Armor Frenzy

Chapter 396: constellation

A few days later, the moving house.

"Look at this." Qu Jiang pushed a document in front of Ye Han, "The document just sent above."

Ye Han asked curiously and glanced at it, saw the line of small characters under the title of the document, and immediately raised his eyes: "Isn't it conveyed to the regiment? How can I see it?"

The secret is not that the more you know, the better. It is better not to know the secret that should not be seen.

"Don't worry." Qu Jiang reassured, "Thunder is a special type of unit, and the secret level is automatically increased, and you are also within the range of communication."

"Really?" Ye Han was still a little unconvinced.

"What else can I do to you!" Qu Jiang stared dissatisfiedly, "Should I find the file and show it to you?"

Seeing that Qu Jiang didn't seem to be talking nonsense, Ye Han finally nodded: "That's not necessary, I don't believe anyone can't believe you!"

Qu Jiang slammed his chin on the document, Ye Han pursed his lips and held the document in his hand, glanced over the file name, and was immediately stunned: "What is the report of the collision with Jupiter? Does this matter have anything to do with us?"

Qu Jiang shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "I'm not interested in astronomy, but I heard that you are particularly fond of this."

"Uh... Yes, I liked it very much when I was a child. I was one of the first astronomy enthusiasts who discovered Io Zero." Ye Han said proudly.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of buzz about the Io Zero Incident. Even if the Sports Academy is located in the mountains, it can't stop the overwhelming news.

"That's even better, you take a closer look and pick the key points for me. I'm too lazy to read so much useless nonsense." Qu Jiang said.

Official documents are notoriously nonsense, and they can be written in an easy-to-understand manner, but they must be written in a difficult and protracted manner.

Ye Han laughed and browsed the text of the document ten lines at a time, but after reading two lines, he suddenly raised his head: "You didn't read the document, did you?"

"No." Qu Jiang shook his head, "What's wrong?"

"His mother's day is a dog!" Ye Han couldn't help but scolded a dirty word, "It says that a group of asteroids are flying towards the earth!"

Qu Jiang was shocked, "What asteroid?"

Ye Han stared at the document and read: "The Beidu Observatory found that a group of asteroids just crossed the orbit of Mars. According to their current orbit calculations, the asteroid will collide with the earth in half a year..."

"No way?" Qu Jiang's face changed greatly. Although he was not an astrophysicist, as a scientific research dog, how could he not know the power of Xiaoxing to hit the earth?

Ye Han looked up at Qu Jiang, lowered his head and continued: "According to the repeated calculations of the National Astronomical Observatory, the source of this batch of asteroids points to Jupiter... Is it an asteroid group from Jupiter again?"

"What do you mean?" Qu Jiang sharply grasped the point.

"Two years ago... two and a half years ago to be exact, there was a meteor shower that lasted for more than a month, remember?" Ye Han asked.

Qu Jiang recalled carefully for a moment, nodded and said: "I have a little impression, it was quite a sensation at the time, it seems that a lot of meteorites have fallen, and they are all over the world."

"Yes, it was that time." Ye Han said, "The source of that group of asteroids was also Jupiter. According to the orbit calculation, the group of asteroids did not pass through Jupiter, but came from Jupiter. At that time, the astronomical circle believed that the group of asteroids was Debris from satellite collisions."

"Why isn't the asteroid group passing by Jupiter? Or the comet that passed Jupiter was torn apart by Jupiter?"

"Because the orbit of the asteroid group is deep within the gravitational range of Jupiter, in this case, either the speed is not enough to fall into Jupiter, or it is orbiting around Jupiter and flying out of Jupiter's gravitational range... Haha, let's forget it." Ye Han left. pouted.

Qu Jiang looked solemn: "You mean that the two waves of asteroids before and after are not accidents?"

"Do you think accidents can be so coincidental?" Ye Han asked back, "Half of a group of asteroids hit the earth in a month-long impact. Is this chance explained by coincidence?"

After saying that, Ye Han continued to read the document, and soon pointed to a few lines and said, "Look, the asteroid group will hit the earth one after another within a month, exactly the same as last time."

"How could this be?" Qu Jiang immediately thought of the astronomical rumors that have been spreading wildly recently.

Although various countries remain silent about the Jupiter event, spectral analysis is not a high-tech, and the astronomy community is full of people, so the news will inevitably spread to the society soon, and various speculations emerge one after another.

Some people say Io is a star destroyer for aliens; some say it is a space base for UFOs; others say it is an alien base for observing the earth.

All kinds of rumors emerged one after another, and the more they spread, the more mysterious and outrageous they became, and in the end, even the fortune-tellers and liars who danced the gods were involved, saying that it was the place where the gods lived, the place of heaven, and so on. .

This pool of water was completely muddled, and Qu Jiang always took the rumors as a joke, but the official document issued above actually mentioned this This could not help but arouse Qu Jiang's attention.

"So, it's not a coincidence!" Ye Han continued to look down, "The document says that the number of asteroids this time is not as many as last time, but the volume is much larger than the last time, and... and the shape is very irregular. Ordinary?" Ye Han raised his head, his eyes full of blankness.

Qu Jiang was stunned for a moment: "Could it be a small celestial body composed of a single crystal? So the shape is relatively uniform?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

Qu Jiang grinned awkwardly: "It's unlikely... What does the document say?"

"The document didn't mention it, only said that with the size of these asteroids, the possibility of falling to the ground is very high... If the asteroid touches the ground, the power is much higher than that of a hydrogen bomb, so from now on, global military resources will be required to Lean in the direction of space, prepare for defense before the asteroid swarm arrives on Earth..." Ye Han's voice became smaller and smaller, and he said that it was almost indistinguishable from mosquitoes.

Qu Jiang's whole body is not good: "Leaning into space? Still preparing for defense... What asteroid group, how long does it take to hit the earth?"

"More than four months..."

"Four months?" Qu Jiang almost jumped up, "Just kidding, who doesn't know that spaceflight is burning money? Four months, what can I do in four months? Even the American space shuttle can't fly a few times! Intercept with anti-ballistic missiles?"

"It can't be intercepted at all." Ye Han shook his head heavily, "Anti-ballistic missiles are designed to intercept intercontinental missiles, and meteorites fall much faster than missiles."

"Is that to redesign missiles in these months? Or to refit existing missiles? Yes, it must be to refit existing missiles. It's too late to redesign and manufacture!" Qu Jiang said loudly, "With ICBMs, the United States and Lao Maozi have some Missiles, can blast nuclear warheads into the sky!" (To be continued.)

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