Armor Frenzy

Chapter 461: forced landing

The captain was in a bad mood. He was stunned for three seconds before he suddenly woke up. He shouted at the soldiers, "What are you doing? Put your umbrella on your back!"

The soldiers woke up like a dream, and they took off the umbrellas hanging on the bulkhead and carried them on their backs.

Ye Han also carried one on his back. Just as the soldiers were getting ready, the tailgate of the plane slowly opened with a burst of warning sounds. The cold wind immediately poured back into the cabin. , you can clearly see the elongated black smoke on the left side of the plane.

Ye Han immediately cut into the communication frequency of the plane: "Captain, what is our altitude?"

"The pressure altitude is 2,300 meters, the real altitude is 1,600 meters, and it continues to drop!"

Ye Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The higher the flight altitude, the lower the pressure outside the aircraft. The maximum flight altitude of such a large transport aircraft is 12,000 kilometers. If an unprotected person is exposed to an altitude of more than 8,000 meters, It will cause high decompression sickness, muscle and joint pain, and may also appear in symptoms such as cough, chest pain, headache and limb paralysis.

At an altitude of 5,000 to 7,000 meters, headaches, dizziness, blurred gifts and motor coordination disturbances may occur.

Although Ye Han knew that the pilot couldn't make such a low-level mistake, he couldn't help but ask. After all, he was the only one in the cabin wearing power armor who didn't need to worry about low air pressure.

The soldiers endured the discomfort caused by the cold, tied the parachute to the rope net that tied the weapon box at the fastest speed, and hung the parachute hook.

The weapon box with the parachute **** was immediately pushed by the soldiers to the stern of the cabin, and Ye Han also helped. The weapon box with a volume of two meters by two meters was pushed out of the cabin with the efforts of everyone. on to reduce the speed of the fall.

The captain twitched the corners of his mouth bitterly: "I hope it doesn't break."

Ye Han could see that the parachute on the weapon case was not for airdrops, but for people. The weapon case had such a high self-weight that the main umbrella might be torn apart before it landed.

A second lieutenant officer next to him persuaded: "Do your best to obey the destiny."

The captain picked up his lost mood and immediately pushed the rest of the weapon boxes with the soldiers.

When pushing to the third weapon box, a soldier accidentally tripped over the debris under his feet, and a fighter fell out of the tailgate.

Everyone was startled and rushed to the cabin door to look down. The captain immediately held down the individual radio station that he was waiting for: "Rui Qiang, how are you?"

An umbrella flower bloomed under the plane: "Company commander, I'm fine, I'm useless..."

"Okay, hurry up and return to the team after landing!" the captain commanded, and immediately began to act with the soldiers again.

With the help of the "Hercules" Ye Han, more than 20 weapon boxes were thrown away after a while, and the altitude of the plane finally stabilized.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the captain's voice resounded through the cabin again: "My plane is about to arrive at Shayuan, please prepare for landing!" At the same time, the tailgate slowly closed.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and looked for a place to fix their bodies. Ye Han's position was right by the window, and the probe could see the faulty engine.

The blackened No. 2 engine was no longer smoking. Ye Han couldn't help but wonder. The thrust of the plane dropped by a quarter, and the payload was also decreased by a quarter. The maximum payload of the plane was 66 tons. The material weight of the plane should be more than fifteen tons!

That is fifteen tons of arms, pure military goods, not a castrated version for civilian use, sent to a small war-torn country in Africa, and a judgment is enough.

Of course, it was Africa before the plague broke out.

The height of the plane is getting lower and lower, and the buildings on the ground can already be seen with the naked eye. Looking down from the air, the streets and alleys of Shayuan are unobstructed.

Due to the continuous outbreak of insect pests, there are basically no vehicles on the streets of Shayuan, only running pedestrians and soldiers setting up roadblocks.

At a glance, there are at least a dozen fires emitting thick smoke in the urban area, and fires from explosions can be seen from time to time.

In the air, even though Ye Han had excellent eyesight, the person on the ground was just an upright blurred shadow, barely able to see that it was a person, but a few different things suddenly jumped out on a street.

Ye Han was shocked and realized that it was the giant insect that attacked the sand source, but before he could see the appearance of the giant insect, the street had been blocked by the building due to the flight of the plane, and it was too late to adjust the telephoto function of the armor.

At this time, Ye Han heard the captain's voice: "Tower tower, turn around and ask for a landing!" He had already cut the communication frequency of the armor into the communication frequency of the aircraft, not because he wanted to monitor the captain's communication, but wanted to Heard some news related to Shayuan from the newsletter.

However, there was no response from the airport tower. The two pilots looked down carefully and found that there were extremely obvious signs of firefight near the airport!

Has the airport been lost?

At the same time, such a guess appeared in their At this time, an aircraft happened to take off on the runway. The captain judged by the elevation angle of this aircraft that it would fly over his own aircraft. Instead of taking evasive action, he gritted his teeth and steered the plane to the runway.

Regardless of the level of fighting in the airfield, the munitions on the plane can play a very important role.

The two planes flew together and landed together, and the speed was not fast. However, as the distance gradually got closer, the captain suddenly saw several black spots with very unnatural motion trajectories floating on the left and right sides of the plane ahead!

Flying closer, the two pilots were stunned to find that those black spots were actually a few ugly giant flying insects!

Probably because of its high self-weight, the flying insects on the left and right of the plane became more and more powerless. One of the flying insects seemed to want to fall on the wing, but accidentally flew in front of the wing and was instantly sucked in by the engine. A plume of black smoke erupted, followed by a raging fire, and the plane's altitude plummeted.

The captain was taken aback, swooped down to lower the altitude, and avoided the opposite plane dangerously and dangerously. Meter long cracks.

The landing procedure was interrupted unexpectedly, the altitude of the plane dropped too fast, and the captain almost lost his mind. The rudder was twisted, and the balance of the aircraft was finally restored just before the landing. The two rows of wheels under the fuselage landed at the same time. Although the fuselage was tilted to one side, the huge self-weight finally defeated the inertia, and the slightly lifted aircraft. The wheel landed on the runway again.

Ye Han in the cabin only felt that the height of the plane dropped sharply, and a strong sense of weightlessness filled Ye Han's body, almost giving him the illusion that he was about to suspend. u

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