Armor Frenzy

Chapter 402: death fireworks

In the dark universe, a group of inconspicuous asteroids flew by, and in front of the asteroid group, a blue planet gradually became clear.

A radio wave shot straight into the sky from the ground, and the Victory, which was in full array, received the radio wave, and the relevant equipment instantly converted the radio wave into sound: "Houston called the Victory, and the asteroid group has entered within 100,000 kilometers... Wait, the asteroid group is accelerating, Eighteen kilometers per second, twenty kilometers, twenty-four kilometers per second, the speed is still rising, my God, Victory, please be ready to intercept immediately!"

"Victory received!"

"ISS, Houston calls ISS, please prepare to intercept immediately!"

"ISS received!"

"Tiangong, Houston calls Tiangong, this is Houston, I know that Houston has no power to command you, for God's sake, please prepare for interception... My God, it's forty kilometers, the asteroid group The speed has exceeded 40 kilometers per second, and it continues to rise!"

There was still silence on the radio, and half a minute later, a voice from Tiangong sounded from Houston: "Houston, we are ready to intercept."

"Great, Tiangong, the speed of the asteroid group is still increasing, please help Victory!"

"Do your best."

"Houston, the Victory is ready to fire!"

"Victory, you don't need to ask for instructions to enter the range, and launch the missile immediately!"

"Victory understands that the asteroid is about to enter its range, and the missile bay opens - locks the target - launches!"

The vertical launch module hanging on the outside of the Victory was activated immediately, the hatch cover was opened to both sides, and the launch procedure was started. The twelve missiles in the cabin were neatly arranged like fireworks in a festival, and they jumped out of the launch cabin one by one. Towards the incoming asteroid swarm.

Then came the second missile bay, the third missile bay, and within a few minutes, the Victory had used up the forty-eight missiles it was carrying—four missile bays was the Victory's carrying limit.

The missile rushing towards the asteroid swarm constantly adjusts the direction of flight according to the radar wave reflected by the asteroid. Several satellites also shoot lasers towards the asteroid swarm at the same time to guide the laser-guided missile in flight.

Closer, closer, the missile swarm suddenly drilled into the galloping asteroid swarm, a missile hit the target, and a dazzling, silent light group suddenly exploded in the void, disguised as a droplet of asteroids. The starship was shattered by a large-yield nuclear explosion on the spot.

The explosion of this missile opened the prelude to the interception. The missiles exploded one after another, and more than a dozen blazing white light clusters exploded in the void. Even the light of the sun was eclipsed at this moment.

An alien spaceship could not dodge in time, and slammed into the debris of the friendly ship, shattering half of the hull.

Another missile exploded and successfully hit the alien spaceship, but another spaceship suddenly passed through the fiery light and continued to fly towards the earth stubbornly.

The second wave of interceptor missiles arrived, another dozen consecutive nuclear explosions.

In the blink of an eye, the four rounds of interception were over. Forty-eight missiles shattered seventeen asteroids, and the interception success rate was only 35 percent.

The asteroid that was blown up in the interception did not stop in place, but followed the asteroid group in the form of fragments and continued to fly towards the earth.

Victory didn't have time to dodge, and was broken down by scattered asteroid fragments, and the space shuttle disintegrated on the spot.

The picture was transmitted to the ground, and Houston was silent, only one voice still did not give up: "Victory, this is Houston, please reply..."

The location of the lost contact is 64,000 kilometers from the ground. The ground has no ability to rescue astronauts at this height. Even if the astronauts survive the impact, the radio on the spacesuit does not have the power to communicate directly with the ground.

Houston's call is destined to never be answered.

At this moment, all the people on earth who witnessed this scene were silent, and countless people prayed silently, praying that the debris of the asteroid would burn up in the atmosphere.

There are still many follow-up alien spaceships. Can humans continue to intercept alien fleets?

Strangely enough, the alien ships turned a blind eye to the incoming missiles, refusing to fight back with onboard weapons or maneuver to evade them, just as their warships did not have long-range weapons.

Just kidding, how could aliens with interstellar navigation capabilities not have long-range weapons? What kind of medicine is sold in the alien's gourd?

The alien fleet that broke through the first wave of interception continued to advance. In the outer space of the earth, dozens of armed satellites adjusted their attitudes at the same time, aimed the missiles on the satellites at the asteroid group, and only waited for the alien fleet to approach the earth.

Thirty-five thousand kilometers, the asteroid group broke through the geosynchronous orbit.

More than 40 armed satellites launched missiles at the same time, and the second round of missile interception officially began - apart from missiles, human beings really can't come up with more effective means of interception, and nuclear bombs are also the only weapon humans can currently fight against aliens.

Even if you can't kill the aliens, you can destroy the earth!

A more splendid brilliance exploded in the void. At this time, if anyone raised their head and looked up at the, they would definitely be blinded by the continuous flash of nuclear explosions.

The second round of interceptions was successful and unsuccessful, creating more asteroid debris.

The asteroid swarm moved on, bursting within 30,000 kilometers.

The asteroid swarm just rushed towards the eastern hemisphere. At this time, the nuclear bomb silos in China and Russia were all opened, and the mobile intercontinental missiles parked on roads and railways also erected thick and high launch tubes.

A few seconds later, with an order, more than a hundred silos scattered across half of the Asian continent launched missiles at the same time, and more than a hundred intercontinental missiles drilled out of the silos and went straight into the air from the ground.

The intercontinental missiles on hundreds of cars and hundreds of trains were launched simultaneously, and the low roar of the missile engine shocked the world.

After the acceleration in the ascent phase, the missile group flew faster and faster, and the two sides were expected to meet at an orbital altitude of about 10,000 kilometers.

The missile group flew to an altitude of 7000 meters, and the original complete warhead suddenly split apart, and the internal split-guided warhead separated like a goddess scattered flowers. Under the guidance of radar and laser, the split head blocked the advancing orbit of the asteroid. superior.

A few dozen seconds later, the third round of interception was officially launched, and a burst of light suddenly exploded in the air, and then the nuclear explosion flashed like a flood that burst the embankment. More than 4,000 nuclear warheads were all detonated in just over twenty seconds , a ribbon-shaped sun appeared suddenly outside the atmosphere.

The strong and dense explosion interfered with the operation of radar and space telescopes. Even the International Space Station and Tiangong were interfered with by explosives, and the results of the interception could not be observed. Until the asteroid group hit the interception again, no one knew the first How many asteroids were destroyed by the three rounds of interception, only countless small and large fragments can be seen breaking out of the blockade of the nuclear explosion and continuing to fall to the earth, just like a handful of fine sand scattered by the urchin of the universe.

Deadly fine sand. (To be continued.)

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