Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1785: back into space

Half an hour later, the convoy was far away from the enemy's nest, but the density of giant insects nearby was much higher than that near the enemy's nest, but the space station was about to fly over Qiongzhou, and the laser beam covering the convoy was extremely slanted.

But it doesn't matter, another space station is about to approach, and it will only take three or five minutes to cover the empty window.

At such a critical juncture, a bright red line of fire suddenly fell from the sky, like a meteor falling straight to the southeast, the moment of falling to the ground, a strong light flashed, and the line of fire suddenly turned into a mushroom cloud that exploded!

Ye Han was so shocked that he almost jumped up, and quickly contacted Beiyuezhou to inquire about the situation.

The result was very unexpected. Beiyuezhou's answer was that there was a swarm of insects ahead, and he had to use heavy weapons.

But don't worry, this time it's not a nuclear weapon, but a space-based kinetic energy weapon for blasting the enemy's nest... The military doesn't want the alien captives to be exposed to radiation, or they will definitely be bombed with neutron bombs.

There is also the military deliberately avoid the road, the explosion will not affect the movement of the convoy.

Ye Han just put his heart down a little, but it was only a little - there will definitely be more insect swarms in the future, and you don't need to ask to know that the military will definitely use the same method to clean up the insect swarms!

Over the next hour, the same thing happened three more times!

At this time, half of the 100-kilometer straight-line distance had been completed. Ye Han thought that there would be more insect swarms in the future, but in fact it was the complete opposite. As the team advanced, the insect swarms became less and less.

After a little brainstorming, I figured it out. This is because it happens to be in the middle of the Qiongzhou base and the enemy's nest. The swarm will either attack the Qiongzhou base or go to support the alien nest, and the distance in the middle becomes a vacuum!

The convoy continued to move forward, and after a while, they suddenly heard a sharp whistle brought by the flying of artillery shells!

Ye Han was shocked. Before he could figure out what was going on, a group of shells had already fallen in front of him... There was an abandoned village. The shelling that lasted for more than a minute destroyed all the remaining buildings in the village and completely destroyed the village. Fried flat.

It was only then that Ye Han realized that the convoy had entered the effective range of the naval guns. Without the cover of space battleships or space stations, the artillery fire of the aircraft carrier battle group could also be called to cover the swarm!

Thinking of this, he breathed a long sigh of relief... When he got here, it was like stepping into the Qiongzhou base with half his feet, which was much safer than the first half!

The next trip was indeed much safer. Although there was a wave of shelling from time to time, the team encountered more than half of the bugs.

After more than an hour, the convoy successfully arrived at the Qiongzhou base and drove directly into the underground bunker.

Ye Han immediately contacted Beiyuezhou and found Wu Han directly: "Commander, we have returned to the Qiongzhou base, and none of the alien captives were injured or killed!"

"Very good!" Wu Han was very satisfied, "I just spoke to Beidu, Beidu ordered you to **** the alien captives to the north and send the prisoners to Beidu."

"How?" Ye Han asked.

"On an aircraft carrier!"

"Yes, I will organize troops to board the ship immediately!"

"Go, pay attention to the safety of the prisoners, get on the ship, the prisoners are still your responsibility!"


After the communication was over, Ye Han immediately conveyed the order of Beidu and asked the soldiers to prepare for the transfer to the aircraft carrier.

It happened that the secret service team had not settled down yet, and communicated with the Qiongzhou base. The secret service team immediately escorted the prisoners away and transferred them to the aircraft carrier.

After locking the captives into the specially vacated cabin, Ye Han let out a long sigh, and a big stone fell in his heart.

He immediately thought of Qi Jingwen who stayed in the alien lair, and Xiao Yuan and others who went to the southern border.

Ye Han immediately inquired about the situation in these two directions... The battle in the enemy's nest in Qiongzhou is still going on, and most of the swarms of Qiongzhou Island are still gathering towards the enemy's nest. The motorized infantry led by Qi Jingwen will not be able to withdraw in a short time. To last three days.

But don't worry, the military is very determined this time. Qi Jingwen has no shortage of support. Unless the swarm does not attack, it will be able to repel the swarm with a nuclear bomb, and it is only a matter of time before they withdraw.

In contrast, the situation in southern Xinjiang is more complicated.

The alien lair located in the southern border also suffered a strong blow from space-based kinetic energy weapons, but the effect was not as good as that of Qiongzhou, and there was no water vein to drown the enemy lair.

Xiao Yuan took two battle groups, and the mobile infantry that supported the attack twice, but failed to reach the enemy's nest.

Just at this time, Beidu received news of the successful capture of aliens from Qiongzhou. Beidu simply did not count on the southern border, and directly ordered the troops to retreat, and smashed more than 20 metal rods on the enemy nest in southern border. , first penetrated the core area of ​​the enemy's nest, and then launched a nuclear bomb into the enemy's nest, which came to a center bloom and smashed the alien nest in the southern border in one fell swoop.

At present, Xiao Yuan is on his way back, and he will be able to return to the aircraft carrier in another hour.

Ye Han was about to take another look at the situation abroad when he suddenly received a communication from Beiyuezhou.

After the communication was connected, a serious-looking Wu Han appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, the plan to go north has been cancelled, you immediately take the prisoners back to the Qiongzhou base!"

"Yes!" Ye Han immediately agreed.

Wu Han added: "Beijing has issued a new order, requiring you to take off in spaceships and return the prisoners to Beiyuezhou as soon as possible. The laboratory in Beiyuezhou has been notified and is forming a research team, just waiting for the aliens. sent back."

"Understood!" Ye Han agreed neatly.

Although the plan has changed, Ye Han doesn't feel tossed at all.

This time, not only can he go back to space, but he can also go back to Beiyuezhou... I don't know why, but his heart is full of expectations.

But Ye Han immediately thought of Xiao Yuan and others: "Commander, did everyone return? There are still two groups of people who haven't returned!"

Wu Han shook his head: "You guys come back The other two groups have other arrangements!"

"Yes!" Ye Han was a little disappointed, but did not hesitate at all when he agreed.

Ye Han immediately relayed the news, and the soldiers who had only rested for a while quickly got up, put on their power armor again, and escorted the prisoners back to the Qiongzhou base.

The Qiongzhou base also received an order from Beidu. When the special team returned to the Qiongzhou base, the technicians were checking the spacecraft in orbit. A few minutes later, the technical director announced that everything was normal and the spacecraft could take off at any time.

Ye Han immediately escorted the prisoners in and fixed them firmly in their seats. Then the soldiers entered the cabin one by one and fastened their seat belts in their seats.

After getting ready for lift-off, Ye Han informed the command room of the situation, the base started the launch procedure, the output power of the reactor increased steadily, the powerful current ran through the electromagnetic track, the spacecraft began to slide along the track, the speed increased rapidly, and the back was strongly pushed back. The feeling pressed everyone tightly into the chairs.

A few minutes later, the spacecraft lifted off smoothly.

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