Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1800: magic sound

At dawn, the infrasound cannons that blocked the entrance to the enemy's nest gradually stopped, and after bombarding the enemy's nest almost paranoid for more than an hour, the infrasound waves sweeping across the battlefield disappeared.

If it weren't for the fact that the armored vehicle was about to run out of fuel, it was uncertain whether Chi Wei would order a ceasefire.

Opening the door, Chi Wei jumped out of the armored car.

There was silence outside the car, a dead silence without a sound, and one couldn't help but want to make a little noise.

Chi Wei looked around and took a few steps at will before ordering the troops to release the drone.

A group of mechanical spiders immediately climbed out of the armored vehicle and quickly got into the enemy's nest... The production capacity of mechanical insects is too small, and it must first meet the needs of the special team before it can be provided to other troops, and the number cannot be guaranteed.

At present, the UAVs equipped by the vast majority of troops are still mechanical spiders and unmanned rotorcraft.

However, mechanical spiders also have advantages, that is, the power of transmitting signals is relatively high, and the signal relay can only be completed by dozens or hundreds of insect drones.

A group of mechanical spiders rushed into the enemy's nest at a very fast speed, advancing all the way to the depths of the enemy's nest. Just as soon as they got into the hole, they encountered a giant insect that had died a dozen years ago.

The mechanical spider quickly crawls up and down between the giant insect's body and the ground, and continues to advance to the depths of the enemy's nest. After blocking the hole, the mechanical spider tried its best to find a space that could be used!

Chi Wei soon saw this scene, but he tried to break his head and didn't understand, what method did the worm use to fill the hole so full before dying.

However, the mechanical spider in the other direction quickly found the answer. The hole in that direction was also blocked by the corpse, but the blockage was not so tight. Found a heavy giant bug!

The so-called heavy giant insects refer to those insects with a particularly large body and a particularly thick carapace. It is a general term for a type of giant insects, rather than a single giant insect.

There are not many heavy giant insects that humans have come into contact with. Only the heavy light insects and heavy beetles have been registered in the taxonomy. Among them, there is only one kind of heavy light insects, but there are several kinds of heavy beetles.

The largest heavy beetle is the kind that the special team encountered in the desert. It has been officially named the desert beetle, but that thing has no combat effectiveness at all, and its size is purely a decoration.

The one with a similar size is the car bug that first appeared in Fengcheng. That thing can carry several servants, and its height is comparable to a desert beetle, but its body is shorter, so it has to rank second.

Some of the remaining heavy giant insects are good at digging, some are simply meat shields, and some are only short-lived. Until now, it is unclear what abilities they have.

This heavy giant insect in the enemy's nest is an unknown giant insect. Although I don't know what abilities it has, but seeing the situation in the hole, no matter how stupid my brain is, I know that those corpse walls that block the passage must be this thing. piled up!

Chi Wei also thought of this answer, but he couldn't understand how long this thing lasted in the infrasound tide raging by the magic sound to pile up so many giant insect corpses.

But no matter what, this thing was finally killed by the infrasound.

At this moment, Chi Wei is extremely grateful for his persistence. If the time of infrasound bombardment is short, it is hard to say whether it can kill this giant insect!

Fortunately, Chi Wei is far from alone. Beidu, Beiyuezhou, and all the senior officials who are qualified to see this video are all secretly relieved in their hearts.

After the incident, the military held several meetings specifically for this matter. The meeting agreed that there are too many types of giant insects, and the effect of infrasound on aliens is very strong, but the lethality of giant insects is still unclear. Therefore, in future operations During the operation, the action time of the infrasound wave must be extended to avoid leaving live insects.

The specific time refers to the actions in Southern Xinjiang, which is tentatively set to be one and a half hours.

The mechanical spider continued to go deeper, but everyone's hearts were cast a shadow - since the giant worm can persist for so long, will there be any remaining live worms in the hole?

It's hard for Chi Wei to imagine what kind of bug can survive in infrasound for so long.

The spiders sent back more and more pictures, and they encountered more and more insects. The cases of corpses blocking holes became more and more frequent, but no trace of live insects was ever found.

The mechanical spider was about a kilometer underground. It encountered the first corpse of the worm and continued to go deep into the enemy's nest. The spider found more and more corpses of the worm. First, the corpse of the worm was mixed with the body of the giant insect. After a long time, the corpses of the servants were discovered, and various corpses were scattered all over the enemy's nest.

After the mechanical spider arrived in the core area, Chi Wei was delighted to find that the aliens were also dead.

That's not all. Later, near the core area, a nest of shattered worm eggs was found... A nest of worm eggs is just a habit, to be precise, a whole hole!

This is really unexpected, no one has ever thought that infrasound waves can actually shatter all the eggs.

Manipulating the mechanical spider to approach, not only the shell of the worm egg in the camera is broken, but the remaining liquid in the egg shell is also mixed into a ball... Chi Wei doesn't know what the structure of the worm egg is, but the egg is similar, it is nothing more than the embryo plus the supply Nutrients for embryonic growth, if not egg whites and yolks, have a similar structure.

Obviously, before the eggs were broken, the liquid inside had been damaged by infrasound Chi Wei wanted to break his head, but he couldn't think of anything in the eggs that could resonate with the infrasound waves, but I didn't know what to do. What about him? Be it giant insects, insect people, or servants, all those in the enemy's nest were all killed or injured by the infrasonic fire without leaving any dead ends. This is the most satisfactory result of the operation.

As for what was left in the enemy's nest, let the researcher worry about it!

After confirming the situation in the enemy's nest, it was already three poles in the sun. According to the order of the superior, Chi Wei used a small robot to send a nuclear bomb into the core area of ​​the enemy's nest, and then ordered to evacuate.

The scale of the enemy's nest is huge. In order to destroy the enemy's nest in one fell swoop, the nuclear bombs sent into the enemy's nest are of extremely high yield.

It was only at this time that the military issued an instruction to detonate, and the nuclear bomb in the enemy's nest exploded suddenly. The nuclear explosion area was like a major earthquake, and the land collapsed in an instant.

The shock wave spread rapidly. Soon after, all the earthquake monitoring stations in various countries detected the shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion, and the world's attention quickly focused on Southeast Asia. carapace frenzy

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