Armor Frenzy

Chapter 437: special weapon

When the last sound of explosion slowly dissipated, there were no beetles everywhere, the good forest had become a mess, the dead branches and leaves were burning fiercely, and strands of blue smoke rose from the craters that could be seen everywhere.

"Go back!" Ye Han ordered loudly, "I will kill all the fish that slip through the net, and the armored vehicle will be responsible for putting out the fire."

The armored vehicle immediately turned around and rushed towards the battlefield. It stopped suddenly when it reached the edge of the battlefield. The soldiers lifted the roof and jumped out of the armored vehicle, rushing into the forest that had just been covered by artillery shells.

Armored vehicles rushed to the advance of the soldiers and repeatedly used their wheels to roll over the fire to prevent the flames from spreading and forming forest fires. In this situation, the country simply cannot devote its strength to put out forest fires.

The sound of gunshots sounded gradually, and it was the soldiers who found the giant insect that was not completely dead and were filling the gun on the giant insect.

The shell of this beetle is thick and sturdy. Although it cannot stop large-caliber bullets, it is not a problem to block shrapnel. Therefore, many beetles escaped. The gunshots rang for ten minutes before all the beetles were removed. kill.

It's a pity that the cannon destroyed half of the nearby insect trees, and the remaining half didn't know if the ant colony was enough to develop and grow, which was really unsatisfactory.

It's just that the queen ant has already burrowed into the ground, and Ye Han can't burrow into the ground to catch the queen ant out. The queen ant who occupies this place can only resign.

The air in Ye Han's chest finally settled, and he waved his hand to order the soldiers to get on the bus and continue to run to the next placement point.

Perhaps the high-profile battle attracted all the nearby beetles. Since then, seven or eight queens have been placed in a row, and no trace of the beetles has been found, which made Ye Han very relieved.

There were a total of twelve queens in the truck, and it only took another hour to place the last three queens in place.

At this time, the sun has gone down, and as long as you persist for a while, you can return. However, at this time, a voice suddenly came out of Ye Han's ear: "The headquarters calls for thunder and lightning, the headquarters calls for thunder, please answer when you hear it!"

"The thunder and lightning received, the headquarters please speak!"

"Thunderbolt, urgent task, your department immediately turns to the south and rushes to Huishan County as quickly as possible!"

"Received!" Ye Han skillfully switched the communication frequency, "All attention, the mission is terminated, and immediately rush to Eshan!"

After listening, An Dongli immediately found the location of Huishan County on the map: "Boss, there is a road two kilometers east!"

"Turn to the east, the fastest speed!" Ye Han said after switching the frequency, "Headquarters, what's the situation?"

"I just received the news that Eshan was attacked by a mutant giant insect, which is very difficult to deal with. The headquarters hopes that you will rush over as soon as possible, eliminate the mutant giant insect, and find out the situation of the mutant giant insect."

"Understood, but we're running out of ammunition."

"There is no way to replenish ammunition near Eshan County, you must find a way to overcome the difficulties, but an armored battalion of the Marine Corps is rushing to Eshan, and their amphibious infantry fighting vehicles also use 30mm cannons. You can get them from them. Get supplies there."

"Where is the current location of the naval armored battalion?"

"Just starting from the military port, it takes about an hour to arrive at Hueshan. The headquarters grants you maximum autonomy. After your department arrives at Hueshan, you can decide whether to enter the battle according to the specific situation."

"Understood, we must do our best."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Yes, give me the information about painting mountains, those related to insects."

"There is very little information at present. According to local reports, there were several casualties after dark, with 112 people killed and 31 injured. Witnesses said they saw strange black shadows. Not sure."

"Isn't it? You don't even know what kind of bug attacked Eyama?"

"The power supply facilities in Hueshan City are damaged, and I can't see things clearly at night. It's good to know that it is a bug."

"What about other situations? The more detailed the better."

"Huishan is not large and has a population of more than 300,000, but most of the locals have retreated to the west ahead of time. At present, there are about 30,000 to 40,000 people stranded in the urban area. The officials who stayed in Huishan have been mobilizing the left-behind people to live together. Most of the county has The buildings are vacant, and the personnel are mainly concentrated in the center of the county.”

Speaking of which, the headquarters sent an electronic map of Huishan County to Ye Han. The map uses different colors to distinguish regions, and the areas where people live in a concentrated way are marked with conspicuous red, so that the various facilities in the county can be seen at a glance.

Ye Han found that there was something on the map surrounding the concentrated residential area of ​​Huishan County, and he immediately raised the question.

After a while, news came from the headquarters: "That is the power grid set up by Hueshan County to block giant insects, not only outside the concentrated residential area, but also in other places... I just mentioned the damage to the power supply facilities in Hueshan. Bar?"


"So don't worry about the grid, they're all useless."

"Understood, is there anything else?"

"No, good luck to you."

The communication was stopped, Ye Han let out a long breath, Xiao Yuan leaned over and asked carefully, " what's the situation?"

"Nothing happened. Eyama was attacked by a giant insect. Until now, I don't know what kind of insect it is."

Xiao Yuan whistled indiscreetly: "That's enough!"

"Don't say it, take the time to rest, everyone has something to eat, and wait for a while to arrive at the place, but there is no extra time for you to eat."

After saying that, Ye Han was the first to take off his helmet, and as soon as he opened a crack, an indescribable stench suddenly penetrated into Ye Han's nostrils, choking him to the point of suffocation, and quickly put the helmet back on, just as he was about to ask Saying something, the others also took off their helmets quickly, and they were immediately dizzy.

Everyone instinctively held their breath and buckled their helmets as quickly as possible. A soldier asked in shock, "Why does it smell so bad?"

"Bug, fart bug!" Ye Han said suddenly, "It must be a fart beetle!"

"Mummy, I hate bugs!" Xiao Yuan scolded angrily, "I won't be able to eat dinner this time."

Although he didn't take off his helmet and escaped fortunately, judging from everyone's exaggerated reactions, it was not difficult to infer how terrifying the stench was.

"You still want to eat?" Chi Wei's face was pale, "Take off the helmet and smell it, make sure you won't be hungry for three days, at least three days!"

Xiao Yuan felt that Chi Wei's words were too exaggerated, but he didn't want to smell the smell, so he wisely kept silent.

Chi Wei was not in the mood to fight Xiao Yuan again, the stench made him feel uncomfortable all over his body, and he could not wait to take out his lungs to dry it out.

"It's all right, go back and take a good bath, I hope I can wash it clean." Ye Han's face changed slightly when he said this.

It is easy for a person to take a bath, and it is not difficult to brush the armor once, but the armor is almost soaked in the smoke released by the fart beetle... How can I clean it?

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