Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1812: Death Raid II

Making a decision is easy, but mobilizing anti-aircraft weapons is not so easy.

There are three main field air defense weapons, one is anti-aircraft machine guns, the other is anti-aircraft guns, and the third is anti-aircraft missiles. Among them, there are the most types of missiles, the longest range, the highest shooting height, and the strongest power.

The problem is that the air power of the aliens is either bugs or servants. These things are low-speed and low-altitude targets. Using missiles to deal with them is no different from shooting mosquitoes with cannons.

The cost of missiles can easily be tens of millions. Even if one missile can kill a hundred bugs, it is not worth the gain. All kinds of situations are mixed together, which has led to the polarization of the military's air defense weapons in recent years.

On the one hand, anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns against low-altitude and low-speed targets have developed rapidly, on the other hand, super-heavy missiles and laser weapons against space targets have developed rapidly.

However, the air defense weapon system suitable for field air defense has made little progress due to lack of demand... It's not that the military does not know the importance of field air defense, but human beings have always adopted a defensive strategy. There is no need for this.

Coupled with the shortage of military supplies, unnecessary weapons and equipment will naturally not be developed.

But what the Southeast Group needs most right now is the field air defense weapon, and it is the weapon system with high firepower and long duration.

Looking through the military's weapon list, there are indeed a lot of air defense weapons saved in the past, but either the firepower is insufficient or the cost is too high, and none of them suitable for Duluo Island has been found.

The entire fleet of the Navy failed to do anything to the swarm, and finally completed the lore with neutron bombs. Thinking about it, you can see how difficult it is to cover the landing troops with conventional weapons.

The battleship is a high-tech integrated weapon platform. A battleship has dozens of missiles, and its firepower is no less than the air defense force of a regiment of the Army. a group?

People eat horses and take out equipment to consume, and everything has to be shipped from China. The cost alone can give the military a headache for a while.

The military's great cause is true, but there are only so many resources. It really adds so many troops and equipment to the Southeast Cluster, and the other branches of the military can't pass it?

If it weren't for resource constraints, how could there be only hundreds of thousands of counterattack clusters in both directions?

What the military of the conventional troops do is that they can pull out 1.8 million casually. The problem is that the conventional troops are so poorly equipped that sending them to the front line is not much different from sending them to death.

After careful research and discussion, the military finally decided to redesign an anti-aircraft weapon, which uses the tank chassis as the carrier and replaces the traditional turret with a small laser cannon!

Today, the military's laser technology is very mature. Laser weapons are powerful, fast in response, high in firepower density, and have a large air defense range... As long as the power can keep up, lasers are the most suitable air defense weapons for Duluo Island.

Of course, the laser is greatly affected by the weather, and the weather must be good to play its due role.

But now humans have the advantage on the battlefield. If the weather is bad, you can stay honest. When the weather improves, you can launch an attack again.

According to the calculation of the design unit, only three to five laser anti-aircraft guns are needed to effectively cover the entire battlefield.

Under the arrangement of the military, the entire military-industrial system moved quickly to design, manufacture, test... All relevant departments cooperated with each other and strived to produce results in the shortest possible time.

The army's weapon system has just started, and the navy suddenly got involved at this time, thinking that it should give priority to installing laser weapon systems on warships.

The navy explained several reasons. First, the warship is large and has a large space, so it can install a relatively large laser weapon system; second, the warship has strong power and can supply energy for the laser cannon for a long time; third, the space warship has ready-made lasers. The near defense system can be directly transplanted to surface ships; the fourth is convenient maintenance; five o'clock saves time...

All in all, there are many benefits to installing a laser cannon on a battleship, and it is a hundred times easier than redesigning a self-propelled laser cannon!

The situation is really such a situation. The military immediately canceled the laser tank plan and fully supported the Navy's modification plan.

Originally, several sets of laser anti-aircraft guns were supposed to be shipped from Beiyuezhou, but time was running out. In order to save precious time, the military directly ordered Languan to remove the anti-aircraft guns and pack them and drop them into Qiongzhou.

Ye Han personally took the special team to remove all the four near-defense guns on the ship, carefully packed them, and airdropped them to Qiongzhou.

After Qiongzhou got the airdrop, it took four days to install two of the doors on a battleship. After the test was successful, the frigate immediately went south to Duluo Island.

With the first experience, the remaining two guns were refitted in just two days.

At this time, the battleship that set off first had arrived at Duluo Island. After the battleship was in place, the landing force immediately launched a second attack.

In the days of waiting for support, the landing force's drones have traveled all over Dolo Island, locating the four enemy nests.

If it weren't for the fear of alien servant tactics, the landing force would have already begun to move.

But it's not too late. Under the command of Qi Jingwen, more than a dozen armored vehicles drove to the depths of Duluo Island... Near the coast, laser frigates were waiting.

The armored vehicle that drove into the jungle was like a stick that stabbed a hornet's nest, and a group of giant insects flew out from the depths of the jungle... Yes, this time it was giant insects, not servants!

This extraordinary situation aroused Qi Jingwen's high vigilance, and he immediately ordered the troops to slow down and release smoke bombs around the armored vehicle.

In any case, protect the car first!

Qi Jingwen lifted the top cover and stuck his head out to observe the flying insects in the air.

This kind of flying insect is not small in The thick and long body is about 1.6 to 1.8 meters, and the wide and wide membrane wings stretched out are amazing, at least three times as long as the body of the insect.

The wide wings endow the giant insects with extremely strong flying ability. They jump into the air very easily, and they can quickly rise at a very fast speed by simply flapping their wings.

This time, the aliens obviously learned to behave well. The number of giant insects is very large, but the density is very low. If you use missiles to deal with insects like the last time, one missile will kill three or five insects.

It's a pity that the human side replaced the shotgun with the gun, and directly installed the laser close-in defense gun on the battleship!

The swarm has just taken off, and the number is still a little small. The laser frigate continued to wait very calmly, until it felt that there were enough insects in the air, and then ordered the frigate to fire.

I saw that the two near-anti-aircraft guns on the ship quickly turned, the radar locked on the target instantly, and the two lasers immediately crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers, hitting the two giant insects in the air.

It's time for the laser cannon show! carapace frenzy

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