Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1854: intelligence service operations

In just a few days, a large number of worms left the resistance army, half of the worms who left returned to their own countries, and the other half of the worms had long ceased to exist in their homeland, and they threw themselves into the arms of their favorite countries. , using this shareholder wind to fall into the arms of the hostile country, and justifiably break into the enemy country.

The massive loss of insect people caused the resistance army to be violently turbulent, like a boat in a typhoon.

To be honest, the Resistance Army has indeed achieved certain achievements in Australia, but it is an undeniable fact that the Resistance Army is inherently inadequate. Regardless of material basis or other objective conditions, the Resistance Army is not as strong as the old-fashioned power that has persisted until now.

The worms under the resistance army just didn't find the opportunity, not unwilling to return to the motherland. Now the opportunity has come, as long as their minds are normal, they will not choose the resistance army, the broken ship that is about to sink.

But having said that, there are hundreds of people of all kinds, and the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and there really is a group of insect people who continue to stay in the resistance army.

They are either worried that they will be unfairly treated when they return to the human world; or they do not want to become cannon fodder for a big country to fight against aliens; some of them are simply sent back to the resistance army by various countries after returning, and they have turned into nails to break into the resistance army.

The bugs left behind gave some comfort to the top of the resistance army, at least not everyone was gone, which means that the rule of the top resistance army was not as bad as imagined.

Half a month later, the first batch of ships from China arrived in Australia, and a large number of insects who broke away from the resistance army boarded the ship north.

The recruitment progress of the bugmen far exceeded expectations, and the recruitment work was getting better. The special team evacuated from North Australia, went north to Borneo with the ship, and returned to space by orbital elevator.

However, the fifth and sixth squadrons were ordered to stay at the equatorial base to assist in the formation of the insect army.

Not only the bugmen in the special service team, but most of the returning bugmen mastered by Beidu will rush to Borneo in the near future and become the backbone of the bugman army.

There are more and more insect people leaving the resistance army, but Beidu has never ignored the high-level insect people. By breaking into the nails of the resistance army, Beidu has established secret contacts with some middle and high-level resistance soldiers, and tried every means to persuade them, hoping that they will accept Beidu solicitation.

The current situation of the resistance army is very bad. It seems that Beidu does not need to value the high-level resistance army, but is it actually the case?

After all, the Resistance Army has existed for so many years. The high-level resistance army headed by John has played a pivotal role in the development and growth of the Resistance Army. Every high-level leader has a great appeal among the bug people. It has a great influence on the bug people, which is very beneficial to the subsequent recruitment.

The resistance army is indeed facing the danger of collapse, but this does not negate the achievements of the resistance army in the past.

Besides, the rotten boat still has three pounds of nails, and the resistance army is indeed very weak, but that is compared with the old powerhouses such as Beidu and Washington, and the resistance army actually has a lot of good things.

For example, the alien lair all over Australia; another example of the resistance army's understanding of aliens; another example of the large number of giant insects mastered by the resistance army.

Every high-level insect man has different resources. This is a huge wealth, and no country can ignore it, and they all try their best to fight for it.

The high-level resistance army also understands this point. They neither refuse contact from various countries, nor do they make it clear which country they will seek refuge in. They keep delaying time and make it clear that they want to sell.

A few days later, Erilk.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the cold wind wrapped in the light rain for a whole day, and the cold wind seemed to blow into the bones of people.

Through the flying rain curtain, Battis returned to his residence, the wall blocked the cold wind, and he finally felt a little better when he was almost freezing.

But it wasn't enough. He immediately lit the fireplace and sat in front of the fireplace under a blanket. The rising flames burned his whole body. Battis exhaled a long breath, finally feeling that he was alive again.

"Damn the weather!" he couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

With a rumbling sound in his stomach, Battis lifted the blanket and stood up, opened the closet to look for ingredients, and planned to get himself something to eat.

Just as he was rummaging through the boxes, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Battis's movements suddenly stopped: "Who?"

"It's me, open the door!" A muffled voice came from outside.

Battis didn't hear who the voice belonged to, he drew his pistol vigilantly: "Who are you?"

"For God's sake, open the door!"

"Who are you?" Battis insisted.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I have very important news!"

Battis raised his gun and aimed at the door of the house: "Report your identity, or I will shoot!"

"Okay, okay!" The person outside the door compromised. "Battis, your identity has been exposed, understand? You have been exposed!"

Battis was startled, but he calmed down immediately, took a few steps forward lightly, and suddenly opened the door, the gun in his hand pointed at the forehead of the man outside the door: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

A cold wind rushed towards him, blowing Battis cold, but his arm holding the gun did not move.

Battis was stunned to find that the man outside the door was covered in bruises and wounds, as if he had been severely tortured.

But when he recalled it carefully, he couldn't remember this strange Zhang. He was very sure that he didn't know this person.

Just as he was about to continue his questioning, the worm standing outside the door suddenly showed a somewhat weird smile, and then a gunshot rang out, the man's head exploded instantly, half of his skull disappeared, blood, brains, and broken bones were mixed together. , splashed Battis all over his face.

Battis instinctively hid behind the wall, wiped the mixture on his face, and a heart instantly raised in his He didn't know what happened, but he knew that he was sure Being stared at, he didn't dare to check the situation outside, so he could only hold the pistol tightly and listen carefully to the situation outside.

A burst of rapid footsteps came from far to near, each step in the water, clearly audible.


Battis told himself this, subconsciously clenched the gun, and prepared desperately.

However, the people outside did not rush in, but stopped in the distance, and then someone shouted: "Come out, you are surrounded by us, put down your gun, as long as you cooperate, I will not embarrass you!"

Battis was worried that people outside would determine his location through his voice, so he didn't dare to speak at all.

The man outside shouted again: "Give you one last chance, Battis!" His voice was manic and high-pitched, and he was obviously about to lose his patience.

Battis was so nervous that his heart shrank into a ball and almost stopped beating: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

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