said.

"Okay, let's ask now!" Ye Han closed his arm armor and asked as he walked, "I have another question, are you familiar with the worms around the aliens?"

Tao Chengyu glanced at Ye Han suspiciously: "I'm not very familiar with us. Aliens are very guarded against us. Only those bugmen who have been controlled can stay with aliens."

"Strengthen control?" Ye Han heard an unfamiliar new word.

Tao Chengyu was silent for a moment: "This is an advanced control method. If those of us who return to normal are caught by aliens, we will use this method to control it again. Generally speaking, it is difficult to recover."

Ye Han wondered: "I don't understand this. Why don't the aliens directly control everyone?"

"Cost," Tao Chengyu said, "and efficiency!"

Ye Han understands a bit that large-scale control of bugs must pay attention to efficiency and cost, so the aliens used a method that is not so reliable, but suitable for large-scale promotion.

There are more reliable methods in the hands of the aliens, but this method is only used on bugmen who have returned to normal, or who need to stay with the aliens.

Ye Han said: "There should be dozens of personal bugs around the aliens. It seems that they are engaged in research. Where have they all gone?"

A trace of pain flashed in Tao Chengyu's eyes, and he whispered back: "They are all dead, we killed them, and killed them with our own hands."

Ye Han found that Tao Chengyu's expression was wrong, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is there someone you know?"

Tao Chengyu nodded, but immediately shook his head: "It's not just me."

Ye Han sighed: "I... understand your feelings, no one wants such a thing to happen, and it's not their intention to stay with the aliens, but God is so **** like that... Believe me, there are always One day, we will recover this blood debt from the aliens!"

Tao Chengyu suddenly stopped and looked at Ye Han seriously: "Sir, can you tell me how the above intends to use these aliens?"

"This... I'm not very clear. It should be prying open their mouths first, and then researching after getting the information. Maybe it will be sliced ​​one day." Ye Han said casually.

Tao Chengyu said: "If one day, they are no longer needed, can you let me slaughter them? Or let me do it when slicing!"

The flesh on Ye Han's face twitched unnaturally, and he lowered his head and took two steps to say, "I really want to promise you, but I don't have the power, so I can only say try my best."

Tao Chengyu abruptly stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you, Chief!"

Ye Han walked up to Tao Chengyu and took down his raised arm: "No thanks, it should be." After speaking, he smiled slightly, "Actually, I also want to kill them myself, if there is a chance, I can give it to you. ."

Tao Chengyu smiled happily, it was a smile from the heart, so happy and so simple.

He caught up with Ye Han in a few steps: "Sir, can I make a request?"

"you say."

Tao Chengyu said: "If I die, and I don't wait for that day, please give this opportunity to my comrades in arms, whichever one will do."

"Okay!" Ye Han agreed without hesitation.

He knew that the comrades in Tao Chengyu's mouth were not his companions in the Marine Corps, but the resistance troops who broke out from the depths of the enemy's nest together.

Tao Chengyu suddenly thought of something, and asked a little uneasily: "Boss, are the worms around the aliens important?"

Ye Han said: "It can't be said that it is very important. The main reason is that they always follow the aliens, and they may have mastered some alien technologies. If they can get a few back, there may be unexpected gains."

Tao Chengyu looked annoyed: "If I had known, I would have caught a few alive!"

"It's Ye Han smiled and comforted, "If you don't catch it, you won't catch it. There are aliens, as long as you pry open the aliens' mouths, don't you need some technology or some technology? "

Tao Chengyu whispered: "Sir, if there is another chance, I will definitely catch a few more live ones!"

"The relationship is good, I'll just look at you!" Ye Han said.

At this time, the two had already reached the place where the bugmen were resting, and when they saw Ye Han, Liu Xingguo was the first to greet him: "Chief, you are here!"

Hearing this sentence, the others all stood up hurrah.

Ye Han nodded in greeting: "It's okay, everyone, sit down, I just have a few questions to ask, Xiao Tao?"

Tao Chengyu immediately stood up: "Brothers, who knows where the alien's nuclear bomb is?"

As soon as the words fell, several bugmen stood up: "I know the chief!"

"I know too!"

"And I……"

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